Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/379

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MORNING TON'. •377 being cc, 17 July 1821, KARON MARYBOROUGH at Maryborough, Queen's county ; Master of thelluckhounds, 1S28-30 : G.C.H. (Civil), 1830: Postmaster General. 1834-35 ; Captain of Deal Castle, 1838- I3i lie sue. to the Earldom, kc. [I. ]. on the death of bis said l.r. Marquess Wellesley. 26 Sep. 1842, He nu(f) 17 .May 1 784, in Savile Row, St. ■I, Hues* VestU)., Katharine Elizabeth, 1st <la. and euheir of Admiral the Hon. John Forres ('Jil s. of George. 3d Earl oK Giianaud [I.]), by Mary, da. of William (C.'Ell(, 3d EARL OK Essex. Bss d. -J2 Feb. 1845, in big S2d year, in Grosvenor square, and was Lm: (with bis parents) in Grosvenor chapel afsd. Will nr. March 1845. Hid widow (/. in Oosvenor square, 23 Oct. 1851, aged 91. and was bur. as afsd. Will pi. Nov. im. Earldom [I.] ' IV. Barony [I.] V. 1815. .'/ and William (L>ll^;y-Loxg- Yi;l- lesi.ey. formerly, Earl oi? Morxixgton, [I.], idso Baron Maiiybohol'ob, only 8. and b. ; 6. ^2 May 17' s 8 ; See. of Embassy and .Minister at Constantinople and subsequently at Copenhagen. He in. lirstly, 14 March 1812. at St. James' West in., Catherine, 1st sister and coheiri 1 ') of Sir James Tylxky-Loxg, 8th and last Hart., of Orayeot, Wilts (who d. 11 Sep. 1S05, aged 11), da. of Sir James Tylxky-Loxg, 7tb Hart., by bis second wife, Catherine Sidney, da. of Cither Lewis (Windsor), 4tb Kahi. or I'ly.uoith. c ) In contemplation of this marriage, he, by royal lie., 11 Jan. 1812, took the additional surnames of Tijlncij-Lnuj between those of l'„lc and WcUetUcjj. She, who was 4. - J Oct. 178P, </. at Richmond, Surrey, 12 Sep. 1825, aged 35. anil was bur, at Urayeot. He Pi, secondly, 10 Nov. ISliS, Helena, widow of 'I'lioinas UliuH, Capl. Coldstream Guards, da. of Col. Thomas Patersox, by Anne, da. and coheir of lioyd PoRTERFIELD, of Porterfield, co. Renfrew. He was stilled VlSCOUST Wei. Lesley, since his father's accession to the Earldom, 2o' Sep. 1S42, till he sue. to the ■peerage fl. and U.K.], Feb. 1815. He U. in poverty, 1 July 1857, aged 69, at lodgings in Thayer street, Marylebone. Will pr. Oct. 1S57. His widow, by whom he had no issue, d. 7 April 1869, aged 75, at West Cowes, Isle of Wight. Earldom [I.] " V. Barony [1.] VI. J and (;. William Richard Arthur. (Pqjje- Tyi.ney-Long- Wellesley), Kakl ok Mihixixutox [1760], 1637 VlSCQl'ST Wellesley ok Daxgan Castle [17ti0J, and R.uiox Morxixgtox [174ii], in the peerage of Ireland, also BaROX Maryroroi oh [1821], 1st s. and h. by first wife ; b. 7 Oct. 1813, at Wanstead House, Ks.-ex. He was styled Viscot XT Wellesley from 1845 till be sue. to the peerage [I. and C.K.] 1 July 1857. He d. nnui. at Paris, 25 July 1863, aged 19, and was (") His signature thereto is " William Wesley Pole," shewing that as late as 17S4 the spelling of •' WillcsU;/ " was not Universally adopted by the family. () The estates she inherited amounted to £25,000 a yiar; besides £300,000 personalty. TTie estate of Wanstead, Co. Essex and of Tyluey, Hants, came from her paternal grandmother, Emma, da. of Richard (Child}, Bar] Tilney of Wanstead [I.], which Emma was heir to her brother the 2d Karl. i c j " Of the miseries Which followed this marriage and of the subsequent scandals of the deceased's career it is better to say nothing. The vast property he had acquired by marriage and all that came from his own family he squandered ; and, alter many years of poverty and profligacy, be subsisted on a weekly pension from bis relatives, the late and present Dukes of Wellington. [Annual Hey., 1857]. Among other estates thus sold was Wanstead House, Essex, the erection of which had cost more than iotirijOOO, which (in 1S-J3) fetched but i'10,000, the mateiials being cleared by I.ady-day, 1825 ; also Tyluey Park, near Rotherfield, Hants, &c. His career and his "long" name (but slightly altered) are alluded to (as early as 1812) il the brother Smith's inimitable "Rejected Addresses." (See "Loyal cjj'usiou," by W. T. E.rjUgcraldJ) as under— " llless every man possesss'd of aught to give, — Lony may Lon<j-Tilncy-]'ellcskyLong-l'ole live « + * # «  And. < h ! in Downing street should Old Kick revel England's piiwe minister, then bless the Devil ! "