Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/35

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ABERGAVENNY. 13 VIII. 1211-2. 6. Giles de Braose, Bishop of Hereford (1200), 2nd a. He d. una 13 Nov. 1216. IX. 121G. 7. Reginald de Braose, feudal Lord of Brecknock, &c, br. and li. He d. 1222. X. 1222. 8. William de Braose, feudal Lord of Brecknock, &c. , s. anil h. He d.,, 1230, being hauged by Llewelyn, Prince of North Wales. XI. 1230. 0. William de Cantildpe, Junior, who (when s. and h. Bp. of William UK Cantilute, of Aston Cantilupe, alios Cantlow, co. Warwick, &c), obtained, 25 July (1238) 22 Hen. Ill, the wardship and marriage of Eva, da. and coheir of the last owner of Abergavenny, and by her acquired the castle and lands thereof. He was doubtless a Baron of Parliament, as (unques- tionably) were his father and grandfather, each of whom was " ScnescaUus Regis." He sue. his father in 1250, and d. 1254.(") His wife d. the following year. XII. 123-1. 10. George de Cantilupe, s. and h., aged three years at his father's death. He came of full ago April 1273, but d. mm. a few months afterwards. XIII. 1273. 11. ©O John (Hastings), Lord Hastings, nephew! _ = . and h. (aged fifteen years, 1273), being s. and h. of Henry, I § o Loud Hasttngs (1204), by .loan, sister and coheir of the last owner of Aber- g 3 gavenny. He sue. his said father in 1268, () and was himself sum. to Pari., I 8 2 1295 to 1313, by writ directed "Joliannide Mastingsrf) He d. 28 Feb. (1312-3), V 8(3 6 Edw. II. XIV. 1313. 12. John (Hastings), Lord Hastings, s. and h., aged 26, in May 1313. He wss sum. to Pari., 1313 to 1325, by writ directed Joharmi dc Hastiwjs,"( c ) and d. 1325. J XV. 1325. 18. Laurence (Hastings), Lord Hastings, s. and") h., cr. Eahl or PEMBROKE. 1339. He d. 1348. I is S XVI. 1318. lj. John (Hastings), Earl of Pembroke, s. andh. ! | | He is styled "ioi-(io/'Weisford( d ) and Bergavenny" in the entail ^ja of Abergavenny, made in 1372 on Williarn Beauchainp (see below). He d. 1375. XVII. 1375. 15. John (Hastings), Earl of Pembroke, s. and h. He a minor, s p., 1391. 1 5 a J> a OS S ( a ) Collins, in his "Baronies by Writ, &c," 1734, p. 36, quotes (from the collection of Gregory King, 1 .aucaster Herald) that, " It pleased King Henry III to create Sir Williatn de Cantelupe, Lord of Bergavenny by /lis icrit of summons to Pari, by the name of William Cantelupe of Bergavenny, Chevalier, as by the name of his chief est manner and seigniory." There is, however, not the slightest proof of the existence of this writ, anil (as the said William d. in 1254) it is open to the objection of being manv yeiu-s earlier than the earliest writ on record. ( b ) In 1301 he signed the letter to the Pope as " Joh'es de Hastyng, D'nus d: Bergeveny." Considerable stress is laid on this fact in a small work (by Bird, enlarged by Serjeant Doderidge), pub. in 1642, entitled "A treatise of the Nobilitie, &c," at the end whereof is a statement, " That the Barony of Aburgueenny is a Barony by tenure." Any persou, however, who looks at the list of these Barons (given in " Nicolas," p. 762) will see how many of them were but Jcudal Lords of the place, whereof they wrote themselves Domini." The very next Baron to Lord Hastings is Henry Percy (Brabant), " D'nus de Topeclive, " yet no one, probably, would contend that the Barony of the Percy family was styled " Topcliffe ; " that of Lovel, " de Dakkyng" (i.e. Docking, in Norfolk) ; that of de Vere, "de Swause chaumpia," &c, &c. John de Hastings was undoubtedly styled " Domiuus de Bergeveny," " Seigneur de Bergeveny," &c, in many contemporary documents, but probably only from that Castle being his chief residence. ( c ) Above thirty writs were issued to these two Barons. In none of them does the word " Bergavenny " appear. The Barony they held was that of " HASTINGS," cr. by writ 1204, which Barony in 1841 was allowed to Sir Jacob Astley, Bart., the junior coheir of the junior coheiress thereof. ( d ) See ii. x under " Wexford," in Ireland.