Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/93

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ALINGTON. 71 ALINGTON. Barons [I.]. 1. "William Axington, of Horse-heath, co. Cambridge, T l ft l o Mid of Great Wymondley, Herts,(») 4th s. and Otli child, but only surv. L ». and h. of Sir Giles A. of the same, by his first Wife,( h ) Dorothy, da. of Thomas (Cecil), Earl of Exeter, was bap, 14 March 1010, at Horseheath, and sue. his father 23 Dee. 1638. On 28 July 1642, he was rr. BARON ALINGTON OF KILLAKD. eo. Cork [I.]. He m. Elizabeth, da. of Sir Lionel ToxtEMACHK, 2nd Bart., by Elizabeth, da. of ,Iohn i'Stanhofe), 1st Lord Stanhope OT Harrington. He was bur. 25 Oct. 1648, at Hoi'seheath. His widow m. about 1651, Hon. Sir William CCMPTON, who d. IS Oct. 1663. She was bur. at Horseheath. 14 April 1671. Will dat. 6 April 1869 : pr. 17 April 1671. II. 1G±8. & Giles (Aungton), Ijaeox Alington [I.], & and li. He d. a minor and unru., and was bur. at Horseheath, 20 March 1659. • III. 1659. 8, AViluaji (Alington), Baron Alington [I.], br. and _ ,., 1 h. He served the Em peroral Germany against the Turks in Hungary, .barons |L.J. &( . Was ]n . ldl . Col of & 0 f f uotj 1667 Major-Gen. of the t 1GS2. laud forces, 1678. Constable of the Tower of London, 1679. Lord Lieut, of co. Cambridge, 1680. On 5 l)ec. 1682 he was raised to the English Peerage, being rr. BARON ALINGTON OF WYMONDLEY, co. Hertford. He in. firstly, Catharine, da. of Henry STANHOPE, styled Loud Stan- hope (s. and h. an. of Philip, 1st Eahl of Chesterfield), by Catharine, suo jure Countess of CHESTERFIELD. She d. s.p., in childbed, 19 Nov., and was bur. 4 Dec. 1662, at Horseheath. He m. secondly, Juliana, da. of Baptist (Noel), 3rd Viscount Campden, by his 3rd wife, Hester, 2nd da. and coheir of Thomas (Wotton), 2nd Lord Wotton, and sister of Catharine, Countess of Chesteiikield, above named. She was bap. at Kensington. Midx., 4 Feb. 1646 ; (/. s p.m., 14 Sep. 1667, aged 22. and was bur. at Horseheath. Admon. 2 Dec. 1(507 to her husband. He in. thirdly, 15 July 1701, at Hackney, Midx., Diana, widow of Sir Greville Vernev, da. of William (Russell), 1st Duke of Bedford, by Ann, da. and h. of Robert (Cash), Eahl of Somerset. He (/. 1 Feb. 1684, at the Tower of London, and was mar. 17, at Horse- heath. Will dat. 16 May 1684 : pr. 0 May 1685. His widow d. 18 Dec. 1701, and was bur. 24, at Horseheath. ( a ) The Lord of the manor of Great Wymoudley is entitled to the office of Chief CuPBEABKB at the Coronation, it having been granted, on this tenure, by Will. I to Fnz Teck (Jiliux Tcconis) a noble Norman, whose da. and h. brought it into the family of Argentine, whence it passed, by an heiress, temp. Hen. VI, to that of Alington. The service was performed by William, the 3rd Lord [I.] at the coronation of Charles I, and by Hildebrand A. (afterwards the 5th Lord), on behalf of his nephew Giles, the 4th Lord [I.], at the coronation of James II. The manor (and office) continued (save for a space of some 20 years or so after 1691) in the family of Alington till the death of the last Lord in 1722-3, when it passed to his 3 nieces and coheirs, the sisters of his nephew, the preceding Lord. Sir Richard Grosvenor, Bart., husband of Diana, da. and h. of Sir George Warburton, Bart., by Diana one of these 3 coheirs, in right of ' s of ,the manor inherited by his wife and of the other 5 acquired by purchase, performed the office at the coronation of Geo. II, and it was again performed by his nephew Richard, 1st Lord Grosvenor, at the coronation of Geo. III. In 1767, however, his Lordship sold the estate, when this honourable office, which had beeii some 700 years in the family, passed into the hands of strangers. See Clutterbuck's " Herts, " vol. ii, p. 537-544. ( b ) His second wife, (another) Dorothy, da. of Michael Daltou (whom he m. 2 Dec. 1630, at West Wrattiug), was his niece, i.e. the da. of his half sister, Mary (second wife to t he said Michael), which Mary was da. of his (Sir GUes') mother, Margaret, by her second husband, Edward Eldringtou. There is so much confusion iu all pedigrees about tins fact (most of them mistaking this Sir Giles A. for his son, Giles A., who d. in 1613 at the age of twelve), that it seems as well to take notice of it here. Sir Giles did penance for this incestuous marriage iu 1631. The lady is said to have d. of the small pox in 1644.