Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/243

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BALFOUR — B ALLTNG ARB. 221 BALFOUR [of Glonawlcy]. Barons [I.] 1. Sir James Balfour of Glenawley, co. Fermanagh, yr. t iriO m '. °l Michael,' 1st Lord Balfour of Burleigh [S.], 2ml s. of Sir James

  • ■ B. of Pitteudreicb, co. Fife, by Margaret, da. and h. of Michael

Balfour of Burleigh, co. Kinross, received by charter from his parents 23 March 1587 lands at Coscertovm, co. Edinburgh, and (having risen high in favour with James I, and obtained several grants of lands in Ireland), was on 8 Nov. 1619 it. LORD BALFOUR, BAltON OF GLENAWLEY, co. Fermanagh [I.] He m. firstly Qrisold, da. and h. of Patrick Balfour of I'etcolla, co. Fife, by whom he had three sons and three daughters.(") He m. secondly Elizabeth, widow of Sir John LESLIE o£ Balquhain, da. of George (Hat), 6th Earl ok Ehroll [S.], and only child by his 2nd wife Helen, da. of Walter Bruce of Pitcidlen, co. Perth. He m. thirdly Anne, da. of Edward (Blaynby), 1st Loud Blaynf.y [I.], by Anne, da. of Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Dublin and Chancellor [I.] He </. in London, 18 Oct. 1634, and was bur. 24th at St. Anne's Blackfriars. Fun. cert, in Ulster's office, 29 July 1635. Will dat. 16 Oct. 1634, nr. 6 March 1634-5 at Dublin. Adffion. 15 May 1635 pending a suit between the sons of deceased. 2. James (Balfour), Lord Balfour, Baron of Glex- awlet [I.], s. and h. by 1st wife. He w. before 1634 Ann, widow of William Warukn, da. of Sir Francis Gouldsmith of Crayford, Kent, by Catherine, da. of Edward Oundley of Catesby, co. Northampton. He d, s.p. 26 Feb. 1635-6, when the title became txtinrt. Will dat. IS Feb. 1635-6, leaving his wife executrix. BALGONY. i.e. " Bai.hony," Lord [S.] See " Leyex," Earl of [S.] ; cv. 1641. BALGOWA1T. Sec " Lyn-ebocii of Balgowax," Baron ; rr. 1818 ; ex. 1843. 1ULINIIARD. i.e. " Balixhard," Baron, en 7 Dec. 1869. See "Southesk," Earl of [S.], under the 6th Earl. BALINROBF, See "Tyrawley of Balixrobe," Baron [I.] ; a: 1797 ; ex. 1821. BALIOL, see BALLIOL. BALLLNASLOE. See "Dunlo of Dunlo and Ballinasloe," Viscount [I.] ; er. 1800. BALLINBR1ECII. i.e. " Ballinrriech," Marquess of [S.] See " Rothes," Puke of [S.] ; « 16S0, •£•.!•. 1881. BALLINGARD. i.e. " Moxsox of Ballixc.ard," Baron [I.] See " Moxsox," Viscount 1628 ; attainted 1661. (")0f these Anne, the 2ml da., m. firstly Sir Jolm Weuryss— secondly Archibald Hamilton who s.p., being br. of Hugh Hamilton, cr. Baron Hamilton of GUnaidey [1.1, 2 March 1660. 3 II. 1634, to 1636.