Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/287

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BATH. 265 [John' Bourchier, styled Lord Fitz Warine, s. and h. ap. 6. 21 Jan. »nd bap. 20 Feb. 1(330 at Tawstock, d. an infant v.p., bur. there a Oct. 1631.] VI. 1637, 5. Henry (Bourchier), Earl of Bath, cousin and h. to male, being s. and h. of Sir George B. by Martha, da. of William 1654. (How.-.bdV LORD Howard nr Effingham, which George was 3rd b. of John, the 2nd Earl by his 2nd wife Eleanor abuvenamed. He was 6. about 1593 ; was Knighted 9 Nov. MM ; P.O., 1641 ; Privy Seal, 22 Jan. 16-14, in which year he was one of the Commissioners for the defence of Oxford fur the King. He m. IB Dec. 1038 at St. Barth. th i Ore-it, London (mar. lie. at Bp. of London's off., he aged 4 and she 25) Itaehael, da. of Francis (Fane), 1st Earl of Westmoreland, by Mary, da. and h. of Sir Anthony (Mildmay-. He </. s.p. 16 Aug. 1654, when the EorUlorA became extinct, as did also, apparently, the illustrious house of Bourchier. He was bur. the 1 7th at Tawstock afsd. M.I. His widow, who was A. at Mereworth, Kent, sr. (publication at St. Giles in the fields, Midx, and St. Bride's, Loudon, 20 April and 1 May 1655) Lionel (Gbanfield), 3rd Earl of Middlesex, who tf., s.p., 26 Oct. 1674. She obtained a royal warrant, 19 March 1660, to retain her precedency as " Countess of Bath," her then husband being an Earl of a more recent creation. She d. 1 1 Nov. 1 680 at St. Giles in the fields, aged 67, and was bur. at Tawstock afsd. M.I. Will dat. 8 Dec. 1679, pr. 17 Nov. 1680. VII. 1661. 1. John Granville of Stow, co. Cornwall, 2nd, but 1st surv. s. ami h. of the celebrated Sir Bevil G. of the same (the bravest of the many brave cavaliers who fought for their King) by Grace, da. of Sir George Smythe of Matford in Heavilree, Devon, was 4. 29 Aug. and bap. 16 Sep. 1628 at Kilkhampton, co. Cornwall, (") sue. his father (who was slain at the victory at Lansdown) 5 July 1643, and having fought, when a youth, for Charles I in his father's Reg., was made Gent, of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales in 1645 and was Knighted S Dec. 164S. He accompanied Charles II in his exile, and was chosen by that King to mediate between him and the Pari, as to the Restoration, and accordingly, soon after the King's accession, was made Warden of the Stannaries and Lord Lieut, of Cornwall ; Keeper of the Wardrobe ; Groom of the Stole, Sc. ; and was on 20 April 1661 ef. BARON GRANVILLE OF KILK- HAMPTON AND BIDEFORD, YISCOUXT GRANVILLE OF LANSDOWN AND EARL OF BATH, and by royal lie. of the 26th of the same month was permitted to use the titles of Count of Corhcil, Lord of Thoriyny and ti'ra»eille.( b ) The same year he bad a royal warrant of a contingent reversion to the Dukedom of Albemarle (being, through his mother, first cousin of George .Monk so » in 1660) and of the Earldom of Glamorgan (see note "b" as to Glamorgan) to himself and the heirs male of his father's bodv.C) B.C. 1663 and 1689 ; or. M.A. of Oxford, 1663, Lord Lieut, of Devon, 16S9.() He in. about Oct. 1672, Jane, da. of Sir Peter Wyliie ( a ) He is sometimes said to have been eil at Gloue. Hall, Oxford, but no such matriculation appears in the registers of that L T niv„ though on 13 April 163S there is that of his elder br. Richard, at Gfuuc. Hull, then aged 16. (*) In the preamble of this warrant were these words, " Whereas it appeal's to us that our right trusty, &e. John, Farl of Bath, Sto, is derived in a direct line as heir male, to Robert Fitz Hamon, Lord of Gloucester and Glamorgan, k&, wdio was the s. audit of Hamon Dentatus, Earl of Curtail and Lord of Tlwri'jnu and Granrdle in Normandy, which titles they held before Normandy was lost to the Crown of England; whereby he justly claims his descent from the yst. s. of the Duke of Normandy as we ourselves do from the eldest, &c." ( [ ) Neither of these took effect, the contingency (i>.*the failure of issue male of the then Marquess of Worcester) as to the Earldom of Glamorgan (see that title) never arising ; and that as to the Dukedom of Albemarle not occurring till 16SS, after the King's death, whose warrant, though it "obliged himself," only "recommended it to his successors, that, in case of failure of male issue to Gen. Monk, the title of Duke of Albemarle should descend [sir] to the said Earl of Bath and be continued in his family." See Peter Heylin's "Help to English History "-Edit. 1773, p. 162. See also the -Vote" on p. 59 (supra). ( d ) He was among " The nobility in arms with the Prince of Orange, 16SS." See p. 28, note "b."