Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/253

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HOOD — HOPETOUN. 255 1854. She m. thirdly, 17 Juue 1858, at Thorpe Malsor, co. Northampton, John Borlase Maunsei.l, who by royal lie., 10 July 185S, took the name of TibbiU in lieu of that of Maunsell. Viscountcy, . £ Francis Whelbb (Hood), Viscount Rood V ' I 0F W HITLEY [ 1 796], and Baron Hood ok Catherington IV, G. [1705], also Baron Hood of Catherington, in the Barony [I.] 1 peerage of Ireland [1782], also a Baronet [177S], 1st s. and IV. / h., 4. 4 July 1838, in Nottingham Place, Maryleboue ; sue. to the peerage 8 May 1840 ; enterered the army (Gren. Foot Guards) 1854, serving in the Crimean war ; Lieut.-Col. 1880. He m. 18 July 1865, at St. Geo. Han- 80., Edith, 2d surv. da. of Arthnr W. "Ward, of Calverley Park, near Tollbridge Wells. Family Estates— These, in 1883, were 2,600 acres in Warwickshire, Northampton- shire and Bucks, worth £5,311. 1'rincipal Residences. — Whitley Abbey, near Coventry, co. Warwick, and Barton Seagrave Hall, near Kettering, co. Northampton. HOPE. I.e., " HorE," Barony [S.] {Hope), cr. 1703, with the Earldom of Hopktoun IS-], which see. HOPETOUX. Earldom, [s.] 7. Charles Hove of Hopetoun, Niddry, and Aber- J. 1703. com, all in co. Linlithgow, s. and h. of John Hope, of the same, by Margaret (»), 1st da. of John (Hamilton), IthEABLOl Haddington [S.], was 4. 1081, sue. his father 5 May 1082 ; M.P. for co. Linlithgow 1702-03: P.C. [S.] 1703, and was a: 15 April 1703, EARL OF HOPETOUN, VISCOUNT OF All HKIE, and LORD HOPE [S.], with rem. failing heirs male of his body, to heirs female of his body. Taking his seat 0 July 1*04, he was a zealous supporter of the Union; Lord Lieut, of Linlithgowshire, 1715; Lord High Commissioner to the Gen. Assembly of the Church [S.] 1723. K.T., 10 July 1738. Rep. Peer [Sj 1722-42. He in. 31 Aug. 1699, Henrietta, da. of William (Johnstone), 1st Marquess ok Annandale [S.], by his first wife, Sophia, da. of John Faihiiolm, of Ciaigie Hall, co. Linlithgow. He d. 20 Feb. 1742. in his 01st year, at Hopetoun House (*>). His widow, who was 6. 1 Nov. 1082, d. at Hopetoun House 25 Nov. 1750, in her 09th year, and was bur. at Abercorn Church. Fun. entry for both of them at Lyon office. tl. 1742. .?. John (HorE), Earl of Hopetoun, &c. |8.1, s. and hy, b. 7 Sep. 1701, at Hopetoun House j sti/led Loud Hope, till he sue. to the peerage [S.], 20 Feb. 1742 : was one of the Lords' of Police [S.J 1744-60; Lord High Com- missioner to the Gen. Assembly of the Church [S.] 1754, He m. firstly, 14 Sep. 1733, at Cullen House, 00. Bauff, Aune, 2d da. of James (Ouilvy), 5th Earl of Findlateu [S.], by his first wife, Elizabeth, da. of Thomas (Hay), 6th EaRL ok Kinnoull [S.]. She Hopetoun House. 8 Feb. 1759. He »!. secondly, 30 Oct. 1762, atBalgowan, Jean, da. of Robert OLIPHANT, of Rossie, co. Perth. She d. 16 Jlareh 1707, at Glasgow. Hem. thirdly, 10 June [or July], 1767, as Gaylield, Elizabeth, 2d da. of Alexander (Leslie. 5th Haul of Lkven [8-J by his second wife, Elizabeth, da. of David Monypknny. He (/. at Hopetoun House"l2 Feb. 1781, in his 77th year, and was bar. at Abercorn. His widow d. at Edinburgh, 10 April 17SS, aged 51, and was bar. at Abercorn. [Charles Hope. Master of Hopetoun, styled LoitD Hope, s. and h. ap. hy first wife, b. 9 July 1710 ; d. unm. and v.p. 0 June 1766, aged 25, at Portsmouth (on return from a voyage to the West Indies), and was bur. at Abercorn]. III. 1781. .; and /. James Hope, afterwards Hope Johnstone), Barony EARL OF Hopetoi>n,Xlc. [S.1 2d but 1st surv. s. and h., bv first wife, I. 1809. 4- 23 Aug. 1741 ; entered the 3d Foot Guards 1758, with whom he served at Minden, but left the service 1764 ;. styled Lord Hope (») This lady d. 31 Jan. and was bur. 8 Feb. 1711, at Tyninghame. Her funeral entry as " Margaret Hamilton, called Lady Hopetoun," is at the Lyon office. ( b ) This magnificent structure he erected, under the direction of Sir William nice.