Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/242

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220 BALFOUR. V. 1713. 0. Robert (B-alfouh), Lord Balfour of Bunj.Eion [S.l to only s. and h. He had been tried, 4 Aug. 1 709 (v.p.), for the murder 1715. of Henry Stenhouse, a Schoolmaster of Inverkeithing fwho had a. a girl to whom the "Master of Burleigh" was attached) and was sentenced (29 Nov.) to be beheaded on 6 Jan. 1709-10, but escaped by changing clothes with his sister. He engaged in the rising of 1718 in behalf of the exiled Royal family and 'not having surrendered himself by ,30 June 1716) was, under the designation of "Robert Lord Burleigh," attainted from 13 Nov. 1 71 F>( !1 ), whereby his estate of £697 a year and his Peerage became forfeited. He d. num. and was bur. at Grey Friars, Edinburgh, 20 March 1757. 1757. 0. Margaret Balfour, spinster, 1st sister and h. of line, who, but for the attainder, would sue, jure have been Bartmm Balfour of Burleigh [8.] She <<. unm. at Edinburgh 12 March 1769. 1760. ?. Robert Bruce of Keunet, co. Clackmanuan, nephew and h., being s. and h. of Brig, C!en. Alexander Bruce of the same, by Mary (sister of Margaret abovenamed), 2nd and yst. da. of Robert (Balfour), 4th Lord Balfour ok Burleigh [S.] He was b. "29 Dec. 1718, sue. his father 8 Aug. 1747 and his mother (who before her elder sister abovenamed) 7 Nov. 1 75S. He was one of the Lords of Session [S.], by the denomination of " Lord Kennet," 1761. A Lord of Justiciary, 1767. On the death of his maternal aunt in 1769 (as above) he, but for the attainder, would have been Lord Balfour tff Burleigh [S.] He m. 21 May 1754, Helen, sister of the gallant Sir Ralph Abercromby, K. 15, being da. of George Abkrcro.iibt of Tullibody by Mary, da. of Ralph Dcxpas. He (/. 8 April 1785. His widow d. 1786. 1785. S. Robert Bruce of Kennet tiffed., s. ami h. //. 8 Dec 1795. C'apt. in the Grenadier Guards, served in the Peninsula war and was at the battle of Waterloo. M.R. for do, Clackmannan, 1820-24. But fur the attainder he would have been Lord Balfour of Burleigh [S.], to which Barony he laid claim.() He m. firstly, 12 April 1825, Anne, da. of William Murray of Touchadam and Polmaise. She d. s.p. 19 May 1846. He n>. secondly, at Clack- mannan, 22 April lS18j Jane Dnlrymple Hamilton, da. of Sir James Feroussoh of Kilkerran, 4th Bart. [S.] by his 2nd wife Henrietta, da. of Adam (Duscas), 1st Viscount Duncan ok Ca.mierdown. He d. 13 Aug. 1SC4. VI. 1SG9. Alexander Hugh Bruce, s. and h. by second wife. He, but for the attainder, would have bean entitled to the Peerage in 1S64. His elaitr. to the Barony having been allmeed by the House of Lords, 23 Juy 18G8, he, when the attainder was reversed, by Act of Pari., 19 March 1S69, became LOUD BALFOUR OF BUULEiGH [S.] He was h. 13 Jan. 1S49. Ed. at Eton ; Matria at Oxford (Oriel Coll.) 19 Oct. 1867 ; B.A. and 2nd class, 1871. Capt. Highland Bordererl Militia, 1872-80. Hlil>. Peer [S.], 1876. Education Commissioner [S.], 1SS2. He m. 21 Nov. 1876, Katheriue Eliza, yst. da. of George John (Gordon), 5th Earl ok Aberdeen rJU, by Mar}-, 2nd da. of George Baillie of Jerviswood. She was h. 16 Oct. 1S52. [Robert Bruce, styled Master of Burleigii, s. and h. nj>. h. 23 Sep. 1880 at Edinburgh. J Family Estates. — These, iu 1883, consisted of about 2,700 acres in the counties of Clackmannan, Perth and Stirling, worth about £3,400 a year. See Baternan's " Great Landowners." Principal Besidcnce, Kennet House, near Alloa, co. Clackmannan. He was one of eight Scotch Peers, who, with two heim apparent to Peerages and many Commoners [S.J were so attainted. See note under " Mariscbal," Earl of [S.] (>>) The rival claim of Walter Francis Balfour of Femie, h. malt of the body of John, Lord Balfour, the 3rd holder of that title (through his 2nd s. Col. John B. who had been found guilty of high treason at Carlisle iu 1710) was referred, May 1881, to the committee of the House of Lords.