Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/329

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BELHAVEN. 307 heir, according to the spec, rein, in the regrant of the Peerage in 167J.(*) He was s. and (*) Pedigree shewing the succession to the Peerage uf the Loans Beluaven and Ste.nton [>S] ;is beiw male whatsoever to the second Lord. John Hamilton nfcfEIizabuth, only da.=j=.JolmIlAMlLTONV>f Xeils- Broomhul,2ndkiis- bund. unci b. of Patrick Hamilton of UcLston. Claud H. uf BroombilL laud co. husband. Lanark, 1st John II. of Udston, slain 1508. Sir James 1 1. of Broomhill, ShciiH'^f Margaret, uf Lanark. | I r WUliatn If. of Udston. r (10 Sir John H. of Br thill, en Loud Beluaven and Sten- loa [S] 1047, d. 1*379 a. p.m. r John H. of Udston, ly93. I—. James H. of Barucleuth 2nd son. AVilli un H. of Wishaw 3rd son, d. 1612. John H. of Cult- ness, s. and h. John Et, of Ud- ston s. and h. .Sir Ruber! ELuai-^FAnue, ton, Bart. [S] of Silvertonlnl),1046. ■2nd da. and co- heir. L n 2 other RoborfcH. of Press- WiUiam H. daugh* meniiiui, 3rd son, pi Winliaw bets and vhostrissuL' became d. 1724 at a coheir*, heirs male to his great age. Father.*'. 1680. T StrRobert Ham- Margaret : atw, Bst*. rsi ist dan. i. 1708. S (I1). John Hamilton, who under the spec, rem. sue. his wife's Grandfather in 1(579 asLoRDBELHAVEN&e. [S]. He (/. 170S. Bobei H. «/. 10SC, v.p. — — I Alexan- der H. 0 th son. (HI.) John, Loud Bel- haven So. fSJ. cL 1721. r JobuH. of Udston 8. and h. John U. of Ud- ston, B. and h. (IV.)John,LoED Belhaven, &c. [Sid. s.p. 1764. William H. of Wishaw, grandson and h.d. 1756. T . James H. T John H. of Udston, ». aud h. (V.) James.Loni) Belkaven, &c. [S], c^. s.p. 1777. (VI.) Robert H. of Wis- haw, h. male of his Father in I7<j*3. He was, in 1 777 c/ejuir Luiii> Bkl- haven &e. [SJ, d. 1734. 1 1 James H. Alexander of Ste- H. s. and h. venston. =f= T T (Vlt.) William, Lord Belhavun and Stenton [SI continued ns sued by decision of the House of Lords, 1790 ; d. 1S14. Archibald 11. </. IS23. T William II. s. and h. assumed the title iff Lord i'.elhurca and 8b iltoli |S] aud voted as suc/i in 1790. Claim disallowed. He </.s.p. 179l ; . ^Hl.) RobertMontgomery, (IX.) James, Lord Bel- Lohd Belhaven &c. [S], d. haven Asn Stenton [Sj, M>. 1868. 6. 1822, living 1886. x