Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/373

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MORLEY. 371 II. 1310? Q. Robert (de Morley), Lord Morley, s. ami li. was sum. to Parl(») from 20 Rot. (1317), 11 Ed. 11. to 13 Feb. (1356/7), 31 Ed. III. lie mil one of the moat famous warriors of the period both in the Scotch and French wars J was Admiral of the Northern Fleet, and, as Btlch, achieved (atSluys in Flanders) the greatest naval victory hitherto obtained over the French; was present at dressy, ami was Constable of the tower of London. He m. Hawyse, who apparently was Sao jure Baroness MARSHAL, being sister and heir of John, Loud Marshal, at whose death in 1310-17, she was aged 15, and being da. of William (Marshal), Lord Marshal so a: 1309. With her he acquired Hingham, co. Norfolk, Hflllingbury, CO. Essex, and other considerable estates elsewhere, beside a claim to the hereditary Marshalship of Ireland. (>') He to. secondly, Joaae, da. of Sir Peter dk Tves, which Joan died the same year that he (Ud.(«) He d. iu France, about Mid Lent (1350/00), 31 Ed. III. III. 13G0. 8. William ( de Morley), Loud Morley, s. and h. by first wife ; was iu the French wars and was knighted v. p. in 1356 ; was 30 (or, according to another inquisition, 40) years old at his father's death. He was sum. to Farl. from 4 Dee. (13641,38 Ed. III., to 3 Dee. (137S), 2 Hie. It. Iu 1304 his tenure of the office of Marshal of Ireland was recognise. 1. Hem. Cecily, da. of Thomas (Bardolimi). Loud BarDOLPH. He A 30 April 1379. Will dttt. 15th, at Halingbury, directing his burial to be at the Austin Friars, Norwich. His widow rf, Dec. (1380), 10 Rie. II. Will directing her burial to be with her husband. IV. 1379. J f . Thomas (de Morley), Lord Morley, s. and h. ; aged 25 at the death of his father in 1379. lie was sum. to ParLf") from 10 July (13S1), 5 Rie. II., to 3 Sep. (1417), 4 Hen. V. ; was Marshal of Ireland, petitioning^') to execute that office by deputy. He was K.G. about 1411. He distinguished himself in the wars with France, being in (1410), 4 Hen. V., Capt. Gen. of all the Forces there. He m. firstly Joan. He TO. secondly Anne, (sometimes called Joan) widow of Sir Hugh Hastings, of Elsing, da. of Edward (Desi'enceh), Lord Le Despencer, by Elizabeth, suo jure Baroness Efnr.HF.iisn. He d. at Calais, 24 Sep. (1410), 1 Hen. V. Admon. at Lambeth, 3 March 1410,7. V. 1I1G. 5. Thomas (de Morley), Lord Morley, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Sir Robert (or Thomas) Morley, by Isabel, da. of John (de Molines), Lord Moi.jnfs, which Robert (or Thomas) was's. and h. ap. of the late Lord but d. v.p. He was aged 23 at the death of his grandfather iu 1417. He (who was Marshal of Ireland) was sum. to Pari. (») from 15 July (1127), 5 Hen. VI., to 5 July (1435), 13 Hen. VL(') He to. Isabel, da. of Michael (De La Pole), 2d Earl of Suffolk, by Catharine, da. of Hugh (Stafford), 2d Earl of Stafford. He d. Dec. 1435 and was bur. at Hingham afsd. His widow, whose will dat. 1404 was pr. 1400, is also bur. there. VI. 1135. 0. Robert (de Morley), Lord Morley, only s. and h., aged 17 at the death of his father iu 1435. He was sum. to Tarl./ 1 ) 3 Dec. (1441), 20 Hen. VI. He m. Elizabeth, da. of William (de Roos), Loud Roos. He d. s.p.m. (1442-43), 21 Hen. VI. ( :l ) There is proof iu the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. ( b ) As to this office see p. 206, note " b," sub " Marshal." ( c ) Her son, Sir Robert Morley, attended the Black Prince into Aquitaine and distinguished himself in the French wars. His male issue appears to have become extinct with his grandson, Sir Thomas Morley, whose da. and h. to, Sir Geoffrey Ratcliffe. ('•) Rot. Pari, vol. iii, p. 130, no. 16 ; as quoted in Banks's " Bar. AngV 1°) In Dugdale's list of summons a " John de Morley " is said to have been sum. to Pari. 24 May (1133), 11 Hen. VI. This is unquestionably a mistake for " Thomas " whose name appears in the summons of 5, 6, anil 13 Hen. VI. Moreover " Thomas de Morley, Chivaler," was present in the Pari. 11 Hen. VI. (Rot. Pari., vol. iv, p. 422;, the very year in which the writ (as afsd.) summons " John." [See " Nicolas'] 2 A"