Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/135

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LONDONDERRY. 133 1S29, the name of Vane in lion of that of Stewart, Frances Anne Emi]y,(") da. and h. of Sir Henry Vane-Tempest, 2d Bart., of Long Newton, co. Durham, by Anne Catharine) suo jure Countess ok Antrim [I.] ITe d. of influenza, 6 March 1851, aged 75, at Holdernesse house, Park lane, and was bur. at Long Newton. Will nr. April 1864. His widow, who was b. in St. James' sq. 7 and bap. 11 Feb. 1800, at St. James' Westm., d. 20 Jan. 1865, aged 65,( h ) at Seaham Hall, and was bur. at Long Newton. Will nr. June 1865. Personalty under .£(00,000. Marquessate [I.] [I, 1 IV. Earldom xr. Barony [I.] VII. J f . Frederick William Robert 1854 (Stewart), M.u:<;i;k?s ok Londonderry, Sc. 1 1.], also I'arox Stewart ok Stewart's Court and I', s. and Ik, being only s. by first wife ; b. 7 July 1S05, in South street, Groaveuor sq. : sty/cd Viscount Castlereagii, 1822— 1954 ; M.P. for co. Down (26 years), 1820-52 ; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1S28 ; Vice Chamberlain of the Household, 1834-35 i P.C., 1835 ; Col. of the North Down Militia, 1837 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Down, 1845-64 ; sue. to the peerage [I. and U.K.], 1856. He m., 2 May 1S16, Elizabeth Fiances Charlotte, Dow. Viscountess Powerscouist [I.], 1st da. of Robert (Jocei.yn), 3d Earl ok KODBM [I.], by Maria Frances Catherine, da. of Thomas (Statleton), Loud Lii Desi'kncbr. He d. s.p. after long seculsion in consequence of mental disease,"^) 25 Nov. 1872, aged 67. His widow, who was b. 13 Dec. 1813, d. 2 Sep. 1884, at 25 Upper Brook street. Will pr. 10 Oct. 1884, above £44,000. 6 March 1851 ; K.P., 28 Aug. Marquessate fl] V. Earldom [I.] XII. Barony [I.] VIII. 1872, Si George Hexry Robert Charles William (Vane-Tempest, formerly, 1851-54, Vane), Marouess ok Londonderry, &c. [I.], also Earl Vane, Viscount Seaiia.m, and Baron Stewart ck Stewart's Court and Ballylawn, br. (of the half blood) and h., being s. of the 3d Marquees by his second wife. He was b. 26 April 1S21, at Vienna ; sf/^ffi Viscount Seaham, 1S23-54; ed. at Eton and at Ball. Coll,, Oxford ; matric., 14 June 1839; B.A. and M.A.. 1867; sometime, 1815-48, Lieut, in the 1st Life Guards ; M.P. for North Durham, 1847-54 ; sue. his father, C March 1851, as F.arl Vane and Viscount Seaham under the spec. rem. in the creation, 2S March 1823, of those dignities, and took by Koyal lie., 28 June 1854, the name of Tempest after that of Fane ; Col. of the 2d North Durham Militia, 1862 ; Chief Com- missioner with the Garter^) to the Emperor Alexander II. of Russia, who was invested therewith, 28 July 1S67, at Tzarkoeselo, near St. Petersburgh ; Knight Grand Cross of St. Alexander of Newski of Russia, 1S67. By the death of his brother, 25 Nov. 1872, he sue. as Marouess ok Londonderry. &c. [I.]; K.P., 31 Aug. 1871 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Durham, 1SS0; D.C.L. of Durham Univ., 27 June 1852. He hi., 3 Aug. 1848, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Mary Cornelia, da. and h. of Lieut, ( a ) She was 22 years his junior. Of this match Moore writes — " And 'tis plain when a wealthy young lady so mad is, Or any young lady can go so astray As to marry old dandies that might be their daddies, The stars are in fault, my Lord Stewart, not they." The "old dandy," however, made good use of the " young lady's " great wealth, by developing the coal mines on the vast estates in Durham and by the construction of the harbour at Seaham (finished in 1847) accounted amongst the wonders of engineer- ing achievements. ( b ) She was many years a leader of the fashion in London Society. (c) See " The Times," 27 Nov. 1872. ( d ) See vol. ii, p. 192, note "a," sttii " Cathctut," for a list of these special Garter missions.