Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/9

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ABBREVIATIONS. e.g., exempli gratia, for example. [E.], Kingdom of England. ex., extinct. " Ex. Hist.," " Exfierpta Historica," large 8vo., 1S31. Fae. oft'., Faculty office, London. Fun. Cert., Funeral Certificate. " Gen.," " Genealogist," edited by G. W. Marshall, 8vo., 7 vols., 1877-83. [( ;.!!.]. Kingdom of Great Britain. Han. sq., Hanover square. Middlesex. h. , heir. " Her. and Gen.," " Herald and Genealogist," edited by J. G. Nichols, 8 vols., 8vo., 1863-74. "Hewlett," Hewlett's "Dignities in the Peerage of Scotland," which are dormant or forfeited, 8vo„ 1882. "Hewlett jur.," Hewlett's "Jurisdiction in regard to Scottish Titles of Honour," small 8vo., 1S83. H.R.H., His, or Her, Royal Highness. [I.], Kingdom of Ireland, i. e., id est, that is. Inq., Inquisition. Inq. p.m., Inquisition post mortem. J.P., Justice of the Peace, lie., licence. " Lib. Hib.," " Liber Munerum Publicorum Hibernia;," 19 Stephen to 7 Geo. IV, two enormous folio vols., 1S52. " Lodge," Lodge's " Peerage of Ireland," 2nd edit, edited by M. Archdall, 7 vols., 8vo., 1789. The 1st edition is in 4 vols., 8vo., 1754. Lond. off., Bishop of London's office. " Lords' Reports," first, second, third and fourth " Reports on the dignity of a Peer of the Jlealm from the Lords' Committees," 4 vols., folio, 1S26. " Lynch," Lynch's * Feudal Baronies in Ireland," 8vo., 1830. " Maidment," Maidmeut's "Genealogical Collections," 4to., pp. 172, 1883. /»., married. mar. lie,, marriage licence. mar. settl., marriage settlement. mat., matriculated. M.I., monumental inscription. Midx., Middlesex. M.P., Member of Parliament. "Mis. Gen. et Her., 1st s.," ditto, Und a., ditto, 3rd »., " Miscellanea Genealogies et Heraldica," edited by J. J. Howard, large 8vo., 1st scries, 2 vols., 186S-7G ; ~'nd scries, 4 vols., 1874-83 ; 3rd series, vol. i 1884, &c. " N. and Q.," " Notes and Queries ; " first issued on 3 Nov. 1849. " Nicolas," Nicolas' " Synopsis of the Peerage of England," 2 vols., small Svo., 1S25. "Nichols' Wills," "Royal and Noble Wills," 1087 to 1608, edited by J. Nichols, 4to. 1780.(") (") In "Nichols' Wills" each document is given in its own language and at full length, whereas in " Test. Vet." those that are not in English are translated, and many are abridged.