Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/34

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32 LAVINGTON— LAWRENCE. 1 Aug. 1907, aged GH, when the Barony of Larinqton . became extinct. Will pr. 1808. (*) His widow, who was 6. at Dresden and who is said to have linen in the mile of Queen Charlotte, d. at Hampton Court Palace, 2 May 1S30, at a great age. Will pr, July 1S30, and March 18401 LA WARD, see De La Ward. LA WARR. see Dr. La Warr. LAWKEKCE OF THE riLX.TAVB(>') ANT OF GKATELY. I. 1SG0. & " Tin' Rf. lion. Sin Joftjc LaiRB Lawrence, Rait, G.C.B.. G.C S.I., lately Her Majesty's Viceroy and Governor General of India," was cr. 3 April I860, BARON LAWRENCE OF THE PUN- .iAUB( b ) AND OF SBATELY, co. SOUTHAMPTON. Be «u 5th *.("=) of Lieut.- Col. Alexander LaWrknck, Gov. of Upton Castle, co. Kent, hy I.etilia, da. of the Ser. George Knox, Rector of Stralnne. CO. Antrim. He was 4. 1 March 1811 and lap. at Richmond, co. York; ed. at Huileybmy College, IS:!": entered the Bengal Civil service, 1828 ; assistant to the Chief Commissioner at Delhi. 1831: Magistrate and Collector of Delhi. 1830 ; settlement officer at Ettawah. 1838 : Commissioner of the Sutlej, 1848, and of the Punjaub, 1852-58 ; K.C.B.. 1856; G.C.B.. 1857; er. a Baronet 16 Aug. lSfiS.l' 1 ) having aided considerably in quelling the Sepoy mutiny of 1S57; for which he received the thanks of 1'arl. and (from the East Indian company) a pension of £2000; Lieut. -Gov. of the Punjaub, 1850 ; P.C„ 18f>!> ; Member of the Supreme Council, 1858-6:! ; K.S.I.. 1861 ; G.C.S.I.. 1866: GoVERKOR Gknkhal ok India, Dec. 1863 to Sep. 1868, being, on his resignation, raited to the pttragt, in 186!», as before stated. He m. 26 Aug. 1841, at Culdoff, co. Donegal. Haniette Katharine, da. of the Rev. Richard Hamilton. Rector pf Culdoff, by Katharine, da. of Edward TiiTl.vo, of Bellrnge Park, co. Louth. He d. 27 June 1870, in his CO t li year at No. 23, Queen's Gate Gardens, Hyde Park, and was bur. in Westm. Abbey. His widow, who was CI., was living 1SH2. II. 1879. John- Hamilton- (Lawrence), IJaron- Lawrence of the PtlKJACB ANn ok s. »nd h„ 6; 1 Oct. 18-16, and hup. at Simla in India; ed. at Trin. Coll.. Cambridge; H.A., 186!); Barrister (Line Inn), 1872 : tve. to llit peerage) 27 June ]S79. He m. 22 Aug. 1872, Mary Caroline Douglas, only child of Richard CAMPBELL, of Amhinbreck, co. Argyll, by Anne Glassford, da. of Archibald Diu, of Glenfinnart in that county. Fumily Estates. — These, in 1883, were under 2000 acres. (•) 'WrnsaH in bis " Mimoir* (vol. iii, p. 411. Edit 1384), says of him, with whom he was "well acquainted." that he "always appeared to be "a good natnrcd, pleasing, well bred man," but that " he was reported not always to treat his wife with kindness." He then narrates how that Sheridan being asked to write an epitaph for this lady's favourite monkey (named " Ned") for whose death she was in great distress, wrote— " Alas ! poor Ned My monkey's dead ! 1 had rather, by half, It had been Sir Ralph." At Payne's house in Grafton street the leaders of the opposition frequently met, among whom was Krskine, who being one day indisposed is said to have replied to her ladyship, who had kindly enquired after his health. " Tis true I am ill, but 1 cannot complain ; For he never knew Pleasure who never knew Payne." ('•) See vol. i, p. 29, note "a," tub "Amherst" as to titles referring to some achievement of the grantee. (<••) The 4th son was Gen. Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence, K.C.B., who, when Chief Commissioner of Oude, was mortally wounded at the heroic defence of Lucknow and ((. 4 July 18. r >7, aged 51, his eon being a: a Baronet 10 Aug. 185S, in com- memoration thereof. ( d ) i.e., 6 days after bis nephew bad been so created. See note " c " next above.