Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/267

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BARNARD — BARNEWALL. 245 IE 1753. Viscounts. I. 1784 II. 175S. IV. ■ /. Hexhy (Vane), Baroj! Barnard, s. anil Ii, On 3 April 1754 he fan etf. VISCOUNT BARNARD of Barnard's Castle, and Eaiii. uv Daiillnotox, co. Durham. He rf. (i March 1758. o.i r NT Sep. 1 EFbkbx (Task), Eall op Darlington, Yjs- BaknaUD and Bauu.n BaH.xakd, r, and h. He <7. 8 '92. z > t 1 ft 8 ' "£ £ 3 Viscounts. III. 1792. Bavons. I Viscounts. IV. 1842. Barons. "VI. Viscounts. V. 1864, Barons. VII. Viscounts. VI. 1864 Barons. via .;. William IIknry (Vaxk , Eahi. of LUulixgtox, iVc. Vi.-oh NT Baiix.MU) AXU B.utox Bahnakd, a. and h, On 5 , Out 1827 he Was eft;iKss OK 0l*VSW5ep ; and. on 2S> Jan. i2 1833, BahoS Uahv and Duke ok Cleveland. He<L 29 Jan. 1842. v.- (J. Henry . Vankl Hike Dl Cleveland, &&, Vis- hunt B.UIXAUD AND I'.AHOX Bauxaud, s. and h. He (I. S.p. IS Jan. 1864. 7. William Jous Frederick (Vane, fovinovly 1'OWtKTT), tH'KJ! (IK CLEVELAND, &«., VlSl'OL.NT BARNARD ANU B.Maix Barnard, b*. and U, lie d. .s.ji. li Sep. 1804. £>'. IIakuv George (Vaxe, afterwauls Powlett), Duke ok Cleveland, Marquess ok Cleveland, Earl of Dau- uxgton, Viscount Barnard, Bahon Barnard and Barox Hauy, br. and h. b. 19 April 1S03. BARNARD'S CASTLE. See " BARNARD OF BARNARD'S CASTLE in the Bishoprick of Durham," Baron ; it. 1098. ie. " BARNARD OF BARNARD'S CASTLE," Viscount, sec "Dar- lington," Earl of ; a: 1754. BARNEWALL OF KINGSLAND. Viscounts [l„] /, Nicholas BaenewSLl of lurvey, Gracedieu ami I. 1 G4G. Sial^aton, eo. Dublin. s. and h. of Sir Patrick B. of the same, by Mary, da. of Sir Nicholas Baoxali., Knight Mareschal [I.], was 30 years old at the time of his father's death, was sometime M.P. for 00. Dublin, anil, for his own loyalty and that of his then eldest surv. s. CM. Patrick B., Col. of a troop of Horse in the English service (who is specially Baaed in the patent but who tl. v.p. and s.p.), was n: 29 June 1646 (the privy Mai dat. 12 Sep. 1645 at Ragland), BAHON OF TURVEY and VISCOUNT BARNEWALL OF IvINUSLAND in CO. Dublin(») [I.] He m. about 1618, Bridget, ( a ) Copy of the preamble of the patent is in " Lodge," vol. v, p. 49.