Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/132

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130 LONDONDERRY. jt, 1C31. 2. Robert (Ridgeway), Earl of Londonderry, &c. [I.], s. and h. ; knighted, f> July 1608, near Dundalk, by the Lunl Deputy of Ireland ; Styled LfffllD Gai.i.en-Ridorwat from 1022 till lie sue. to the peeragi [I ] iu 163J. He m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Simon Weston, of Lichfield, eo. Stafford. He il. at Rosconuel 1010. His widow d. at Yoxall, eu. Staltbrd. Her aduion. 1 Nov. 1617. III. 1640. 3. "Weston (Bibgbway), Eahl of London perry, Sea. [LJ s. and h., Imp. I April 1020 [Qg. at Torr ?] ; sti/hd Loud Gali.en- Ridgfayay from 1631 till he sue. to the peerage in 1010. He in , 20 Sep. 1050, at Sc. Anne's, Blaekfriars, London, Frances, da. of Sir l'oter Temim.k, ol Stmve, Bucks, by his second wife, Christian, da. and coheir of Sir John Lkveson, of Treutham, 00. Stafford. She is said to have if. iu 16SS 89. He d. at Torwood, Devon. Admon. 7 Nov. 1072, to a creditor (Thomas Temple) no mention being made uf any wife.;- 1 ) IV. 1672, .'/. Robert (Ridgeway), Eari. of Londonderry [1032], to and Loan Ridgewav, Baron ok QaLLRN-HidcewaY [161 6J in the 1714. peerage of Ireland, also n Baronet [HillJ. s. and h., styled Lord Gaixex-Ridgeway till he sw. to the peerage [I.] in 1072. He m. Lucy, da. and h, of Sir William Jol'soN,( b ) Bart. [S], of Cudworth, co. York, by Lucy, da. of Henry Tindm.i., of Brotherton, in that county. He d. s.p.m s., 7 and was bur, 19 March 171S/4, at Tor Mohun, when all his dignities became extinct. Will pr. Sep. 1714. His widow d. 4 and was bur. 23 Sep. 1724, at Tor Mohun. Will pr. 1727. [Henry Ridgeway, styled Loud Gai.len-Ridgeway, 1i. 0 and bap, 11 April 10S8, at St. Anne's, Soho; d. v. p. and s.p. and was bur., from St. Giles in the fields, 10 April 1708, in the Temple church, London.] Barony [I.] 1. Thomas Pjtt, Col. in the army, having m., T 1719 March 1710 7, at St. Geo. the Martyr, Midx., Frances, da. and coheir (only child that left issue) of Robert (Biuueway), E.xm. OF Earldom [L] Londondmiuy [I.J, by Lucy, his wife, both aboveuamed, was, on 3 „ June 171!', rr. BA HON OK LON 1 lONDEKU Y [[.], and subsequently, V. I fib. 8 0et 1728, was er. VISCOUNT OA LLE N- RI 1 )G EW AY of Queen's eoimly. and EARL OF LONDONDERRY. He'was 2d s. of Thomas PlTT. ol Blandford, Dorset, Gov. of Fort St. George in the East Indies, by Jane, da. of James In.nes, being next br. to Robert Bitt, the father of the 1st Baron Camelford and of the (celebrated) 1st Earl of Chatham. He was sometime M.P. for Wilton, ami was Goveiuor of the Leeward Isles. He d. at St. Kills, 12 Sep. 1729, and was bur. at Blandford afsd. Will pr. 1730. His widow, who inherited the estate of Cudworth, m Dec. 1732 Robeit Ghaiiam, of South Waruborough, Hants, who d. 0 Dec. 1749. She d. "to the unspeakable Iosh of the poor 18 May 1772. Will pr. May 1772. Earldom [I.] ^ VI. m II. 2. Thomas (Pitt), Earl of Londonderry, &c. [LI, s. and h. He d. umu. aged about 17 by a fall i Ton from his horse 25 Aug. 1735. and was bur. at Blandford. " • Admon. 13 May 1743. ( : >) Among the burials at Upton Pyne, Devon, occurs the following on DJ Dec. 1703, "Mary Budgway, relict of ( — ), Earl of Londonderry." It seems almost impossible that this can relate to the widow of any such Earl, and, probably, from its wording it relates to a Mrs. or Lady liidgeway, widow of a Mm or brother of such Earl. Compare an entry of a burial of one of the same family at Nautwich, Cheshire, on 13 Sep. 1038, "Mr. Ridgway, brother to the Earl of Londonderry." {•) This Sir William Jopson sue. his grandmofAer, Dame Mary Bolles, in the Baronetcy (cr. 1635) on the death of the said Lady, the grantee, 5 May 1002, aged SO.