Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/378

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37G MORNIXGTOJT. Earldom [I ] J ami 8. Richauii (Wkiabslev), Earl OF ■ r i MoRMN'OTON, 4c, fl.J. 1*1 s. audio. />. -JO June 1 7«>0, at I 1"S1 1 >j»ii!i.-iii Castle; ttyled Vis<oi'NT Wki.i.ksi.kv, till 1784 : ed. Barony [I ] | ' : • t Harrow. Kton ami Oxford, where be matrie. ICh, Ck.), •J! Dec; 17TS ;,■') »ur. (.i the peeivge tl.j, Ui' May 17S1 ; J K.P. [one of tli.' 1.". original " knights). 5 Keb. 1783, being hut, 17 March following, hut resigning the order in 1S10, when ha obtain.- 1 tlw Garter :.*'• M l', for Trim. I780jSl ; fur Reeralstoii, 17SJ.80; for Saltush, 1734-87 : fire Windsor, 1 7iS7*M, <and for eiil Sarum. 1706-1*7, P C. [I ], 17SI ; a bod of tin- freawtry, 1 78U-97 ; a Conini6«ioi»er for Indian alFairn, 1793-97; Governor of Madras May 17"7. aud i Juvkun.mi i ;knkiiai. ok Hkni; w.. 1797— IS05 (being Commander in Chief, 1600-05), (hiring which period tic effected tin' capture of SeringaivitatH anil tlw eimiplete destruction of the empire of the Mysore. He was sr. •Jo Oct, 1787, BAIaiN WKLLESLKY of V,lI,>l,v. co. Somerset C,.V..}, being, two years later, a:. 2 Dec. 1799,1" MARQUESS WKI.I.KSI.KV OF NORltAGH [I,] He bad been made Chief Remembrancer of tin. Court of Exchequer [I.J in 1798; Knight of the Crescent of Turkey. If Nov. 1805; AmUuisadwr to the Central .Iniit.i of Spain, 1819; See, of Slate for the Foreign Department, 1 302-12 ; K.G . :! March 1-SM. being in-t,."l March 1812, when he reigned 'tie Order of St. Patrick ;r Knight of the Lion an. I Sun of Persia, U'.' July 1812; Bearer of the Sceptic with the Cross at the Coronation of George IV., 19 July 1821. VtCfiMM 6Y Irm.ami as Lord Lieut.), 1821-28. and again, 18;)3-81, having meanwhile (1830-33) hem Lord Steward of the Household. Lord Chamberlain of the Household, April to Hay 183S. lie w-. 29 Nov. 1791, at St. Ceo. Han. sq,., Hyitcinthe Gahrielle, v < »] da. of Pierre l!oi. and. of Paris. She o 1 . 'i Nov. 1816, Will pr. Jan. 1817. He in. secondly, 29 Oct. 1825, at the Vice liegal Lodge, Dublin, Marianne,;' > widow of Robert P.TTKIis iN, da. of Hichard CaTo.n, of Maryland, in America, by (. — ), <!a. of Charles CarboLL, of Carrollstown. in Maryland. He </. Bp. legit., -ii Sop. 1812, agetl 82, at Kingston House, Knightxhridge, Midx., wh< n the iinrqitniai* of n'citttleg of Xortngk [I.] and the Barony of Wttltnley] became extinct, t) Me was iur. in the chapel of Kton College, Bucks. M L Will pr. Keh. IS 13. His widow, who was a Lady of the Bailchamber to the Queen Dowager Adelaide, </. at Hampton Court Palace, 17 Dee. 1S53. Will pr. May 1854. Earldom [I ] 3 ami J,. William ( Wellesi-ey-Dole, II r ! fmnierlu, Kahi. or Mormngton, Stc, [I], [<-~> also Haiion Martborol'oU [L'.K.], next sure hr. and b.(f) ; b. - J0 May 17<KS. at Dangan Castle; ed. at Kton; entered the Royal Navy ; assumed the additional surname of Pott in 177S on succeeding to the estates of his cousin, William PotK.l") of Ilallvfin, in Queens connty ; was M.P. for Trim, 1783-90 ; for Kast Loee, 1790-94 ; for Queen's county, 1801-21 : Clerk of the Ordnance, lf>0>-0ti, and again, March to Julv 1S07 ; Chief See. [I.], 180942; P.O., 1809; Chaue. Exch. [L], 1811-12; Master of the Mint, 1S15-2J, Barony [I ] IV. (a) His exquisite Latin poems are well known. &QQW «I« given in the * Anthitloyia Osonkiisis." (l>) See vol. i, p. 130, note " d," sni " Arran" for a list of them.

c> A like resignation was made l>y Karl Talbot in 1811.

C) He was greatly vexed at not obtaining a Manpiessate of Great Britain, hut it was pointed out to him that tho' his predecessor, Lord Cornwallis, had obtained it, it was because he already enjoyed an Earldom of Until Britain, while in his own case the Earldom enjoyed was of Ireland. (°) "They had had several children hut separated very soon after marriage without any further issue and were not afterwards reconciled." [Annual llty., 1842.] (>) One of her sisters was Duchess of Leeds and another Baroness Stafford. (K) He was oue of live brothers, of whom no less than four were Peers. See vol. ii, p. 3!)3, note " a," sub " Cowley." () This gentleman's mother, Anne, da. of Henry CoIIey, of Castle Carhcry, was only sister to Richard, 1st Baron Morntngton [1.1 He was accordingly first cousin to the first E«l, the father of the legatee.