Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/359

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.MONTRO.SK — M ON Y PENNY. 357 • 1874. Dukedom [S.] VI. Marquessate [S ] VIII. Earldom [S.] m Britain, 3d Ixut only suit. 5, 8, and 12. Douglas-Eeresford-Malise- Konald (Graham), Duke of Montrose [1707], Mar- QCESS or Montrose [1644, confirmed 1660], Marquess op Graham and Buchanan [1707], Karl ok Mont- rose [1505]. Haul ok Kincardine [1644 unci 1U60], VjSCOUST OK DfNDAFK [1707], LORD GRAHAM [1415 % Lord GraHaM and Mugdock [1644 and 1660], Lord AuKRRUTHVEN, MtODOCK AND FlNTRIE [ 1 707], iu tlie peerage of Scotland ; also Karl Graham ami Baron Graham ok Belkord [1722"|, ' u t,ie peerage of Great rind b., b. 7 Nov, 1852 ; ed. at Kton ; styled MaBQUESS OK BithaNan, after his brother's death in A i nil 1872 till he sue. to the pea-aye [S. and G.I!.], 30 Dec. 1874 ; was sometime, 1872-77, au officer in the Coldstream Ouards anil the 5th Lancers ; Gen. of the Royal Body Guard of Scotch Archers. K.T , 20 Nov. 1870; Lord Lieut, of Stirlingshire, 1SS5; Lord Clerk Register [S.] 1800. He m. 24 July 1876, Violet Hermione. 2d da. of Sir Frederick Ulrio Graham, 3d Bart., of Netherby. bj! Jane Hcrmioue, 1st da. of Edward Adolphua (Seymour), 12th Duke ok Somerset. [James Graham, vtyl&il Marquess ojf Graham, fc 1 May 1878, at 35 Chester square, Pimlieo.] Family Estates. — These, iu 1SS3, consisted of 68,565 acres iu Stirlingshire ; 32,294 in 1'erthsliire, and 2,5SS in Dumbartonshire. Total 103,447 acres, worth £24,872 a year. Principal llcsidcnce ; Buchanan Castle, co. Stirling. The Duke of Montrose is one of the 28 noblemen who, in 1883, possessed above 100,000 acres in the United Kingdom (none of his property being iu Kngland) and stands 27th iu point of acreage and 26th in point of income. See a list of these in vol. ii, p. 51, note "a," sub "Buccleucu." MONYCROAVER, Sec "Mayo of Monycrower," ViscoHutcy [l.J (Bourke), er. 1781 eee " Mayo " Earldom [I.], er. 17S5. MOXYMA1L. See "Melville of Monymail," Eamny [S.] [MelBille}, 1627, and again 1627. i.e., "Rattii, Monymail and Ealwearie," Barony [S.] {Melville), er. 1600 with the Karldom fiK Melville [S.], which see. MONYPENNY. Barony [S.] 1. Sir WitUAW Monypenny, of Mom-penny, formerly I 1460! Halliserth, co. Stirling, s. and h. of Sir William M., of the same, by Margaret, da. of Philip AliBUTHNOTT, of Arbuthnott, acquired not only the lands of Conquirsall, in France, but also many estates in Scotland forfeited by the family of Douglas, and was er. a Peer of Pari., LOUD MONY- PENNY [S.], at some date between 0 Nov. 1458, and 17 July 1464. He was Ambassador from France to England, 16 Feb. U71.(*) He was liviug 20 March 1483/4. II. 1485 ? 2. Alexander (Monytenny), Lord Monypenny [S.l, to s. and b. He exchanged in 1405 his Barony of Earlshall, co. Fife, for 1500. lands called Escariot iu France. He d. s.p.m. when the pea-aye became dormant, or, more probably, extinct. (") Styled " Guillaume, Seigneur et Baron Banneret de Monypenny ct de Conyrcs- sault" [Wood's "Douyla>n