Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/389

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BOHFN— BOLINGBttOKE. 367 "Bmvn ilc liolebcc," which, during |>:irt of that time (1402 to 1025) have magnified into the stylo of " Viscount BoJc'jcc."^) Isabel, da. and h. or coheir of Walter de Bolebec, feudal Lord of Bolebec, in the par- ish of Whitchurch, Bucks, >n. Robert (da Yore) 3rd Karl of Oxford (whoit 1221) and d. 3 Feb. 1245, when hers, and h. Hush, 4th Earl, appears to have adopted the style of " Baron de Bolebec," which was continued (as above-mentioned) by his successors. () BOLEBROOKE. U " BARON OF W iLEBKOOKE, co. SUSSEX ; " sec " Sackville, OK Dravtok," Viscountcy, o 17S2 j ex. 18-13. BOLEYX, see " BULLEX. B0L1XGBR0KE.( C ) Earldom. l. Oliveii (St. JonN), Bauox St. Jons of Bletso, t 1( ;.;>4 wns on 23 Dec. 1024 cr. EAPtL OF BOLlNGBltOKE. He was s. and h. of Oliver, 3rd Baron St. JOHN OP Bi.etso, by Dorothy, da. and h. of Sir John Hedh, of Odingtou, co. Glouc. : was b. about 1584 j K.B.. 3 Juno 1610 at the creation of Henry, Prince of Wales ; sue. his Father in the peerage, Sep. 1G1S, and, four years afterwards was cr. an Earl as above. Joining the Parliament party, he was by it appointed Lord Lieut, of Beds, 1(312, and a Commiss. of the Admiralty, Member of the Assembly of Divines and Joint Commiss. of the Great Seal in 1 G 13. He to. April 1002, Elizabeth, da. andh. of 'William Pal-let(<») of Eivalden. Somerset, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Henry Comngiiam. He d. June 1040. AdmOa 3 July 1010 and 13 Nov. 1655, His widow <!. at Melehbourue, Beds. Her admou. 13 Nov. 1655. [Oliver St. John, s. and In, ftp. K.B., Feb. 1025, at the Coronation of Charles L, was sum. to Pari. v.p. in his Father's Peerage, as BARON ST. JOHN OF BLETSO, by writ, 3 Nov. (1039), 15 Car. I, and took his seat 11 May 1011. He was however on the Pari, side, and was shin fighting against his King at the battle of EdgehilLf*) He m. Arabella, da. of John (Euerton), 1st. EaRL OV Bridgewater, by Frances, da. and coheir of l'evdhiando (Stasley), Earl 6s Derby. He d. as afsd. v.p. and s.p.m. 23 Out. 10 12. His widow d. at Welby, co. Lincoln, and was bur. at Melton Mowbray 1609. Her will dat. 2 Jan. 1008/S), pr. 5 May 1009.] P 1 ) "JolmVere, Lord Bidlesmere, Viscount Bulbeek, 4c.," presented in 1500 to the Rectory of Aston Sandford, Bucks. See Lipscomb's "Bucks," vol. i. ( h ) The manor of Bolebec appears to have been alienated in 1548 by Edward, 17th Earl of Oxford, to the Duke of Somerset. See pedigree of Bolebec and an account of the manor in Lipscomb's " Bucks," vol. iii, p. 503, sub. " Whitchurch." (°; The Lordship of BuKugbvoke was the demesne of the old Earls of Lincoln, whose heiress, Alice de Lacy, in. Thomas (Plant.igenet), Earl of Lancaster. Tho' she d. s.p. 1318, the inheritance continued in the Plautagenet family, and it was here that "Henri/ o/ Bolin'jbrokc" (immortalised under that name by Shakespeare), afterwards Henry IV., was born. It was long the prime seat of the Duchy of Lancaster. The family of St. John appears to have had no connection with the place of Bolingbroke, but to have assumed that high sounding name to indicate their connection with the family of Beaufort, descendants of the Dukes of Lancaster its Owners. ( ,l ) He was s. and It. of William Paulot, s. and h. of Sir George Paulet, ft. U: of William, 1st Marquesa of Winchester. (') According to Lord Clarendon, " his parts of understanding were very ordinary, ami his course of life licentious and much depraved," having also contracted debts amounting to some .£50,000 or £00,000, as a commander of a troop of horse against the King, " he behaved himself so ill, he received some wounds in running aimy, and being taken prisoner, died before the next morning." 2 c 2