Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/94

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11 ALINGTON— ALLEN. Barons [I.]. IV. J,. Giles (Auxotob), Baron Alington of Killard [I.], ami llABON Al.lMiToN OK WYMONDI.KY, s. and 1j. by 3rd wife, b. 4 and hap. 20 Oct. lfiSO, at Horseheath ; il. young and num., Barons [E.]. f" 1684. at Eton, Bucks, (where be was at school), 18 Sep. 1691 and was bur. 22nd, at Horseheath. when the English Peerage, i.e. II. the BARONY OF ALINGTON OF YVYMONDLEY irr. 1682), became ex. Admon. 17 Oct. 1 Cl'l to his mother. •7. HlI.DEURAKD (AlIKOTON), B.U10N AUNGTON [I.], uncle and h. male, bap. 3 Aug. 1641, at llorseheath. lie tl. s.p., Feb. 1722-:;, and was bur. at Wetherslield. Essex, when the Irish Peerage, i.e. the BARONY OF ALINCiTON OF KILLARD [I.], cr. 1642, became (also) ex. Will dat. 1 July 1CS5 (sic) ; pr. April 1723. Barons [I.]. V. 1691. ALINGTON (>>f Crkh-I). Barons. J, Henry Gerard Stuht, of Crichel, Doreefc, s. and h. 1 lS7fi ot Henry Charles S., of the same (sometime M.P. for that CO.), by Charlotte Penelope, 2nd da. of Kobert (B»UDKK«.L), 6th E*RL OF Cardigan, wius b. 16 May 1825, at Crichel. Ed. at Eton and tS Ch. Ch., Oxford. Sue. his father 14 April 1866. Was M.P. for Dorchester, 1847-58 ; and for co. Dorset, 1856-76. On 15 .Ian. 1876 he was cr. BARON ALINOTl IN, of Crichel, co. Dorset.(') He nt. 10 Sep. 1853, his first cousin, Augusta, 1st da. of George Charles (Bingham), 3rd Earl of LucaN [I.], by Anne, 6th and yst. da. of Robert (BhV/desell), 6th Eakl of Cardigan above named. Family estates. — These, besides some small property (under 100 acres in each county) in Hants, Herts, Oxon and Cambridgeshire, consisted, in l>s:i. ..f about 15,000 acres in Dorset and about 2,500 in Devon. Total about 17,500 acres of the yearly value of about £24,000. See Bateman's "Great Landowners." I'rineiyal Residence, Crichill, near Wimborne, Dorset. ALITH. i.e. " LGRD GGILVY OF ALITH and Lintiathen, co. Forfar " T&] See " AIRLIE," Earl [S.]: cr. 1639. ALLANSON. i.e. « BARON ALLANSON and Winn of Aghadoc, co. Kerry " [I.] See " HEADLEY," Baron [I.], cr. 1797. ALLEN. Viscounts [I.] 1. John Allen of Stiflorgan, co. Dublin, s. and h, Barons [I.] °f Sir Joshua A. of Mullynahack, near Dublin, Merchant and sometime (1673) Lord Mayor of that city, by Mary, sister of Richard I. 1717. Wybrow of co. Chester, Capt. of Horse in Ireland, and da. of John Wybrow of co. Kerry and co. Limerick, was 4. 13 Feb. 1666, and sue. his father 8 July 1691. He was Capt. in the army on the side of William III, and in several parliaments was M.P. for co. Wicklow and co. Dublin. On 9 Oct. 1714, he was made P.C., and on 28 Ang. 1717 was cr. BARON ALLEN of (») He was a descendant and co-representative of the former Lords Alington, through Catharine, 2nd da. (and in her issue coheir) of William, 3rd Lord [I.] and 1st Lord [E.]. She m., 28 Aug. 1694, Sir Nathaniel Namer, of More Crichel, Dorset, 3rd Bart., and their da. Diana (who became, in her issue, their sole h.), m. Humphrey Sturt, of Horton, Dorset, great-great-grandfather of the said H. G. Sturt, cr. Lord Alington, in 1876, as above.