Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/388

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3fi(i BLT7NDEBL — BOIITJN. Ikooldsbt, Bart. IT.- was M.T for Ha-demere in 1711. He m. Sep. 1700, Marv, da. of John Chktv. vnd of Qrendon oo. Warwick. Ho d. s.p.m.s.(') 19 Au". 1756, when both his Peerage md Baronetcy became extinct. Will pc Sep. 1756. His widow & 0 Wee, in the Btme year. Aduv.n. as of St. Geo. Han. gq., 31 Dee. 1 756. BOCONNOC. U " BARON OF BOCONNOC, eo. Cornwall f see " Camelford," Barony, er. 17S4 ; ex, 1804. bodmin. " VISCOUNT BODMIN, eo. Cornwall." See "Radxob," Earldom of, er. 1670 ; ex, 1757. BODRIGAN or 1)E BODRIGAN. Barony by 1. Henry do Bodrigall was sum. to Pari, as a Baron wnt - (LORD DE BODRtOAN) by writ, directed " l!e,ir' vtcBa&rigu*,* T. 1309. 2(i ft* C30!>), 3 Ed. II, but never afterwards. It seems possible that the person meant to be indicated was Henry Iiodrigan, of P.od- rigan, Cornwall, a powerful Baron, who m. Sibella, sister ami h. of Walter DE Ma>t>i:viu.e, and had livery of her lands anil of the lands of his Uncle William Eodrigan 1308. lie appears, however, to have d. that same year. mmm de wwmrmz, 1. Jonx de Rohux of Midhurst, Sussex, s. ami h. of Baroiiy by j amt . s b. ; j om< o 1K i . mi yst (li> , an(1 e ,,h,.i r 0 f William (ms Bbaosk). writ. Lord Buaose, distinguished himself in the expedition to Flanders and 1 1 868 France in 1310, and at the battle of Cressy 1345, and was sum. to Tarl. ' as a Baron (LOUD BOnUN DE MIDHDKST) by writs 1 June (1363) 37 Ediv. Ill to 20 JsBy. (1365/6) 3!) Ediv. HI directed " Jofomni de Bohun dc }fiillntr.<t." He IB, firstly Isabel, who d. s.p.m. He hi. secondly Cicely, da. and h. of John of Essex. He d. 1367. None of his descendants ever possessed tho status of Barons. [Joux de Bonux p. and li. living (1383-8 1) 7 Rio. II, was never sura. to Pari, as a Baron. His s. and h. Hi'MI-hhky DE BOHVS was father of John de Bohun (his s. and h.) who d. s.p.m. ] 400, when any Barony ci: by the writ of 1363, fell into abegnnee between his two daughters and coheirs (1) Ursula, who hi. William Southwell and (2) Mary, who in. Sir David Owen.] BOLEBECj Barony of Tho' this never was a Peerage Barony/ 1 ') „ Viseountey of /the Earls of Oxford, from 1245 to" 1703, assumed (nmons divers other asstmiptiuiM) the style of (") Mary his tin. and coheir >/>. 4 June 1 733, William Trumbull of Finchampstead Park, Berks, and their da. and h., Mary, hi. in 1 76U1 Ion. Arthur Sandys, whose only da. and h., another Mary, was, in 1S02, er. Baroness Sandys, (with a spec, rem.) having TO. in 1786 Arthur (Hill), 2nd Marquess of Downshire ft.], by whom she left issue, who brought the estates of the families of Blunder! and of Trumbull to that of Hilt ( b ) The resolution, 5 April 1620, of the House of Lords (to whom the claim of Robert, 10th Earl of Oxford, h. male, but not h. yen., of the preceding Earls, to this and other dignities had been referred) was "that the Baronies of Bolebeo, Sandford and Badlesmere were in abeyance between the heirs gin. of John, 7th Earl of Oxford," but it must bo noted that this resolution was made "without having inquired into the origin or nature of those Baronies, or even their existence in the person of the said Bart" See "Courthope," tub. "Bolebec." See also ante, p. 215 [Note], svb. "Badlesmere," and ante p. 303, note " b," tub, " Bedford."