Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/291

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EATH — BATHUEST. 269 1. Henrietta Laura Pulteney (formerly Johnstone), t 170° spinster, only da. and h. of William Pulteney [formerly Johnstone), l - 11 afterwards [1794] Sir William Pulteney, Bart. [S.], by Frances, da. Earldom. and eventually sole h. of Daniel Pultexey (who was a. and h. of vt i OOQ ^ onn nex * ljp - to William P., the father of William Pnlteney, XL C) . t j n 17J2 ; Karl of Bath as afsd.), was b. 26 Dec. 1766 and hup. t° 29 Jan. 1 767 at St. James Westm., and, having sue. her mother, on 1S08. 1 June 17S2, in the Pidtenev estates, was cr. 26 July 1792, BARONESS OF BATH,(") co. Somerset, with rem. of that Barony to the heirs male of her body,( h ) and, nil 20 Oct. 1S03, was cr. COUNTESS OK BATH, co. Somerset, with a similar rem. of that Earldom. She in. (spec. lie. at Fac. off.) at Bath House, Piccadilly, Midx., 23 July 1794, Gen. the fit. Hon. Sir James UPBEAT, afterwards Ml'MtAY-Pn.TENEY, Bart. FS.j, Opt of the 18th Foot, sometime Secretary of War, who on his marriage (when he was aged 30 and upwards and a Bachelor) assumed the additional surname of Pulteney. The Countess d., s.p., at Brighten 14 July 1808, and was bur., from her house in Piccadilly (the 28th), in the South Cloister of Westm. Abbey, aged 41, when her Peerage titles became extinct. Will pr. Aug. 1S0S.( C ) Her husbaud enjoyed for life the vast Pulteney estates (about £50,000 a year), and d. from an accident, 26 April 1811, at Buckenhani", Norfolk. Will pr. 1S11. BATHFRST OF BATTLESDEN, AXD BATHURST OF BATIIUEST. 1. Allen Batlturst, s. and h. of Sir Benjamin B., of I 171° Paulersbury, eo. Northampton, sometime Governor of the East India Company and Cofferer to the Princess Anne of Denmark, by Frances, Earldom. da. of Sir Allen Apsley (and Frances, da. and h. of John Petue of T Bowhav, Devon), was 6. in St. James sq., Westm., 16 Nov. 16S4 ;

  • 1 " -• nvatric. at Oxford (Trio. Coll.) 13 May 1700, sue. his father 27 April

1704, was M.P. for Cirencester, 1705 to 1711, when, with twelve others, he was raised to the Peerage, being «'., 1 Jan. 1711-2,( J ) (*) Her descent shewing her consulship to the Earl of Bath is set forth in the patent. ( b ) Upon this creation a motion was made in the House of Lords of a reference to the Committee for Privileges, to report as to " whether, when any title of Honour had been conferred on any person by letters patent under the great seal to be holden in or with any given rank of Peerage, the srrmc specifick individual title can be conferred on another person to be holden in or with the same or any other rank of Peerage during the subsistence of the limitations of such first grant." This motion was negatived as well as another for an address to the Crown representing that the title of " Bath " being vested elsewhere " the said last grant [1792] is and can be of no effect." Protests against these two resolutions were signed by the Lords Radnor and Leicester. — " Lords' Journals," vol. 39, pp. 561-564. ( c ) After her husband's death "her personal property, near £600,000, is bequeathed to her cousin, wife of the Rev. Mr. Markham, da. of Sir Richard Sutton, divorced some years ago from her husband, and who has lived during several years principally under Lady Bath's protection. Sir John Johnston, the Earl of Darlington, and Sir Richard Sutton all inherit very considerable estates." See "Annual Register," 1S0S, P- 158. It may be observed that the Johnston family were relatives through her father, and the Suttons through her maternal grandmother, Margaret -Deling (da. and coheir of Benjamin Tichborne), whose sister Judith, Dow. Countess of Sunderland, »!. Sir Robert Sutton, K.B., and was mother of Richard Sutton, cr. a Baronet in 1773. The only relative benefited, who was related to the great statesman (from whom testatrix had derived the estates), was the Earl of Darlington (afterwards Duke of Cleveland), whose grandmother, Grace, was da. of Charles (Fitzroy), Duke of Cleveland, by Anne, da. of Sir William Pulteney, aunt to William, Earl of Bath and to (his cousin) Daniel Pulteney, maternal grandfather of the testatrix. H " Uom quarto post meridiem." Of the twelve Peers cr. in five days (to secure a majority in the House of Lords for the Tory administration) the writs to Lord V