Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/171

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LOVELACE — LUC AN. 169 Clatton. He d. at New York, G May 1709. ( a ) Adtnon. 1 Feb. 1713/4. His widow living 1736' d. about 1742. Her udmou. as "of Hurley " 1 Dec. 1749. V. 1709. 5. John (Lovelace), Baron Lovelace of Hurley, s. aud h., Ensign in Brigadier Munden's Regiment. He d. num., 2 weeks after his father, in May 1709, at N ew York afsd. Adinon. 21 Jan. 1718/9. Vi 1709. 6. Nevill (Lovelace), Bakon Lovelace of Hurley, to only br. and h., aged 2 years in 1710, sue. to the peerage, 1709, 1736. Gent, of the Bedchamber, 1735. He d. untn. at St. James, Westm., in 173G.(b) LOWER CONNELLO. " FlTZGlBBON ov LoWBR Conxello, co. Limerick, " Barony [I]. (FdzGibbon), cr. 17S9 ; see " CLAM" Earldom [I.], c>: 1795 ; ex. 1864. LOWTHER and LOWTHER OF WHITEHAVEN. /.., " Lowther of Lowtlier, en. Westmorland," Barony (Lowther), cr. 1696, with the Viscountcy ok Lonsdale, which see : cr, 1751. i.e., "Lowther of Lowtlier, co. Westmorland," Viscountcy and Barony {Lowther), cr. 1784 with the Earldom ok Lonsdale, which see; ex. 1802. i.e., " Lowther of Whitehaven, co. Cumberland," Viscountcy and Barony (Lnwther), cr. 1797, with a spec. rem. ; see Lonsdale, Earldom, cr. 1784, and cr. 1802, as also " Lonsdale, Earldom, cr. 1807. LUC AN. Patrick Sarsfield, of Luoan, co. Dublin, 2d s. of Patrick S. of the same, sue. his elder br. William in that estate, served in France ; was afterwards Lieut, of the Guards in England, raised a troop of horse in 1688 in Ireland for the service of King James II., of which he was Colonel, having the rank of Brigadier General, and distinguished himself greatly at the first siege of Limerick. In rewaid he was cr. by that Kiug,^) when in exile, BARON HOSBEHRY, VISCOUNT OF TULLY and EARL OF LUCAN, co. Dublin [I.] in Jan. 1690/1. by a patent brought over from St. Germains by the Lord Deputy Tyreonnell [I.], aud was constituted a Col. of Life Guards aud Com.-in-Chief of the forces in Ireland, in which last post, however, he was from May to July 1691, superseded by the Marquis de St. Ruth. The favourable terms of the capitulation of Limerick, 3 Oct. 1691 were mainly owing to his skill. After this he retired to France, where he was in command of the second troop of Irish Horse Guards. He was killed, at the head of a French division, at the battle of Landen in Flanders, 29 July 1693.( c ) He m. Honora, 2d da. of William (de Bukgh), Eakl of Clanhicarde [[.], by his second wife, Helen, da. of Donough (Mac Cauty). Eaul ok Clancarty [I.] She m. secondly (as his first wife), 26 March 1675, James (Fitz James), Duke ok Bkkwick-upon- tweed, who d. 12 June 1734, aged 63. She d. 16 Jan. 1698 in her 23d year( f ) at Languedoc. Earl Patrick is said( c ) to have had one son, who d. unm. in Flanders, and one da. who hi. " the well known Baron Theodore de Newburgh, King of Corsica." ( ;1 ) Macky in his Characters" [circa 1705] writes of him (for the notice tho' headed " Nevil, Lord Lovelace [who was not b. till 1708] must refer to this Lord) that he * is Lieut Col. of the Horse Guards ; a very pretty gentleman of good sense and well at Court ; a short, fat, brown man, not 40 years old." ( b ) Martha, his only sister and h. (one of the Maids of Honour in 1732) m. in 1738 Lord Henry Beauclerk (4th s. of the 1st Duke of St Albans) and had issue. (o) See vol. i, p. 59, note "b," sub "Albemarle" for a list of the "Jacobite Peerage!." () In these articles he is called Lord Lucan, thus recognising his creation as such. (°) See Dalton's " King James' Irish army list " where is a good account of him. (f) " Her and Oen." vol. iii, pp. 57 aud 64.