Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/290

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268 BATH. da. of Sir Robert, Bart., was 4. 13 Sep. 1734, sue. liis father, as Viscount Weymouth, 12 Jan. 1 750-1 ; ed. at St. John's Coll., Cambridge; M.A., 17, r >3 : LL.D. 1769; was cne of the Lords of the Bedchamber, 1 7*>0 to 1 763 ; Master of the Horse to the Queen, 1703: Lord Lieut, of Ireland, April to July ]ii05; p.c. 1 705 ; Secretary of State, 1708 to 1770, and again 1775 to 1770 ; el. and axf. K.G. 3 June 1778, but never installed. P.C. Groom of the Stole, 1775 and again 17b'l till his death. F.S.A. (London), 17S4. On 18 Aug. 17S9. he was er. MAliOUESS OF BATH. He m. 22 May 1789, Elizabeth Cavendish, 1st <la. of William (Bkntim k'i, 2nd Dfke of Portland, by Margaret Cavendish, da. and h. of Edward (Hari.eyi 2nd Earl of Oxford and Mortimer. He d. 19 Nov. 1790, aged 02. Will pr, Dec! 1796. His widow who was b. '27 June 1735, and who was a Lady of the Bedchamber to Charlotte, Queen of Geo. Ill, since 1701, and Mistress »f the Robes in 1793, </. 12 Dec. lS2. r >, aged 91. Her will pr. Dec. 1825. II. 1796. 2. Thomas (Thyxxe), Marquess of Bath, &c., s. and h. b. 25 Jan. 1765. Ed. at St. John'* Coll., Cambridge ; M.A., 1787 ; M.P. fur Weobly, 1780-90 ; for Bath, 1790-90 ; Lord Lieut, for eo. Somerset ; el. and iuv. K.G. 10, inst. 29 July 1823. He m. 24 April 1794, Isabella Elizabeth, 3rd da. and coheir of George (Byxg), Yiscofnt Torrinoton, by Lucy, da. of John (Boyle). Earl of Cork and Orrery [L] She was /*. 21 Sep. 1773, and </. 1 May 1880. Hcrf. 27 March 1S37. Will pr. July 1837. [Thomas Thyxxe, thjled Viscount Weymouth, s. nnd b. n|x b. 9 Aj>ril 1796. Ed. at St. Jonn's Coll., Cambridge ; M.A., 1816 ; M.P. for Weobly 1S1S-20. Hem. 11 .May 1820. Harriet Matilda, da. of Thomas Bobbins, lie i/.. s.p. and v.p., 16 Jan. 1S37. Will pr. April 1S37. His widow m. Count Inoiiieamj. She it. at Florence, IS June 1873.] III. 1 s.°,7. Henry Frederick (Thyxxe), Marquess of Hath, ic. 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. b. 24 May 1797. I'apt. R.X., 1S22; M.P. for Weobly, 1824-26, 1828-30 and 1831-32. He m. 10 April 1830, Harriet, 2nd da. of Alexander (Baring), 1st Lord Asiiiirin'ox. by Anne. da. of William BiXGHAM of Philadelphia. He tl. (a few months after inheriting the Peerage) 21 June 1837. Will pr. July 1837. His widow, who was 3 Mav 1804, in Broton street, Midx., was living 1884. IV. ls.17. J/. John Alexander (Thyxxe), Marquess of Bath (1789), Viscoi'NT Weymouth and Baron Thynne of Wakminsteii (1082), almi a Baronet (1641), s. and h. b. 1 March 1831 and bap. at St. James Westffl. Ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford. Envoy Extraordinary)' 1 ) to Portugal for the investiture (at Belem, near Lisbon, 27 May 1858) of King Pedro V with the order df the Gai ter, and subsequently to Austria, for the investiture (at Vienna, 25 July 1S67! of the Emperor, Francis Joseph. On the former of these occasions he received the older of the Grand Cross of the Tower and Sword, of Portugal. Lieut. Col. Will n Y Hurry 1876-81 : Hon. Col. 1881. He m. 20 Aupr. 1801, Frances Isabella Catherine, 1st da. of Thomas (Vesey k 3rd VlscWNT DE Vfpci |L], by Emma, yst. da. of George Augustus (Herbert), IW^Earl of Pembroke. She was b. 20 .May 1840. [Thomas Hexry Thynne, styled Viscount Weymouth, s, ami k ap, 15 July 1802. Lieut. Wilts Yeomanry 1882.] Fuitlih) EtlaUt. — These, in 1883, consisted of 22,672 acres in co. Monaghan (annual value £1!'.501) ; 19,984 acres in Wilts (£29,325) ; 8,212 acres in Somerset (£13,402) ; 3.508 acres in Salop (£1,181) ; 699 acres in co. Hereford (£1,052), and 409 in Sussex (£495). Total 55,574 acres— valued at £68,015 a year. See Pateman's ' Great Landowners." Chief teat, Loiigleat, near Wni minster, Wilts. (") See list of these Garter Missions under ' : Cathcart," Earl, er. 1814.