Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/328

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30G BELGRAVE — BELIIAVEN. BELGRAVE. u& " Bklgkave," Viscounty. Sue " Grosvenor," Earldom, a: 1784. I.KLITAYT.X. Viscounlcy [S.] /. SlB RotJBKT DOUGLAS of Spoil, CO. I fn< Million, . _ „_ s. of Mata»lm 1 tauglns >>f Mshtms, co. I hinbnrton, was S?Brc of Honour J - aiid Master of the Hmw to Jlenrv, Prince of tt*ale#| Gent. of the t" Bedchamber to James 1 anil Charles 1. to which last be tm 1039. Master at the Household ami P.O., was knighted at Whitehall 7 Feb. 18i)fi/S>, arid rks cm 24 .June ]<>:j3 cr, VISCOUNT OF LF.IJIAYF.N co. Haddingtmi [K.]. II, • »>. May Kill, Nicola. 1st .la. of Robert SlwlUt of Abercairnoy. She if «.p s. Nov. 1 <> 1 2 . and » as lair, in the Savoy Chanel, Midx. M.I.("). He i/. at Edinburgh, 14. Ian. 18iW, in his With yc;ir, anil was bur. in the Abbey of Holyrooil-hoii.- c, when the title became extinct. M.l. therc.(->) BELIIAVEN AND STENT* 'X. Barony [S.] /. Sm Jons Hamilton of BroomhiU and afterwards of Bei], s. ami h. of Sir James H.p') of BroomhiU, by Margaret, 1st da. 1G47. I. of William Hamilton of Udstou, was, for bis loyally to the King cr. LOUD KKLI1AVKN AND STKNToN, co. Haddington [S.], with, a spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body, to his heirs male whatsoever. He accom- pan icil the force into England to attempt the rescue of the King in 1648, escaping from the rout at Preston. Having no male issue he nirrcmlercd his Peerage and received a new grant thereof, 10 Feb. 167:", to himself for life, with rem. to John Hamilton (husband of ore of his grandaughtcrs) ami the heirs male of his body, whom failing to the nearest heirs male w hatsoever of the -aid (fiesj mentioned; John. He in. Margaret, illegit. da. of James ..Hamilton), 2nd MaHQUESS ok Hamilton fS.]. She was living Nov. 16o0. He d. s.p.m. 17 June 1079, and was bur. 20th in Holyrood Abbey church. Funeral entry in Lyon olliee.CO II 1679. 2. John (Hamilton) Loud Beliiaven and Stentox [S.] husband of the graudaughtor {ex parte matcrnu) of the Grantee, and (") Copies of these inscriptions are in " Douglas," Vol. i, p. 200, and in " C'i-.uv- find," p. 35. In " Douglas" also, is an account of the brave conduct oi the Viscount in opposing the Earl of Nitlisduie's commission. There is a lie. from the Bp. uf Loudon 2 Feb. 1635/6 for his da. Susan Douglas, aged 18, Spr., to marry at St. Andrew's, Holbom, " Robert Douglas, Esq.," aged 34, Widower. ( b ) This Sir James was great grandson of John H. of BroomhiU, who was one of the numerous bastards of James 1st Lord Hamilton [S] and, consequently, an illegit. br. of James 1st Earl of Arrau (S.j). The said John II. was, however, legitimated under the. great seal [S.] 20 Jan. 1512/8. ( c ) There can be little doubt that this refers to the death of the first Lord Belhaveu and S teuton, in spite of an almost inexplicable admon. dat. 11 Nov. 1656 of the goods of " Jolai Hamilton, lord Belkavcn," of St. Martins in the Fields, Midx. granted to the curator of Elizabeth Hamilton, da. of deed, during her minority ; Lathi Margate the relict renouncing. Notwithstanding the cognizance thereof of the said Margaret (his wife) "the admon. appears to have been granted on an erroneous impression that he was dead. The patent of 1675, (the regrant of the Peerage) is printed in filll in the claim of the present [1885] Lord, and the terms of it shew clearly that the first Lord was then edire. He is therein spoken of as formerly Sir John Hamilton of Beill I as being without living heirs male of his body ; the contract of his grandaughtcr and her husband John Hamilton is alluded to ; and, finally, the titles are regranted to this first John, for life, tlien to John Hamilton, (afterwards 2ml Lord) husband of the grandaughtcr, ice." lixjnfoj m K. It. Stodart, Lyon-C'lerk Depute.