Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/35

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LAXTON — LECHMERE. 33 L.AXTOX. S o " KvEnixorrAM de Laxton, alia* Lexinto.v, Notts," Barony {Enrrinyham) a: 1 3».>S> ; in abei/unct 1372. LA ZOUCHE or DE LA ZOUCHE, see Zouche. LEA. See " Herbert of Lea, co. Wilts," Barony (Herbert), cr, 1861. LE BLOUNT, see Blotjht. LE BRUX, see totes. LECAGH. Feu.ding of Lecaoh, co. Tipperary," Barony [L] (Feihling), cr. with the Viscot'NTcr OF Callan [I.] 1G22 ; see "Desmond" Earldom [I.] cr. (in revtrsijn), 1022. LECALE. /'.'?., tt LjWiMS,"(») VisoonxTCY [I.] (Cromwell), cr. 1624; see " Anu- c. lass," Earldom [I.], cr. 16M ; ex. 16S7- LECALE OF ARDGLASS. Barony [I.] Loitn Charles-James Fitzgerald, 3il but 2il surv. s. of [ 1 S00 J ;im es. DDKS OP Lkinsteh [I. J, by Emilia, da. of Charles (Lennox), t ) 1 2nd DOKS ok HicHMoNU, was b. 30 June 1756 ; entered the Koyal ai( Navy, beeomillg eventually (1709), Hear Admiral; M.P. for co. Jf<lu - Kildnre, 1770-DO ; for C'avan, 1790-97, and for Ardfert, 179S-1SOO, in

  • Web vear, on 27 Dec. ls,00(>>) lie was cr. BARON LECALE',") OP

AliDGLASS, co. Down [I ] He was Muster Master Gen. [I.] and Gov of Kilmainharu Castle ; M.P. for Arundel, 1S07. He >». 13 July 180S^ C ) at bis house in Clarges street, St. Ceo. Han. sq., Julia, widow of Thomas C.VUTON, of Maidotowu, co. Dublin. He d. g.p. 18 Feb. 1810 when the peerage became extinct. Will pr. 1S10. His widow d. 6 May 1811, aged 05, at Com tlauds," Devon. Will pr. July 1841. LECHMERE OF EVESHAM. Barony. Xicnoi.As Lechmeke, 2d son of Edmund L. of Hanley 1 1721 Castle, co. Worcester, by Lucy, da. of Sir Anthony IIongerford, of . ' Farley, co. Somerset (which Edmund was s. and h. of Sir Nicholas 1707 Lechmere, Baron of the Exchequer), was b. 1675; Barrister at law (Middle Temple) ; M.P. for Appleby, 170S ; for Cockermouth, 1710, 1713 and 1715, and for Tewkesbury, 1717; Solicitor Gen. 171415 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1717, till his death in 1727 ; P.C., 1718 ; Attorney Gen., 1718-20. He was cr. 4 Sep. 1721, 13 A HON LECHMEliE OF EVESHAM, co. Worcester. He m. Elizabeth, 1st da. of Charles (Howaud), 3d Earl of Carlisle, by Anne, da. of Arthur (Cati-ll), 1st Earl of Essex. He d. s.p., aged 52, of npoplesy, at Camden House, 18 June 1727, when the pecrnye became extinct. He was bur. at Hanley Castle. Aduion. 18 May, 1728 and 9 June 1739.C) His (*) Lecale is ft Barony on the east coast of co. Down, containing the parishes of Ardglnsa, Down, &c. ( b ) See vol. i, p. 166, note " a " for a list of the commoners raised on that date to the peerage [I.] ("> He is said to have been a u iilnucr at that date. ( d ) He was one of the managers of the trial of Dr. Sachevercll, and, being a good •peaker, was much courted by the "Whigs. He was (says the " Hiitorical Itegister" D