Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/8

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n, ABBBEVIATIONS. ABBREVIATIONS. Besides those for the different orders of Knighthood, for the University degrees, &c, and such as are in general vogue, the following will be made use of in tliis work : adiuon., administration. afsiV, aforesaid. &p., apparent. Arch.," " Arehiuologia," 70 vols., Ito., 1809-S4. b., born. bap., baptized. Bnrr., Barrister at Law. br., brother. bur., buried. cod., coditil. " Coif. Top. et Gen.," " Collect anea Topographica et Genealogica," 8 vols., large Svo., Nichols & Sou, London, 1834-43. CoIL Gen.," "Collectanea Genealogica," edited by J. Foster, large 8vo., vol. i, 1881, &c. Collins," Collins' Peerage of England, edited by Sir K. Rrydges, 9 vols., 8vo., 1812. (The 1st edition, is in 1 vol., 8vo., 1709.) "Compendium pBuJ,"Compendium, English Peerage, small 4to.,](ittol3tIi edit. 1718-6!?. [S.] „ Scotch „ ji 1st to 7th „ 1720-64. [I.] „ Irish „ „ 1st to 5th „ 1722-56. This is the first printed Peerage of Ireland ; followed, three years afterwards, by " Crossley," sa below, co., county. " Coiirthope," Conrtliope's "Historic Peerage of England," 8va, 1857. " Crawfurd," Crawfurd's " Peerage of Scotland," folio, 1716. This is the first printed Peerage of Scotland (2nd and 3rd edition in 1719). " CrOBBley," Cromley's " Peerage of Ireland," folio, 1725. cr.j created. " Cruise," Cruise on " Dignities," 2nd edit., 8vo., 1823. d., died. da., daughter. dat., dated. disp., dispensation. D.L., Deputy Lieutenant. " Douglas," Douglas' " Peerage of Scotland," 2nd edition, edited by 3. V. Wood, 2 vols., folio, 1813. The 1st edition is in 1 vol., folio, 1764. " Dugdale," Dugdale's " Baronage of England," 2 vols., folio, 1675-76, the first and greatest work on the English Peerage, ed. educated.