Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/358

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356 MONTROSE. peerage [S., and 0.B.J, 23 Sep. 1790; Maxtor i.f the H. 1700-9.1, anil again 1S07 ; a Commissioner for Indian affairs, 1701 — 1803 : K.T., 14 .lime, 1793, which honor be resigned when in 1S12 lie acquired the Carter ;(*) Lord Lieut, of Stirlingshire, 179"i ; Lord Justice General [S.], 1705—1836 ; President of the Hoard of Trade ami Joint Postmaster Gen., 1804-06; Master of the Horse (for the second time). 1807-39 ; K G.. 31 March 1812 ;(») Lord Lieut, of Dumbartonshire, 1818; Lord Chamberlain of the Household. 1 SCI -27 and 1S2S.:!0 He m. :1 March 1 78.1, at his father's house, Grosvenor street, St. Geo. Han. M] . Jemima Elizabeth, 1st da. of John (ASHBVRXB.Ol), 2d E.utL or ASHBCRKHAU, by Klizahcth, da. and coheir of John Crowley*. She who was 6. 1 Jan. 1762 died (as ifarchioneu of Oralutot) in childbed, 18 Sep. 1786, aged 24. in Grosvenor square, and was bur. at Aborrtithv.-n. lie hi. secondly, 21 July 1 7!'0, at Kensington palace, St. Margaret's Westm., Caroline Maria, 1st da. of George (.HOOTAOU), 4th DrKK »F MaNCIIKstkii. by Elizabeth, do. of Sir James DASHWOOD, Bart. He d. 30 Dec. 1836, aged SI, and was bur. at Aberruthven Will pr. Feb. 1837. His willow, who was b. 10 Auk- 1770 and bap. at St., d. at l'etersham, Surrey, 2 1 March and was bur. there 1 April IS 17, aged 7'j. Will pr. April IS 17. [Wii.i.iam Graham, (jenrmlly Intomt as Earl of Kincardine, 1st *. and h. ap„ by the first wile; b. 4 Sep- 1786, il. v. p. an infant 23 April 17S7, before his father had sue. to the peerage; and was bur. at Aberruthven.] 1836. Dukedom [S.] V. Marquessate [S ] VII. Earldom [S ] XL 1843 ; K.T., 12 March 1848 4, 7, iiiul //. Jambs (Graham), Duke of MoNTHOSK, jce. fS.], also Kahi. Gll.Ml.VM, &c. [G.B.], 2d but 1st surv, s. and h., being cdil. -t son by the second wit".-; b. 16 July 1700; itj/kd M.VRQt'KSS or Guaham till 1S:!>> ; ed." at Triii. Coll.. Cambridge ; M.A., 1810; P.C., 1821; Vice Chamberlain of the Household, 1S21-27 ; M.P. for Cambridge. 1825-32; Commissioner for Indian affairs, l,S2S-.liO ; jhi*. <■< Ike peerage [S. and G.H.], 30 Dec. 1836; Chancellor of the I'niv. of Glasgow, 1S37 ; Lord Lieut, of Stirlingnhire, Lord Steward of the Household, 1852-53 ; Chancellor of tin; Duchy of Lancaster, 1858-59; Postmaster General. 1866-68; Major Gen. of 'lie I loyal body guard of Scotch Archers, lie M. 15 Oct. 1836, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Caroline Agnes, 3d da. of John (HOHStKY-BHRBSFOnu), 3d BaRON Dkuks [I.), by I 'harl.itte Philadelphia, da. and h. of Robert HuRst.F.v. He A. at Cannes, in France, 30 Dec. 1 871 'exactly 38 years after his predecessor), aged 75. His widow, who was b. 1818, »i 22 Jan. 1876, at Tiinity church, Sloane street, Chelsea, William Stuart S'liui.iN.i-CiiAWi'oni), of Milton, co. Lanark (well known in the spurting world), who (/., also at Cannes, on 23 Feb. 1883, aged 03, his will being proved under £151,000. She m. thirdly, 26 July 1888, at St. Andrews, I'ulham, Marcus Henry Mu.SKU, who is said to have been b. Hi April I Mil. If so, he was 40 years her junior. [James Graham, ityltd Marquess of Graham, 1st 8. ami li. up. ; '<. 7 Feb. 1S45 ; an infant and v.p. 31 Jan. 1846.] [James Graham, atyl&l Marquess of Graham, 2d but 1st bhtv, b. ami h. ap. ; b. 22 June 1847, in Bclgravc square; an officer in the Life Guards ; Capt. 18(19. He (I. in London, mini, and v.p. from typhoid fever, 3, and was bur. 11 April 1872, aged 24, in Buchanan church, Loch Lomond.] ( a ) See vol. i, p. ii, note " b," sub "Aberdeen," for n list of the knights of the Thistle (12 in all), who sul isequeiitly obtained the Garter. ('■) 111 the Greville memoirs he is spoken of very disparagingly, but Wra.vall (vol. iii, pp. 385—387. Edit. 1884), after stating that "few individuals, however dis- tinguished by birth, talents, interests, or public services, arrived at greater honours under the reign of Geo. 111." than did he, states that " he possessed a ready elocution, sustained by all the confidence in himself necessary for addressing the House," while his" devotion " to the cause of George III., was only equalled by that of his ancestor to the cause of Charles I., he being " also in his person, elegant and pleasing " and not deficient " in the accomplishments befitting his illustrious descent."