Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/33

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LAUDERDALE — LAVINGTON. 31 Kilmaron Castle, co. Fife, snmetime a Danker .it Calcutta {d. 29 .ran. 1S21), son( a ) of Col. the Hon. Richard Maitland (</. 18 July 1772, aged 48), who was 4th b. of Charles, the tith Karl. He was 6. 1(! Dec. IS 10 ; entered the 8th Hussars, 1SS1 ; Lieut. 1866' ; Capt 1S73 : Major in the Bengal Staff Corps, 18S1, retiring as Lieut. - Gol. : was sometime Political agent in central India : tnus. In the peerage [S ], 13 Aug. 1884, his claim being established, July 1885. Ukp Pl'.K.n [S.], 1SS9 ; Lord Lieut, of Berwickshire. He in. firstly, 28 Nov." 1864, Charlotte Sarah, da, of B.W.A. Slkiuh, Lieut.-Col. of the 77th Reg. She was living 1877. He »i. secondly, 1 ij Oct. 1SS3, at James', Paddiiigton, Ada Twyford, 4th da. of the Her. Henry Trail Suirso.v, Rector of Swindon, co. Gloucester and formerly Rector of Adel, co, York. [Fkedehick Coux Maitland, styled Viscotjxt Maitland, s. and h. ap. by 1st wife, ft. 12 April 1868: Lieut. Scots Guards, 18S9. He m. IB April 1S90, at St. Peter's Katon square, Gwendoline Lucy, yst. da. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Yaikhan-Williams, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas (IS 10-65) by Jane Margaret, da. of the Hev. Walter Baout, of Pype Hall, co. Stafford.] Family Enl'itis. — These, in 1883, consisted of 24,081 acres in Berwickshire j 756 in lioxhurgshire and 75 (worth £482 a yean in Haddingshire. Total 25,512 acres, worth 17,318 a year. Principal Jtcsideiicc. Thirlestane Castle, near Lauder, Ber- wickshire. LAUDERDALE OF THIRLESTANE. »>,, " Lauderdale of Tiiihlestaxe, c<>. Berwick," Barony (Maitland), ft: lSOii ; ex. 1S63 ; see " LaLDKudale " Earldom fS.], cr. 1624, sub. the Sth, 9th and 10th Eark LAUGHTON. Sen " Pelham of LatjohtON, co. Sussex, B.irony (Pelliam), <v. 170G ; <•*. (with the Dukedom of NewcatUe-Hpon-Tyne, the ifarqueuale and Earldom of Clare, A:c. ), 1 70S. LAUNCESTON. if., '• Lavxcestox, en. Cornwall," Yiscountcy. (H.ll.H. Prince Frederick-Lewis), cr. 1720 with the Dukedom ok EdbnboBQH, which see ; merged in the Crown, 1760. LAVINGTOX. Barony fX] Ralph Payxe, only surv. 8. and It. of Ralph Payxe of I 1 T *J "i ^ Christophers, Ch. Judge of the said island, by his first wife, Alice, da. of Francis Cuilim.e. of Antigua, was 6 19 March 1739 1 in the parish of St. George Basseterre in St. Christopher afsd. ; was 1NU(. M.P. for Shaftesbury, 1768 ; for Camelford, 1 774 ; for Plvmpton, 17S0, and for Woodstock, 1795; was installed KB., IS June 1772, being when he died, the pernor Knight of that order ; Gov. of the Leeward islands (for the first time) 1771-75, and. again, 1801-07 till his denth ; Clerk of the Board of Green cloth, 1775, till that office was abolished. He was cr. 1 Oct. 1795, BARON LAVINGTOX of Lavington [I.J, P.C., 1801. He m. 1 Sep. 1767, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Kranees Lambertina Christiana Charlotte Harriet Theresa Kouvel, da. of Henry (sometimes called " Frederick Maximilian ") BaBOS Kolhei,, of the Holy Roman Empire ; a Gen. in the Imperial service, sister of Rudolph, Baron lvolbel. ' He d. s.p. (*) The legitimacy by the Scotch [and Canon] law, of this Patrick was established by the decision of the Committee for privileges in 1885. His father, Col. Richard m. (Patrick's mother), Mary McAdaiu at New York, on 11 July 1772 ;2 days before his death) having had 3 sons then alive by her (of which Patrick was the second) and leaving her " big with child." See vol. ii, p. 17, note "c" for a somewhat similar case in the succession to the Earldom of Breadalbane [S.], confirmed by the House of Lords, 27 May 1864.