Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/286

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264 BATH. Governor of Beaumaris Castle. Lord Lieut, of Dorset, Devon and Cornwall 15513 He mi. firstly Isabella, or Elizabeth, da. of Sir Walter Hunoebfobb [2nA s of Robert, 3rd Lokd H i Noeiu oiid) by Jane, widow of Thomas lioLSTRUD. She (/. g n tu He hi. secondly Eleanor, sister to Thomas, Hari. ok Rutland, da. of Qeonte (Manners). Lord Roos, by Anne (niece of Edward IV . da. and h. of .Sir Thomas St' Legeh. He tn, thirdly, articles dat. A Nov. and mar. lie. at Fae. off. dat 11 ]> n ; 1548 Margaret relict of sir Thomas Krreos of Hengrave,i b ) Suffolk, widow of .sir Richard Long of Sheugay. co. Cambridge, da. of John DoXlxuTox of Stoke Newington, Mills by Elizabeth, da. and h. of [—) I'VE. To her he writes. 7 uet, la:".:;, •• f,.,, lu )n} ; j lulMl ! in Milk street," London. He d. 10 Feb. 1560-1, aged 81, and was bur. 10 Al'aivh at H engrave [ h ) afsd. Vim. certif. Will dat. 14 Jan. 1560. pr. AyrB 1661, His widow d. in London 20 Dee. 1561, aged 52, and was ear. 11 Jan. at lleugrave. ( b ) Will Jut 20 Dec. 156J, pr. 2 >>' ov - [John BouitCHiEB, Lokd Fitz Warine, s. and h. a]i. liy second wife, k 1529. He was one of the hostages demanded by France at the conclusion of the peace in 1550. K.B.: He m. Frances, d;i. of his step-luothei Margaret by the said Sir Thomas Kitscin of lleugrave.', 1 '! Mar. lie. at Fa© "IV. 11 Dee. l.ilS the same day as his father's third marriage;. He (/. v.p. 28 Feb. I55U, aged 2", and was bur, at Hengrave. (). I'is widow m.. about Sep. 156!?, William BarnaHv of Great Slixham, Suffolk, who was land agent to the Fail of Bath, which marriage consequently gave great offence. He was living 1571. She survived him, and was bur. 4 April 1586 at Tawstock, North Devon. Will dat. 1 March 1585-6, pr. rt April following.] IV. 1561. Wiuiam (Uodbchieb), Kaui. m Uath, &c, gnvnilson and h., being s. and h. of John Bourchier, styled Lord Fitz Warine and Frances his wife aboveiiamed, " a man singularly adorno I with the best sciences. "( c ) He was 6. before 1557; wai in the campaign in the Ketherlauds, 1585 j was Vice Admiral of Devon, 1S86 : Lord Lieut,, 1587. He m. 7 Aug. 1582, at St. .Stephen's, Exeter, Elizabeth, 2nd da. of Francis (Ri;ssei.l), 2n<l Kami, ok Bedford, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Henry Long of Shcngay, co. Cambridge. She i/. 2-1 and was W. 25 March 1G05 at Tawstock afsd. He is said to have »>. secondly Mary, da. of Sir Thomas Cornwallis of Brome, Suffolk, by Anue, da. of Sir John Jerxkoan. If so, she appears to have d. before Oct. 1622. He (/. 12 Julv 1623 and was bur. at Tawstock. Will dat 31 Oct, 1622, pr. 25 Sep. 1623. [John Bouiicuier, styled Lord Fit/ Wabise, s. aud h. ap. bap. 21 Nov. 15S5, d. v.p. and was bur. 12 March 1587 at Tawstock.] [Kobekt Bourciiier, gtyled Lord Fitz Warine, 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. ap. bap. 3 March 1537, d. v.p. and was bur. 27 May 1588 at Tawstock.] Y. 1623. .'/. Edward (Boorchtkr), Earl of Bath, Lord Fitz W arise and Loud Daubenev, 3rd but 1st surv. s. and h. by Elizabeth (Russell), blip. 1 March 1590 at Tawstock. K.B. (as "Lord Fitz Warine") at the creation of the Prince of Wales, 2 June 1610. He m. firstly 14 July 1623 Dorothy, sister of Oliver, Earl of Bolingbrukk, da. of Oliver (St. John), 3rd Lord St. .Iohn, by Dorothy, da. and h. of Sir John Redk. She d, 20 and was bur. 21 Aug. 1033 at Tawstock. He Rt, secondly, in 1633, Anne, da. of Sir Robert Lovet of Lipscombe, Bucks., by his second wife Anne, da. of Richard Saunders of Dintou. He d. s p.m. 2 March 1636-7, and was bur. at Tawstock, when the Bunmia of Fitz Warine ami of Daubeney fell into abeyance between his three daughters and coheirs.^) Funeral certif. at Public Record office. Will dat. 1 March and pr. 1 July 1637. His widow m. Baptist Nokl, who survived her. Her admon. 25 Jan. 1638-!). ( b ) See Gage's " History of Hengrave. W Vincent's " Errours' ' of Brooke, p. 41. ( d ) Of these the eldest d. s.p., but the 2nd da. Dorothy m. Thomas, Lord Grey de Groby aud had issue, while the 3rd and yst da. Anne, Dow. Countess of Middlesex, afterwards wife of Sir Christopher Wrey, is ancestress of the Wreys (Baronets) ot TawBtock, the old inheritance of the Bourchier family, which had descended to theui through the families of Hankford, Fitz Warine, Audley, Martin and Tracy.