Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/133

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LONDONDERRY . 131 Earldom [I.] 1 Barony [i] '. III. J 1735, to 1705. 3. Ridgeway (Pitt), Earl of Londonderry [1726], Viscoi'nt itALCex-Ridgetvay [1726], ami Baron Londonderry [1719], iu Ireland, br. and h., h. He il. nun. at Kuightsbridge, Midx., S Jan. 1765, aged 43, when all his honours became extinct.(') Will pr. 1765. 1. The Riglit Hon. Robert Stewart whs on 20 Sep. 1789, cr. BARON LONDONDERRY [I.] ; on 1 Oct. 1705, cr. VISCOUNT CASTLERKAGH [I.] ; on 8 Aug. 1796, cr. EAKL OF LONDONDERRY [[.]. and finally ou 13 Jau. 1S16, cr.f) MARQUESS OF LONDONDERRY [I.] He was 8. and h. of Alexander Stewart, of Ballylawn Castle, Co. Donegal, and of Mount Stewart, eo. Down, by Mary, sister and h. of Sir Robert Cowan, Gov. of Bombay, only da. of John Cowan, Alderman of Londonderry. He was b. 27 Sep. 1739 ; was M.P. for co. Down, 1771-83 ; sue. his father in the family- id was raised to the Peerage in 1789 as above mentioned. Hkv. PeRB [I.] (being one of the 28 original Representatives) 1801-21. He m. firstly, 9 June 17c;ii, Sarah Frances, 2d da. of Francis (Skyuocii'-Conway), 1st Marquess. OK Hertford, by Isabella, da. of Charles (Fitzroy), Duke of Grafton. She, who was 4. 27 Sep. 1747, d. IS July 1770, and was bur. the 30th at Newton afsd. lie M. secondly, 7 June 1775, Frances, 1st da. of Charles (Phatt), 1st EaKL Camden, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Nicholas Jeffreys. He d. 8 April 1821, in his 83d year, at Mount Stewart. Will dat. 26 Jan. 1820, pr. 20 Jan. 1S21. His widow d. at Hastings 18 Jan. 1833, aged 82. Will pr, March 1S33. Barony [I ] IV. 1789. Earldom [I.] VIII. 179G. Marquessate [[.] 1. 1816. estates, 2 April 1781, Marquessate [I.] II. Earldom [I.] IX. Barony [I.] V. 1821. 2. Robert (Stewart), Marquess of Londonderry, Sec. [I.], 2d but 1st surv. s. and b , being only surv. s. by 1st wife. He was b. 18 June 1769 ; was sli/kd Viscount Castlerkauii, 1796 — 1821 ; was M.P. for Tregony, 1794-96 ; for Orford, 1796-97; for Horoughbridge and for I'lympton as also [I.] for co. Down, 1790— 1 800,(i) and again [UK], 1812-21, and for Orford again (as an Irish Marquess) 1821-22. He was made P.C. in 179S ; Ch. Sec. for Ireland, 1798— 1 S01 ; President of the India Board (with a seat in the Cabinet), 1802-06; Sec. of War, 1S05-06 and 1807-09, and Foreign Secretary from March 1812 till his death. He was also, 27 Dee. 1813, Envoy on a spec, mission to Prussia and Russia, and having (tho' a commoner) been el. K.G. on the 9th (iust. on the 2S) June 1814, was Ch. Commissioner^ 1 ) for investing with that Order the Prince of Orange, afterwards (ISIS) King of tho Netherlands, and the Emperor Francis of Austria, which ceremonies took place respectively at Brussels, 22 Aug. and at Vienna, 21 Sep. 1S1 4. He was also one of the Plenipotentiaries to the Congress at Vienna, 11 Aug. 1814 (together with his br., Lord Stewart, afterwards the ltd Marquess) and to the conference at Aix-la-Chapelle, IS Aug. 1818. G-.C.H. (Civil) 1816. He m., 9 June 1791, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Amelia Anne, yst. da. and coheir of John (Hohart), 2d Earl of Buckinohamsiiirk, by his second wife, Caroline, da. of William Conolly. He « s.p. at North Cray, co. Kent, 12 Aug. 1822, aged 53 (having, during temporary insanity, severed the carrotid (») His si.-,ter and heir. Lucy, who inherited the t'udworth estate (derived from the families of Ridgeway and Jobson), m. Pierce Meyrick, of Bodrugau, co. Anglesey, and had issue. ( b ) Thus his rise from the status of a Commoner to that of a ifarqucss was effected in 27 years, no very long period, but considerably less that of his fellow Marquess, the Marque*! of Ely [1.], who obtained that high dignity (and four other separate peerages) within the space of 16 years. («) He bore a prominent part in obtaining the consent of the Irish House of Commons to the act of Union. ('") See vol. ii, p. 192, note " a," iub " Catkcart," for a list of these special missions.