Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/383

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BLAYNEY. 361 IV. 1GG9. J f . Richard (Blayney), Lord Blayney, &a. [I.], br. and b. formerly (under the Cromwell administration) Escheator of co. Tyrone and of Ulster nnd subsequently (at the restoration) M.P. for co. Monaghan. He m. firstly (scttl. dat. at Peckham, Surrey, 9 March 1653) Elizabeth, 1st da. of Thomas Vincent of Camberwell, Surrey (Merchant and Alderman of Dublin) by Joanna, da. of Thomas BORGES of Horny, co. Surrey. She d. 1 Jan. 16G8 aud was bur. at Monaghau. He m. secondly, Jane, da. of John M.vlloch of Devonshire, but had no issue by her. He </. 5 Nov. 1070 and was bur. at St. Michan's, Dublin. His widow ?«. Hugh Montgomery of Carrow, co. Monaghau, aud d. 22 Oct. 1686, being bur. ou the 26th at St. Michan's afsd. V. 1G70. §. Henry ViNCEST (Blayney), Lord Blayney, &c. [I.], 2nd but 1st SUIT. s. and h. by 1st wife. Capt. of a company of Foot and a zealous partisan far William III. Xin&aturintcd by the Pari. [I.] of 7 May 1689, and withdrew to England, where he died soon afterwards. He m. about 1686 Mar- garet sister of John, 1st Lord Moore Or Tui.lamoore [I.], da. of Thomas Moore of Croghau, by Ellen, da. of Dudley Coi.ley of Castle Carbery, afsch He d, s.p.m. Aug. 1089, ami was bur. at Monaghau. His widow m. 1 Oct. 1691 Charles Derino, Auditor of the Exchequer, who Jidy 1719. She d. 1 May 1725 and was bur. with her iast husband at St. Anne's Westiu. VI. 1689. 0. William (Blayney), Loud Blayxey, &c. [I.], yst. and only surv. br. (of the whole blood) and h. male. He, too, was attainted in 1639 as a resident ill England, but being restored, was made Gov. of Sligo, and took his seat [I.] 5 Oet, ]692. He m. in 1686 Mary, widow of Arthur Dillon of Usmullen, eo. Month, da. of William (Caulfield) 1st Viscount Charlemont [I.], by Sarah, da. of Charles (Moobe), Viscount Drogheda. He d. 3 Jan. 1705 aud was bur. iu the Chapel of Castle lilayncy. His widow d. 8 Aug. 1724 aud was bar. there. VII. 1703. 7. Cadwali.ader (Blayney), Lord Blayney, &c. [I.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and it., bap. 21 April 1693 at St Peter's, Dublin, took his seat [I.] 2 > Nov. 1713. Lord Lieut, of co. Monaghau anil Gov. of Sligo. In 1723 he obtained a pension, as also an act to enable him to sell lands, to pay debts, StC. He hi. 22 April 1714 at Dublin Castle, Mary, da. of the Hon. John Touciiet (s. of Mervyn, 1th EARL or Castleh.wen [I.]) by Elizabeth, da. of Thomas (Savilk), Karl or Sussex. She d. Sep. 1721 and was bur. at Castle Blayney. He »». secondly, Sep. 1721, Mary, da. anil h. of Sir Alexander C.URNEs, Bart , of Monaghau, by Eliza- beth, sister of .Sir Nathaniel GOULD, but by her had no issue. He d. in Dublin, 19 Match 1732 and was bur. at Castle Blayney." His widow )R. 1731 Col. John MuttitAV, StP. for eo. Monaghau, who (/. 20 June 1713. She survived him. VIII. 1732. 8. Charles TAL«<»r( a ) (Blayney), Lonn Blaywev, &c. [LI s. and h. by 1st wife, 27 Jan. 1714, ed. at St. John Coll., Cam- bridge, Took his seat [1.] 17 Feb. 1735, Gov. of co. Monaghau. Entering Holy Orders 24 Aug. 1738, he became Preb. of Armagh and Rector of Mucknoe iu the dio. of Clogber 1739 ; Rector of Centibar anil Combat- iu the die. of Deny 1740, and Dean of Killaloe, 17o0. He m. Nov. 1731 his 2nd cousin Elizabeth, da. of Nicholas Mahon, ilarristei'-at-law, by Elinor only surv. da. and h. of Henry Vincent (Blayney), 5th LORD BlaYNBY [1.1 abovanaiaed. She d. at Castle Blayney April 1756. He d. s.p.s. 15 Sep. 1761. IX. 1701. '■>. Oadwallader (IW.ayney), Lord Blayney, &c. [I.] br. of the whole blood and h, b. 2 May 1720. He distinguished himself at the taking of Cape Breton, becoming flually (1765) Major Gen. in the Army and Col. of the 38th Foot. Took his seat [L] 10 Dec. 1761. He in., 22 Dec. 1707, Elizabeth, 1st da. of Thomas TllTixo of Beaulieu, co. Louth, by (...) da. and h. of Walter Aston of Beaulieu afs 1. She d. 17 May 1775. He d. 21 Nov. 1775, aud was bur. at Castle Blayney. ( :l ) The Countess of Caatlehaveu [1.] mother of his maternal Grandfather (John Touciiet) was Lady Mary Talbot, da. of John, 10th Earl of Shrewsbury and aunt of Charles, the well-known Duke of Shrewsbury, Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1713-1711.