Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/372

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370 MORTONGTON — MORLRY. heiri "procreate betwixt yame," which failing, to the heirs of her body, but that Ihe designation thereof be changed to Mordingtou. They were, thus created LORD AN D LADY MORDINOTON [&] (tho' with the precedency of the Barony ,.f 01il>hanti and he is alluded to as Lord Monlington in Pari , 30 May 16.11. He cr 1 , 11 Feb. 1056. IL lGf>G. 2. Wii.uam (Douglas), Loud Mordixgtox [S.], s. and h. He sat in Pari., 1 Feb. liirtl and subsequently, in the precedency of the ancient Lords Otiphant [S.] He m. Elizabeth, da. of Hugh (Kemimi.O, Lobb Sk.mi'H.i. [S.j, by his second wife, Elizabeth, da. of Francis (Hay), Earl OF Enaoix [S.] He was living, 2 Aug. 1082. Ilf. 1700 ? •>'. James (DopfltAs), Lord Mordlvcton [S.J, Lts.nnd h.(») He voted at the eleetion of Rep. Peers [S.], 10 Nov. 1710. He »i. Jean, 1st da. of Alexander (Sktms), 1st VlSCOUST OF KlSCSTOS [S.], by his fust wife, Jean, da. of Sir George Flkti'NBU. IV. 1720] George (Douglas), Lord MonmxT.Tox [S-], only s. and h. He voted at several elections of Hep. Peers [S.] He ru. Catharine, da. of the liev. Hubert LaCSDBU 1 , M.A., Rector of Slienley, Herts. He tl. in Coveut Garden, Midx. 10 June 17ll.(' ) His wife survived him but ri. before IS Dec. 1711, when aduiou. of his goods was granted.^') V. 17 11 I ■">. Mary, mo fim Hardness Mordixgtox [S.l da. and to heir of line. She, who was num. in Dee. 1711, m. William W'kavkh, 1791 . an officer in the Horse Guards who fought at Dettingen and Fontenoy, and who </. 28 April 1766, aged above 80, at Hallow park, co. Wor- cester. The Baroness d. s.p., 22 July 1781. [Since 1701 the titlo has never been assumed or claimed, but, if, as seems to be the case, the issue of tin! second Lord became at that date extinc t, the heir of line of the Barony is the descendant and heir of line of the only da. of the first Lord, ri':. Anne, who m. Robert, Lord Sempill [S.], and who is ancestress of the succeeding Lords of that name with which Barony that of Mordingtou is presumed, since 1791, to have become united.] MORETOX. See "DfciE of Morf.tox, co. Stafford," Barony (More/on), a: 1720; ex. 1770. i.e., "Mohkton of TouTwouTii, eo. Gloucester," Bftrony. Reynolds- Murelon), cv. 1S37, with the Earldom ok Dccif., which see. MOELEY. Barony by J, WlLUAM IMS Murley, of Morley, eo. Norfolk, having Writ. served in the Scotch wars, was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LOUD I. 1 2!J9. MORLEY), by writs from 29 Dec. (1290), 2S Ed. I. to 3 Nov. (1300), (") The second son, the Hon. Lewis Douglas, was bur. at Kensington, 7 July L682. () He was author of sonic pamphlets against Popery, && In a copy of the "Scotcli Compendium" of 1726 (belonging to the writer) is written, in old hand- writing, "The present Lil. Mordingtou keeps a gaming table in London, 173S." See vol. ii, p. 17fi, note "d," suii " Cassillis," where however the remark would seem to refer to 1745, i c., to the sua jure Baroness. ( u ) Charles Douglas, hiving joined in the rising of 1 7-1.1, was taken prisoner and arraigned at Carlisle, as a Commoner, 11 Sep. 17Jo', He pleaded his peerage as heir male of the body of tho 2d Lord Monlington, and, having proved his descent accordingly, the plea appears to have been allowed, without any proof having beeu required as to the limitation of the dignity being, as he alleged, to the male heir. See " SiddtU." He appears to have it, s.p. before 1791.