Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/73

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ALBANY. 51 pronounce! ffiegit He was appointed BEGEKT OF SCOTLAND during the minority of James V [S.] find arri%'ed 1* May 1515 »t iJinnbarton from Krancc, vhere he was inaugurated with great (tate and even crwwnad. After » profuse, weak and inefSciertt regency of eiqht year* he nn.'dJy ^uitt**J .Scotland in De* 1523. He a. I June 1505 hi* cousin Anne l>£ la Tocfi. CoMte««e D'AiJTSBOSB an>l tit'IUGAJs, lut da. of lii.-t maternal uncle John, Co.jTK ij'At'VEBfi.fK by Jean Mf Eot-BBr>s, 1 st da. of John. Omth. 1>K Vfcsi»»MB. She «•.« then very young. Slie d.

  • .f. at St. Satumin 1521. ^ He tl. s».p.legit., 2 June 1536. at his Castle of Mirwfleur in

Airergne and was Our. in the Chapel of Vic le Cotnte, when aH Ai» hunourt became Y. 1541. /. AfiTiitn (StEWABT), 3ml s. of James V by liis second wife Mary, dow. DuCMEMB UK Lo.voteviLLB, da. of Clwj'Ie M I/>sraiN, Pre de Gl'lsj was ft. at Stirling Castle 1541 and was t'.JtH 'it kit birth !)CKF. OF ALBANY [8.1 He d eight days after his bapti-rn 1541 and was bur. at HoEyrood Ciiapel— when the title if indeed it ever existed; bwjune er. VI. 1>6">. 7. Henry (Stcakt) Earl of K>>ss, Arc. [.<], mow generally known by hi* courtesy title of LORD OARNLF.Y. 1st ■ and fa, ap. of Matthew. 4th EaM. Of Lennox [£>.] by Margaret- da. of ArfhlbalH ;l*orGLA*) EiEL 6* Angis [S.| and Margaret his wile. Queen Dow. of .Scotland, eldest sister to Henry YIII , w?.s fc. 1545 at Temple Neweome. en. York, and, being destined to W ttt nns'und of his cousin Makv, Qre£.v of ScoiUXD a. of James V [.>'. j by tuts «eoad wife Mart ok Ocisk. and gran i -daughter of James IV pi.] by the above- named Maryaret, 'la- of Henry VII i was, by the said yueen Mary, by charter 15 May 1545, <r. Lord Akdmann'och and Eakl of Rmss. [->.]. under which designation be olXaioed, on the 25th, charter of the lands of Albany, and was afterwards, 39 J-ihr 1565. <t. I»L'KK <>F ALBANY [S.]. On 2d July I5«3 be w. the said Queen xz HUyrtw<l Cfcapet, having been proclaimed KING OK SCOTLAND the day pnriom. Hi* msirdtr at Kirk O' Field 10 Feb. 1566-7, as ab" the .-'jbstijuent He and 1 1 III II llllglT •of the Queen his widow [tee "BOTHWKt*,") and her execution 5 Feb'. 15S6-7. are nsatters of national history. He was 4»r. privately in Holytood chapel YLL 1566-7. -?. .Jajie-> <Sti"art). vh«>, at b» birth, up Dcke or Rothi^aV, Ac. [S.L and I'kisce or Sc*<iusb: became «&», a few nm-joths afterwards, (in right cf his deceased father] DCKE OF ALBANY, Eakl of btOSj and l»Rt> Aedmass«3CH [SJ, only child and h. 6. ia &ikib"argfc Ca«tle 19 June ISM Bt the death of lis mother, S Feb. 15S6-7. he rue. to the throne of So ett s ll a» JAMES VI. when ail his honour* became menjfd in the Craicn. On -4 March MM he hk. to the throne of England a* JAMES L See Succession to the Crwa" YIIL 1600. 1. Charles fSllUBr), -2iwi s. of James VT[S.] to fr. 19 Xov. 1600 at DmtenEM^ aniJ was at hi* baptism 23 the 1CM <r. uj'so Aeciia.n.noch, Earl of R«ss. Mae^ves* of Ormoot amd DUKE OF ALBAXY [S4 On « January 1605, Lis father being then King of EngOanid, he wais o*. DftTCS •off York. By the death of his elder br., 6 Nov. 16l£ fas b«osme Ditle of OaMlnmx p£] aod Dcke of RothesaT, ftc. [B.] and- on 4 Not. WV&. was <r. Ears, dp CMMDBt md Presct of Males. On 2? March MS3 he w. to the throoe, a« CHARLES L roiwa oi7 Am Aon-jitrs became rueryed in the (,'Vvvn. — See u Smocesaein to tie Crcmrn."" EL 1660. /. James (STrARi), Duke or York, &&. fBunxM Jauhs of Exousn and Svunusn?', 2nd s. «i Clhraries J. it 14 Oct 1*3*. was Iky Ms lather cr. 27 Jan. 1644. Duke of Y*!*t. Bt hi* br_. Charies HI. ma aftor th* mtmjStm he was r/-. 31 l>ec 1080, DUKE OF ALBANY [S-{. «>a (5 Fifh !)SH(-5; he MB. to the throne :as JAMliS 11 [E-] and JAMES VU [S-]. wlwn lIswiMMi liwraxue ntrynl in the On — S>e ■ SuceedNon to the CtawtV H Her sister Mjuleleiue. w. 2S June tUS, LmmWB de MuJlici, Oufce af arodnt mot yieur Iwi™^ ,w child Catherine de Merino. CtintMM lt^lm«gM amid de KMMcpi| wh», in 153S. became Qa.eeo of Henry II tt Framw.