Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/384

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362 BLAYNEY — BLESlNGTON . X. 1775. 10. Capwallader Davis (IIlayxey), Lord Blayxey, &c. pLJ* an.l !>. ttW. He it num. 2 April ITS*, agetl 15, and ma hit,'. at Castle Blayney. XI. 17S4. 7/. Axmikw Thomas (I'.i.ayxky), Lobb IU.ayxey, &<:. [1.1 I>r. ami h., 6, -'ill Nov 1770 at Blayney Castle, entered the Army in 1789. In 1794 he became Major of the 89th Foot, having raised part of that Keg, with which he shared the dangers of the retreat thro' Holland in the winter of that year. Lieut. CuL thereof in 1793. After serving in Malta, Minorca, l'gypt. the Cape of Good Hope and at the capitulation of Buenos Ayrea, he was sent to Cadiz on July 1 SI 0 as Major Gen., whence making a descent on Malaga with a mixed force of Spaniards, Poles, Germans, &e., he was taken prisoner ( a ) and not released till 1814. lie was M.P. for Old Sanim, 1800-1807. In 1819 he was made Ueufc 0e»., hul saw 00 further service. He m. 5 July 1790 Mabella, da. of James ( Ai.kxaxdku) 1st Eahl OF Caledo.n [I.] by Anne, da. of James Cuawkuud. He if. at Dublin 8 April 1S3J. Will pr. in London May 1885. His widow, who was 7 Aug. 177a, </. I .March 1864. XII. 1884,>kii Davis ( Hi.ayxky), Lortn IU.aynkv, to Bakos ok Moxaohan [I.J, only s. and h., 6, 19 Dee. 1S02 in Dover 1S74. street, St. Geo., Han. square ; M.P. for co. Monaglian 1S30-1S3I. lU:n. n.] 1841 to 1S74. He d. tmtn. IS Jan. 1874, at St. James' Hotel] Pieeadillv, when the fferagf in all probability became extinct. Will pr. ■'! I<V1>. 1874, under £25,000. Family Estates.— In 1853 the Castle Blayney estate was purchased by Henry Thomas Hope of Deepdene, Surrey, from the last Lord, wdiose representatives, however, in lSS-'J still possessed 2,074 acres in Tipperary, Antrim ami Midx., Worth t'2.322 a year. I3LESIXGTOX or BLESSIXGTOX Viscountcy [I.] 1. MtJBBOUOIl I'.uyi.e, s. and h. 9p. of >ricliacl Boyle, t I (■-■•> Archbishop of Armagh (cousin-german of Richard, 1st Earn ok Cork ' [I.]) by his 2nd wife Mary, da. of Dermod (0'BiMS.v), 5ih LffliD l.v- CIHQ.UIN was b. 1648, mat. at Trim Coll. Dublin, IS Aug. 188*2; was M.P. for Kilmallock, and was cr. 23 Aug. 1073 BARON BOYLE and VISCOUNT I!], KING- TON, co. Wicklow [I.], with a spec. ran. to the heirs male of the body of his Father. L.L.D. 10S2. P.C. [I.], Governor of lAuterick and Constable of Limerick Castle. Loud Justice [I.] 1695. Loud KketKB [I.J 21 Dec. Hi!»7. He ««•. his Father (who d. in his 93rd year) 10 Dee. 1702. He 14, lirstly Mary, da. of John Parker, Arch- bishop of Dublin. She d. s.p.m. 13 and was bur. 15 Sep. 1008 in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. He m. secondly, Nov. 1072, Anno. da. of Charles .CooteJ, 2nd Maul ok Mount-hath [[.], by Alice, da. of Sir Hubert Mkredvth. She tl. 0 and was bur. 11 April 1725 at St. Patrick'* afsd. Her will dat. 17 March 1723. He </. at Island Bridge, Dublin, 20 and was bur. 20 April 1728 at St. Patrick's afsd. His will dat. 20 Feb. 1711. II. 172S, % ClIAIU.KS (lloYLI-;), YlSl.dUXT I'.i.ksisctox axd P.auox to Bovli; [I.], s. and h. by 2nd wife. M.P. for Biasing ton, 1711 and 1732. 1713. lie hi. firstly Rose, da. and coheir of (his maternal uncle) the Hon. Charles COOTB, by Penelope, da. of Arthur Hit* of Hills- borough, co. Down. She d. s.p. He m. secondly 11 July 1709, Martha, da. of Samuel MaTTBWS of BOBfitstiMvH, Kilkenny, by Anne, da. of Joseph CvrfS of Castle Inch in that co. lie it. s.p.«.( b ) at Paris, 2 June 1732, and was bur. 17 May following at St. Patrick's afsd., when his J'cerw/e became extinct.^) Will dat. 1 June 1729, pr. 14 June 1732, at Dublin. His widow ,(. 15 June 1707, aged SI, and WW Bur. at Drumcondra, near Dublin. Her will dat. 4 May 1702, pr. at Dublin 171)7. (a) His "Narrative of a forced journey thro' Spain and France lis a Prisoner of War in the years 1810 to ISM," is « work of considerable merit, as illustrating the then vwdus rii'cndi in Spain. ( h ) Murrough Boyle, his only child, was bap. 18 and bur. 20 Dee. 1710 in St, Patrick's Cathedral afsd. (') His Grandfather had it. without leaving any other issue surv. than the 1st Viscount, so that the spec. rem. did not take effect