Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/366

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364 MORAY. XIX. 1701. I Charles (Stuart), Earl of Moray, &<■•. [S.], 2d but 1st snrv. s. ami li. male, He was v. p. re a Baronet [S.J, 23 Sep. 1681,{») with rem. to heirs male of his body. He was sti/lrd Lonn PoiNK. after the death of his elder l. r . in 1685. till he «»c to the parage [8.J, 1 Nov. 1701. He ». his cousin. Anne, widow of Richard (MaitlaKP), Ith Eaiu. OF LaI'DKHDaLK [S.J (who d. 1«95), 2d <ln> Of Archibald ("AMi'milx), 9th K.Mil. ok AnoYI.l. [S.I, by Bis BlUl wifo Mary, da. of .lames (StewartI. Ith Eaih. ok MwtAT [S.] Shi' a at Pnnibirsil, IS Sep.' or I>ec, 17:11. in her 7fltB year. Funeral entry at l.yoti nfftoe. Me d. there, s.p. 7 Oct 1736, also in his 7tith year, when the Baronetcy [S.J, became extinct. XX. 173"). 7. PlUKCIS (STVAltT). KHI. 0* M"HAY. &C, In. »iul 1>- male ; 6. about 1 b' 7-"i ; was sum. to surrender in 1715 on suspicion of Iming disatl'ected to the Government; sue. to the peerage [S.], 7 Oct. 1735. Ho m. firstly Elizabeth, only child of the Hon. Sir John McRttAY, of Drumcaim, a Lord of Session, 1081-89. S*he d- s.p.s. He in. secondly, about 1707, .lean, 2*1 da. of John (Eu>HisSTO»B).4th Loud Balmerinoch [S.]. by Christian, da. of Hugh (Mos»ot»MKlfr), ok EfiUNTON [S.J She rf. at Dunibirtel, 14 .May 17:1!'. Funeral entry in Lyon office. He (/. there (a few mouths later), 11 Dee. 1730, in his titith year. XXI. 1739. S. James (Stuart), Haul of Moray, && [S.], s. anil h., by second wife; b. about 1 70S ; stt/tcd LORD Pokne from 1735 till he sue. to the parage [S.]. 11 Dee. 17311 : K.T.. 23 Feb 1711 : KM. PESH [S.|, 1741-67. ( h ) He )«. firstly, Dec. 1734, Grace, Dow. CorNTKss OF AlloYNK [S.]. da. of George LocKHAHT, of Carnwath, by Eupheuiia. da. of Alexander (MoSTCOMEUY), KaRI. OF EoLINToN [S.) She d at Darnaway, 17 Nov. 1738. He IH. secondly, 24 April 1740, Margaret, da. of David (YVe.myss), Earl ok YVeuyss [S.J. by bis* nd wife, Mary, da. and coheir of Sir John Robinson, Hart. He at Dunibirse], 5 July 1 707, in his 59th year. XXII. 17G7. 0. Francis (Stuart), Eakl of Moray. &e. [9.]. 8. and h., by first wife; b. 11 Jan. 1737, N.S. ; styled LOBD Dunk. 1 739-07 ; completed his education abroad.^) He iiir. to the peerage [S.J, Ti July 1 7<>7. He is said to have planted above thirteen million trees on his estates of Darnaway, Doune, and Dunibirael. Rei>. 1'keh [&}, 1784-96,'*) being er., 4 June 179ti, BAKON STUART OF CASTLE STUART, co. Inverness [G.R.] : Lord Lieut, of the county of Moray or Elgin. He m., 28 June 1703, at Gray, co. Forfar, Jean, 1st da. of John (Ghat), Loud Gray [SJ, by Margaret Blaib, his wife, heiress of Kinfauns, co. Perth. She d. 19 Feb. 17S0. He d. at Drmnsheugb, 2S Aug. 1S10, aged 73, and was bur. at Duuibirsel. ( :l ) "Mr. Charles Steuart, second son to the F.arle of Murray." ( b ) He obtained under the act (1747) for abolishing heritable jurisdiction £3,000 for the Sheriffship of Moray or Elgin, and £1,200 for the Stewartry of Mciiteith ; in all £4.200 in full of his claim of £1 1,000. ( K ) He was one of the few English at Turin in 1759 who " were remarkable for their diligent attention to their studies," having " masters for dancing, music, Italian, French, and for the Civil law." [Wood's " Dow/las.] C) His vote was objected to at the Gen. Election of Rep. Peers [S.J in 1790 on the ground that the dignity was one to the heir general and as such would be in the descendants of the da. of James Stuart, styled Lord Doune, eldest son of Alexander, 5th Earl of Moray. The House of Lords, however, on 6 June 1793. came to the resolution " that the votes given by the Earl of Moray at the said election were good." This, says the article in " the Genealogist," (vol. iii, N.S., pp. 1-24) above alluded to "is absolutely all we learn on the subject from the proper official source — the House of Lords journals." See, however, p. 302, note " c," as to how Lord Lough- borough's notes thereon have been wrongfully construed to indicate the declaration of their Lordships of a new creation in 15S1 or 1584, with, consequently, no earlier precedency than that date. In " Riddell " (p. 934) the finality of the resolution of 1793 is questioned as having been made in the absence of (the opposing party) the heir general.