Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/396

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394 MOUNT EDGDUMBE. '2 ami .'/. RicQABO (EdccihiIBE), Eabl op Mount Kboci'mbk, Ssc«, only s. audit.; t, 13 awl >—<-)- II Sep. 1 7t> t ;it Putney* Surrey ; baptism reg. tit St . ( ion., Bull. Sq. ; ed. at Harrow and at Cli. Ch-, Oxford : siiilnl Viswwnt V.i.i.KrniiT, 1789-05; M.I'. M L...-1- withiel, 1790-91; f"r Fowey, 1791-95 ; D.C.L "f Oxford, 4 July 1793 ; •««■• 'o the peerage I Feb, 1 7P.". ; Lord Lieut. •'Mil Vice Admiral nf Cornwall, 17'.'f> ; ('apt. ol the Geut-Pensinncrs, 1808-12; P.O., 1808; Sewer at llio coronation. 19 .Inly 1821 : U.S., ,ve. He »i. 21 Feb, 1789,( :l ) at St, Geo. t Han. Wj., S.i|»lii.i, 3d .la. ami coheir of John (Hntl.MiT), 2d Earl (if Bi'ckisouamsiiirk, by his firet wife Mary Anne, da. and coheir ■ >f sir Thomas Diiuhy, Hart. She, who was 5 April 1 7< ! ^, 17 Aug. 1 Sot; at;.- Weill) ()• He •'■ 26 Sep. 1839 aged 7. r > at Richmond Hill and was "nr. .'. Oct. at Petersham, Surrey. WiH pr. Oct. 1810. [William Biciiaro Edoguhiie, rfyW Yisotrxr Vai.letokt, l-l s. ami h. ap., 6. 19 Nov. 1791. He A mini, and v. p., 29 Oct. 1318 at Mount Kdgrunihc]. Earldom, &c.. "I ,! nml •'. Kiixkst Al'OtSTUS ( KiMiet Miu:}, ... i l'.AUI. i iK Mot'NT ElXtCI'MBB, &C, 2d bill 1-t surviv. s. I ]S39 and h. ; K 23 March 17l'7. at Richmond Hill ; Koine* Barony I ' tinu', 181 1-19, an officer in the tat lleg. of Fori! guards ' receiving the Waterloo medal in 1816: sUiled Viscount V. J Vallktort, 1818-39 ; M l', for Fowey, 1819-20 ami for Lostwithiel, 1826-32; Militia aida-de-cam|i to King William IV., with rank of Colonel, 18305 Vic- Chamberlain to the Ooeen Consort, Adelaide, at her coronation, 8 Sep. 1831 ; Militia aide ite camp to < jlieen Victoria, 1S37 ; sur. In lli< iiirrii;/', 26 Sep. 1839. Spec. Hep. Warden nf the Stannaries, 1852. lie in. 3 Dec. 1831, at Bowood, Carolina Augusta, 1st da. and coheir of Meat Admiral Charles FbII.PINC, by Elizabeth Theresa, da. of Henry Thomas (FoX-STHANOWAY*)i 2nd Eaul ok I tA He A 3 Sep. 1861 aged 64, in hi* yacht off Erith. Hi* widow was sometime a Lady of the bedchamber, and, from 1854 an extra Lady thereof. She, was V.A. (2d class), and il. 2 Nov. 1881 aged 73, at Saltrain, near Plymouth. Earldom, kv. I) ami 0. William IIf.nky (EdccUMUe), jy Earl ok Mount Edocohdr [1789], Viscwsrr Mmwr I jgfji EiiocitMB8 and Vallktort [1781J, and Karon Km.- Barony. j itmrk ok Mount Humtmrk [1742], 1st s. mid h. : v . 5 Nnv. 183% in Sackville street ; ttj/ted Viscovnt / Vallktort, 1839-61 ; ed. at Harrow and at Ch. Ch.. Oxford ; extra Equerry to the Prince nf Wales, 1858 ; M.P. for Ply nth, 1859-61 ; sin: In the prcnujr, 3 Sep. 18(11 ; a Lord nf the Bed- chamber In the Prince of Wales, 1*02 to 1866 when he became an extra Lord thereof to 1879 ; er. D-C.L, nf Oxford, lii June 1863; Lieut, of Cornwall, 1*77 ; P.O., 1879 ; Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 1879 80; a Councillor of the Pitchy of Cornwall, 1883; Lord Steward <if the Household, June 1885 to Feb. 1886, and Aug. 18S6 to 1892 ; A.D.C. to the Queen, 1887. lie m, 26 Oct. 1858, at St. James' place, Westm., Katheriue Elizabeth, Hilda, nf James (Hamilion), 1st Duke ok AiiKRfORN [1.1 by Louisa Jane, da. nf Jnhu (Uk.sski.l), tUh Dkkk ok Ukiikiud. She, who WM

  • . 9 Jany. IS 10, <i. 3 Sep. 1871, at Mount Edgcuuibe, aged 34.

(■) Mad u D'Arblay says of him iu 1789 [Diary vol. v., p. 59), " He is a must mat little beau, aud his face has the ruses aud lilies as finely blended us that of his pretty young wife." J 1 ') Lord Chief Justice Kenyan in 1790 alludes to the evil doings of three TeeresseS of that date, (1) Alliinia, Countess nf Buckinghamshire; (2) the Couutcss of Mount Edgcumbe ; and (3) the Lady Archer. They kept "faro" tables, at which the young men were (it was popularly supposed} very considerably fleeced. They were, accordingly, wittily caricatured as l'haraolt's daughters.