Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/170

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168 LOVELACE about £S,000 a year) in Leicestershire : 3,008 in Somersetshire : 003 in Warwick- shire and 23 in IVvon.-hirc. T«hd 18,4*1 acres, worth £22.815 a year, of which the Leicestershire property was inherited from the Noel family. Principal liesiilenecs. Horsley Towers, near Leatherhead, anil Ockham Park, near Uipley, both in co. Surrey. LOVELACE OF HURLEY. Barony. /, Sir Richarb Lovelace, of Hurley, Berks, s. :in<l h. I 1 Q 0 T of Richard Lovel.u'e,(") of the same, by ( — ), da. of ( — ); mat. at Oxford (Merton Coll.), 7 Feb. 1583M, nnd then aged 16; appears to have been in the Irish wars and to have been knighted, 5 Aug. 1599, at Dublin ; was M.I', for Berks, 1001 ; for Abingdon, 1604-11 ; for Windsor, 1014, and for Berks (again) 1631-32, and was er„, 31 May 1027, BARON LOVE- LACE OF HURLEY, co. Berks. He m. firstly Katharine, widow of William Hide, of Dencbworth, Berks (who </. 1598), da. of George Gym., of Wydial, Herts, by Gertrude, da. of Sir John Pkiiyknt, also of Herts.f 1 ') By her be had no issue. He m. secondly, about 1815, Margaret, da. and h. of William DODS WORTH, citizen of London. He d. 22 April 1634, and was bur. at Hurley. Will pr. 1034. His widow's will pr. 1652. II. 1634. 2. Jous (Lovelace), Baron Lovelace of Hurley, h. and li.. by second wife: mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 15 June 1632, and then aged 16; sue. to the peerage, 22 April 1631; was a Royalist and lived at Water Eaton, Oxon, in 1614. Hem., 11 July 1638, at St. Giles in the fields (Ho. London, be aged 22 and she 15), Anne, da. of Thomas ( Wentworth), Earl ok Cleveland, by his first wife, Anne, da. of Sir John Ckokts. He d. 25 Nov. 1670, much impoverished, at the Gate House of Woodstock manor, Oxon, and was bur. at Hurley. Will pr. Nov. 1670. His widow, who became in May 1686, suo jure Baroness Wentworth, C) d. 7 May 1607. Her admon. 26 April 1697, to a creditor. III. 1670. 5. John (Lovelace), Baron Lovelace of Hurley, only s. and h., 4. about 1040 ; mat. at Oxford (Wadham Coll.), 25 July 1655; M.A., 9 Sep. 1661 ; was M.P. for Berks, 1661, till he sue. to the peerage in 1670. He was a violent Whig and he took a prominent part in effecting the Revolution. () He was (.'apt. of the Braid of Pensioners, 1689 ; Ch. Justice in Eyre south of Trent. By his extravagance great portion of his property had to be sold by decree of the Court of Chancery. He »t. (lie. fac, 20 July 1682, Martha (then aged 20), da. and coheir of Sir Edmund I'VE, Bart, (so Br. 1611) of Lekbampsted and Bradenham, Bucks, by Catharine, sister of John, 1st Baiion Lucas of Shenkiei.d, da. of Thomas Lucas, of Colchester. He (/. s.p.m.,( c ) 27 Sep. 1693. His widow d. about 1704. Her adrnou, 1 June 1701. IV. 1G93. 4- John (Lovelace), Baron Lovelace of Hurley, cousin and h. male, being s. and b. of William Lovelace, of Hurst, Berks, by Mary, sister and coheir of Sir Edward NeVILL, Bart., of Grove, Notts, which William Lovelace (who (/. 1676) was s. of the Hon. Francis Lovelace (living 1672, aged 48), who was 2d s. of the first. Baron. He sue. to the peerage in 1693 He was Governor of New York till his death in 1709. He »i. Charlotte, da. of Sir John ( a ) He was s. and h. of John Lovelace who d. 1558, possessed of Hurley, whose parentage appears to be unknown but who probably is the John Lovelace who m. Elizabeth, sister of William Erere (m. 1560 ; d, 1011), of Water Eaton, Oxon. (") See Gyll's " Wragsbur,/," p. 82. {*) She was sue. in the Barony of Wentworth by Martha, her grandaughter and heir, da. and h. of John, the 3d Baron, her s. and h. ap., who had d. before her. (<i) See vol. i, p. 28, note " b," sub " Abingdon," for a list of the nobles and gentry (among whom he was) in arms in 10S8 for the Prince of Orange. (c) Martha, his only da. and h., sue. his mother (her grandmother) in 1697 as Baroness Wentworth. See note " c " next above.