Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/365

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MORAY. 3G3 XVI. 1592. Si James (Stkwart), Eakl of Moray, &c. [S."|, s. and h., who by tliu King's special mediation was reconciled to his father'* murderer, whose da. viz. Anne, 1st da. of George (Gordon), 1st Makqukss ok Mi nti y [S.], by Henrietta, da of Esme (Stfart), IstDi'KEOF Lennox [S.], he married in ItiOl. He had in 1592 a ratification in Pari, of the charter of 1 June 1566, and all other charters granted to the liegeut Karl, and finally 'after resignation) obtained, 1" April 16] 1, a new grant of the Earldom with rein, to heirs male of his body, whom failing, to his brother Francis in like manner./-') He appears at some date between 27 Oct. HlU b ) MiA 1620 to have sue. as LOKD ST. COLME [S.], on the death s.p.m. of his cousin James (Stewart), 2d Loud St. [S.], having, at the latter date, charters of the Lordship of St. Colme.( e ) He d. at Daruaway 6, aud was bur. 7 Aug. 163S, at the church of Dyke, without any pomp. XVII. 1038. 4. James (Stewart), Earl ok Moray, &e. [S.], only s. and h. : ati/lcd Loan I'odne till he sue. tv thr pceraye [S.]. 6 Aug. 163S J bad a grant of the ca.-tle of Spyuie, 12 Nov. 1611 : wa> a royalist but took no active part in the civil war. He »i Margaret, 1st da. of Alexander ( Ho.Mi:), 1st EAKL of HOMB, by his second wife, Mary, da. of Edward (Sutton alias DUDLEY), Lord Dudley), she being eldest of the two sisters and coheirs of James, 2.1 Earl of Home [S ] He d, 4 March 1653. [•I ames Stewart, stylnl Lord Koune, 1st s. ami h, ap. He d. unm. and v. p.] XVIII. 1653. 5. Alexander (Stewart, or Stuart), Karl of Moray, &C [S.], 2d but 1st snrv. s. and h. : stilled Lord DOUBB after the death of his elder br. till he sue. to thr parage [S.], on 4 March 1858; was lined A'3,500 under Cromwell's act of Grace, 1651: Justice Gen. [S.J. 1675; one of the Lords of the Treasury [S ], 1678 ; Sec. of State [S.], and an extra. Lord of Session, 16S0 ; Commissioner" to the Pari. [S.], 1686; K.T. (being one of the eight orig. knights at the revival of that order), 20 May 16S7.() He was deprived of all his offices at the revolution in 1689.( L ) He m. Emilia, da. of Sir William Balfour, of Pitcullo, Lieut, of the Tower of Loudon. He d. at his residence, Dunibirsel, 1 N T ov. 1701, and was carried to Daruaway and bur. in the church of Dyke, 24 Jan. 1701 2. Pun. entry at Lyon office. [James Stuart, styled Lord Doune, 1st s. ami h. ap. He m. Katharine (step da. of John, Di'KE of Lauderdale [S.]), da. of Elizabeth, MM jure Countess of Dvsaht [8.1 by Sir Lionel Tollemache, 3d Bart. He d. v.p. and s.p.m.l 1 ) 16S5. His willow mi. (as second of his three wives), John (Gordon i, Earl of Sutherland [$.% who d. 27 June 1733. She d. before Feb. 1708.] ( : >) See p. 361, note "e." ( b ) The .late in Wood's " Douylas" (vol. ii, p. 466), of "1642" is an erratum for " 1612. as has been verified. (c) Henry Stewart, yr. br. of his father, was cr. 7 March 1611, Lord St, Colmc [S.], with rem to heirs male. C 1 ) See vol. i, p. 87, note "a," mb "Athole." M Macky in his " characters, 1 ' says of him, about 1700, that after having been made '• Commissioner [S. |to take oil' the penal laws which his great ancestor [the Regent Moray] laid on" in which he did not succeed, " he turned lloman Catholick, aud at the Revolution retired to his country seat. He is a very good uatured inau and was wrought upon by the court to do whatever they pleased ; he is very fat and fair near 70 years obi. P) Of" his two daughters (1) Elizabeth, lit. Alexander Grant aud d. s.p. (2) Emilia, m. firstly Thomas Eraser, and secoudly John (Liudsay), Earl of Crawford [8.], and bad issue by both husbands, her descendant (by first, marriage) being Lord Lovnt[S.], who is heir of line to the 5th aud preceding Earls of Moray.