Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/208

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210 HERBERT — HEREFORD. " already talked of as a possible Prime Minister,"("). He became, finally, Sec. of State for war from June 1659 till July 1881, and was cr. 15 Jan. 1861, BARON HERBERT OP LEA, co. Wilts. He m. 12 Aug. 1846, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Mary Elizabeth, da. of Charles Ashe A' Court, afterwards A'Court-Rkpington, of Amington Hall, co. Warwick, Lient. Gen. in the Army, C.B., by Mary Elizabeth, da. and h. of Abraham Gibbs, of Naples and Palermo, Merchant. He d. 2 Aug. 1861, aged 50 (3 days after his return from Spa), at Wilton House and was bur. at Wilton, Wilts. ( b ) His widow living 1801. II. 1 861. 2. George Robert Charles (Herbert). Baron Herbert of Lka, s. and h., b. 6 July 1850 ; sue. to the peerage 2 Aug. 1861. He me. his uncle, 25 April 1862, as Earl of Pembroke. Seo that dignity er, 1551 under the 13th Earl. HERBERT OF RAGLAND. i.e., " Herbert of Raglaxd, Chepstow, and Gower," Barony (Somerset) supposed to have been cr. 1506. See under " Herbert " Baronv ev. (by writ) 1461 J«i the 3d holder of that dignity. HERBERT OF SHURLAND. -i.e., " Herbert of Siiurlakd in the island of Sheppey, co. Kent," Barony {Herbert), cr. 1605 with the Earldom Of Montgomery in Wales. See " Pembroke " Earldom, cr. 1551, sub the 4th Earl. HERBERT OF TORBAY. i.e., "Herbert of Torbay, co. Devon," Barony (Herbert), cr. 1689 with the Earldom of Torrjngton, which se<: ; ex. 1716. HEREFORD( c ) [county of.J [Ralph de Mauxt, of Walter Medantius, by Godn, his 2d wife, sister to King Edward the Confessor, appears to have been EARL OP HEREFORD; 1 ) in the reign of that King, br.t having disgraced himself by a cowardly Bight from an invasion of a combined force of Irish and Welsh under Algar, Earl of Leicester, in 1055, was degraded from his Earldom by William the Conqueror.] Earldom. 1, William Fitz Osberx, Count of Breteuil, Steward j 1 ' J067 °^ " le H 01lse "' l l in Normandy, a son of Osbcru de Crepom, ' Seneschal of Normandy (guardian to Duke William), by ( — ), da. of Ralph, Count of Baiouxond Ivery, was b. before 1180; took an active 1VI). m pressing the scheme of the English invasion on the Norman Barons ; was in command of the van of the army at the battle of Hastings and was rewarded by large grants of land in the west beii g cr. EARL OF (») " Nat. Biorjr." (t>) His charities were very great. The church he built at Wilton is said to have cost £30,000. Lord Houghton says of him that " he was just the man to rule England ; birth, wealth, grace, tact ami not too much principle." He was, writes Lord Lauiington in his Days of the Dandies, one of the " phalanx of young future legis- lators and statesmen," who were at College with " our great political meteor, William Gladstone." These were " Cardwell, Dalhousie, Canning, Sidney Herbert, Lord Elgin, Lord Lincoln, cum mullis aliis." ( C J See "The Genealogy and armorial bearing! of the Earls of Hereford one of the many valuable papers contributed (1871) to the Brit- Arch. Assoc. (vol. xxvii, pp. 170—101), by J. It Plaucho, Somerset Herald. ( J ) He is very aptly spoken of by Vincent as " this ojjieiaU-Eutie, Ralph, I can give him no better title."