Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/136

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134 LONDONDERRY— LONGFORD. Col. Sir Jolni Edwards, Bart, (so cr, 1S3S1 of Garth, co. Montgomery, by his socoiul wife, Harriet, da. of the Rev. Charles Johnson, Preb. of Wells- He (/. of apoplexy at 1'las Machynlleth, 5 Nov. 1SS-J, aged 63, and was bur, at Machynlleth, Hie widow living 1802. Marquessate [I.] VI. Earldom [I.] XIII. Barony [I.] IX. (>. Charles Stew AM (Vane-Tempest, afterwards, 1885, Vank-Tkmpest-Stewaut), MAR- QUESS OF LoMJONDEIUlV flSlO'J, E.-UiL Of LnNDON- deiuiy [1790], Viscount Casti.kreacih [1795], and ■ 1884. Baron Londonderry [17SP], in the peerage of Ireland, also Earl VaSB [1828], Viscoitnt Ska ham [IS23], and BARON Stewart or Stewart's Court and [ISM], s. and h., b. 6 July 1852, in Huldernesse House, Park lane ; styled ViscorNT SkaHam, 1854-72 ; ed. at Eton ; styled Viscofjct Casti.erkagh, 1S72-S1; Lieut. Col. of the Seaham Artillery Volunteers, 1S76 ; M.P. lor eo. Down, 1878-S-l ; sue. to (At peerage [I. and U.K.], 5 Nov. 1S84, and by Royal lie., 8 A«g. 1885, took the family patronymic of Stewart after the names of Vane-Tempest. Viceroy OF In ELAND (as Lord Lieut.), 1SS6-S9. KG., 7 May 1888. He »«., 2 Oct. 1875, Theresa Susey Helen, 1st da. of Charles John Chetwyud (Talbot), 19th Eaui. OS Shrewsbury, by Anna Theresa, da. of Richard Howe Cockerell, Commander R.N. She was b. li June 1S56. [C Stewart Henry Vase-Tem pest-Stewaht, stijled Viscount Castlereagh, b. 18 May 1S7S. Family Estates.— These, in 1SS3, consisted of 12,823 acres in co. Durham, 7,300 in Montgomeryshire, and 2,685 in Merionethshire, besides 23,554 in eo. Down, 2,180 in cc. Londonderry, and 1,878 in co. Donegal. Total (22,007 acres in England and 27,410 in Ireland), 50,323 acres,( !l ) worth £100,118 a year. Principal Residence*. Wynyard Park, near Stockton-on-Tees, and Seaham Hall, near Sunderland, both in co. Durham, and Mount Stewart, near NewtoLards, co. Down. LOXG LOFTUS. i.e., " Loftus of Long Loftus, co. York," Barony (LoffttS), 1801 ; see "Ely " Marquessate [I.], cr. 1S00. LONGFORD [England.] /.<?., "Longford, co. Witts," Barony (Bouvtrie), cr. 1747 with the Viscountcy of Folkestone, which see. LONGFORD [Ireland.] Baiony [I.] 1. Sm Fran-cis Aungier, s. of Richard Aungier, by I IG '1 Rose, da. of William Stewart, both of Cambridge, b. about 1562 j was Barrister at Law ; kniyhtcd, 28 May 1(100, at Greenwich ; was appointed, b Oct. 1600, Master of the Rolls [I.] at the suit of the late Master {St. Leger) and held that office till his death, having been P.C. [I.], and from 10 April to 13 May 1010, Joint Lord Keeper [1.], and having beeu or., 29 June 1621,( 1 ') BARON AUNGIER OF LONGFORD, co. Longford [1.] He m. firstly, about 1596, Douglas, sister of Gerald, 16th Earl of Kildark [l.], da. of the Hon. Edward Fitz-Gerald, by Mabel, da. and h. of Sir John Leigh. He a. secondly Anne, da. of Sir George Barne. He m. thirdly Margaret, widow of Sir John Wynne, (") Altho' Lonl Londonderry is not one of the noblemen who (in 18831 possessed above 100,000 acres iu the United Kingdom, his rental is larger than most of them. See vol. ii, p. 51, note "a" (sub " Biieeleueh "), for a list of these, and see some notice of Lord Londonderry and others towards the end of that note. ( b ) The preamble is iu "Lodge, vol. iii, p. 376, note