Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/34

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12 ABERDEEN— ABERGAVENNY. ABERDEEN (co. Aberdeen). MS "GORDON OF ABERDEEN," Viscount 18H. .See "ABER- DEEN" Earl [S.] under the fourth Earl. ABERDELGY. See " OLIPHANT OF ABERDELGY" Lord [&], cr. 1458, rfomiml since 1748 or 1751. ABERDOUR. In 13")1 Sir James Douglas had the grant of the Barony of Aberdour [S.], co. Fife, from Ms uncle William, .sometime Earl of Atholl [H.], to whose Barony of Dalkeith [S.] he succ. before 1309. His great grandson James, Lord of Dalkeith [S.] ou 14 March 145| was cr. E,i!i;. of Monro* (and, as some say, LOitD AUFAlDOVlt [S.J. Since that time, the title of iurtZ Abcrdour [S.] has been used as the courtesy title belonging to the eldest son of the Earls of Morton [S.]. See " MORTON" Earl [S.], ABERGAVENNY, or fan if wat< mw anciently styled) BERGAVENNY. N.B. — On account of the notoriety of this dignity, and to assist in forming a judgment as to how far the possession of the castle and demesne of Abergavenny could be supposed to constitute a Barony by (enure, a brief account is here given of its possessors previous to 1392, the date When the (then) possessor whs first sum- moned as '• DB Beiiuavknny." Before the period (19 Hen. II) when a writ of sum- mons converted a Barony into a personal instead of a territorial dignity, this castle, &c. was doubtless a Kendal Barony, though but one among innumerable others. /. HaMELIN he Balun, Lord of Overwent, co. Mon- mouth, is said to have built the castle of Abergavenny soon after the Conquest. II. Will. I. Brientius DB Insula, or DE Wallingfobd, s. and fa. He d. s.p.m.s., leaving His lauds at Overwent, in which was this castle, to liis cousin (as below, viz.) : III. Hen. I. 3. "Walter de Gloucester, High Constable of England. He gave these possessions, in his lifetime, to his grandson (as below, viz.) : IV. Hen. I. J,. Henry FitzMiles, younger s. of Miles, Earl or Heiikvord and br. of Roger, the 2nd Earl. He d. s.p V. Hen. II. 1. Seisill ap Yago, a Welshman, obtained this castle, &c. from Henry II, but was slain by his successor (as below, viz.) : VI. Hen. II. 1. Seisill ap Du.vivall. He usurped the possession of the castle, &c. Against him was Bent (by the King) Sir Hugh Br.AUCHAMl', who was however taken prisoner, but who seems to have confirmed to the Monks of Hergavenny such possessions as Hamelin and Brien " and the other LORDS 01'" BEBGAVENNY" had granted them. Seisill ap Dunwall was slain, in 1175, by his successor (as below, ffe) : VII. 1175. 5. William lie Braose, feudal Lord of Bramber, co. Sussex. He had m. Bertha, da. of Miles, Eaiil ok HKKKKOun, second sister and coheir of Roger, 2nd Earl of Hereford, and of Henry KitzMiles above- named, feudal Lord of Bergavenny. With her he obtained the Lordship of Brecknock and also the right to the lands of Overwent, containing the castle, &c. of Abergavenny. Of this last he obtained possession in 1175. He d. in 1211. Owners. I. Will.