Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/268

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B A HNE WA LL . Dow. CoUKTBSS ok Tyrconnki. [I.], 1st da. and coheir of Henry (Fitz CIeuald) Karl of Kii.dahe [I.], by Frances, 2nd da. cf Charles (HOWARD), Eaui. of NotPIBO- HAM. He d. at Tiirvey, 20 Aug. 166:), and was bur. 3 Sep. in the church of Luske. Will, without date, nr. 11 Sep. 1663 in Dublin. II. 1663. 2. Henry (Barnewall), Viscount Bahnkwali, of Kingsland, &c. [I.J, 3rd but 1st surv. r. and h. On 17 May 1671 he had a release of the quit rents which had been imposed by the acts of settlement, and in 26S5 had a grant of lands under the act of grace. He in. firstly, in 1661, Mary, 1st da. of John (Xi.ttkhvilleV 2nd Viscount Nettkrvii.lf [I.], by Elizabeth, 1st da. of Kiehanl (Weston), Earl of Portland, Lord High Treasurer [E.]j She d. ■.p.m., 28 Oct. 1663, ami was bur. at Luske afsd. lie m. aecondly 11 Pec. marr. settl. 29 Nov.) 1664, Mary, 1st da. of Richard (Nugent), 1st Earl of Wi.stmeatu fl.], by Jane, da. of Christopher (Plunkett), Lord Killken [1.1 She was 21 Feb, 1618, </. 25 June" 16S0 and was //nr. at Luske. He (/■ 1 Juno ItiSS, " worn out with age," and mi bur. there on the 3rd. Will without date nr. at Dublin, by order of the court, 14 Oct, 1693. III. 1686. -3. Xicitolas (Barnewall), Viscount Barnewall of KlygsLand, Ac. [/.], s. and h. by 2nd wife. He was b. la April 1A5S He jn. 15 May 168S, Mary, 3rd and yst da. and coheir of Sir George Hamilton (Com to Hamilton and Marechal du Camp in France) by Frances, da aud coheir .if Richard Jennings of Saudridge, Herts., " La belle Jennings," subsequently Duchess of Tyrconnell [I.] With her he received a portion of £3000, and soon afterwards int. to estates worth £3,500 a year. He served in Lord Limerick's Dragoons, on behalf of Jatues H, and was consequently outUtieal, but being comprehended in the treaty of Limerick this was reversed. () He delivered his writ of summons, 28 Oct 1692, to the House, but refusing to subscribe according to the act made in England, had to withdraw. He d. 14 and was bur. 16 June 1725 at Luske. His widow il. at Turvey 15 Feb. 1735, and was bur. with him. Her will, &c, dat. 17 Jan. and 11 Feb. 1731-2, pr. 10 April 1740 at Dublin. IV. 1725. 4- Henry Benedict (Barnewall), Viscount Baiine- wall of Kingsland, fee. [I.], s. and b. 4. 1 Feb. 1703. On 31 March 1740 he delivered his writ of summons and took the oath of fidelity but, being ;i Roman Catholic, was disqualified from taking his seat. He m. 22 May 1735 at Arbour Hill, llonora, 1st da. aud coheir of Pete* Daly of Quansbury, co. Galway, by Elizabeth, da. of Richard Blake of Ardfry in that co. He d. s.p., at Quansbury, 11 March 1774. Bin widow d. 1784. V. 1774. 5. George (Barnewall), Viscount Barnewall ok Kingsland, &c. [I.], nephew and b., being only child and b, of the Hon. George B., by Barbara, 2nd da. of Thomas (Bf.lasysk), 1st Earl F.u'condeiw, winch George was next br. to the 4th Lord and d. June 1771 aged 60. He was 6. 12 Aug. 175S in London, and being of the established religion took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 18 Jan. 1787. He d. num., 5 April 1S00, at Pontoise in France ami was bur. there, when the title remained dormant for 14 years.( c ) Will dat. 23 March 1S00, pr. 2 Feb. 1801. 0>) See Lords' Journals [I.], vol. i, p. 675. ( c ) The vast estates passed to his cousin and h. at law Nicholas (liarnewa 11). 14th boid Trimlestown [I.], s. and h. of his aunt Frances (d. 1 9 March 1 735, aged 35), by the Hon. Richard Barnewall, 3rd s. of John, 11th Lord Trimlestown |L] On the death ol their grandson Thomas, 16th Lord Trimlestown, on 4 Aug. 1879, that peerage also became dormant.