Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/420

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II. 1646. 2. FEpwunp (SnHerriecp), Fart or Mutraravr, «c.,

grandson and h., being only s. and h. of Sir John Suerriein, by Grizel da. of Sir Edmund ANbERsON, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Plena, which John was 2d s. of the Ist Earl by his first wife, but d.v.p, being drowned in the Humber, Dec. 1414 with two of his brothers. He was 6. about Dee. 16115 was styled LORD SHEFFIELD, 1620-46 5 and sue. do the peerage in’ Oct. 1646 5 was a com- missioner of the navy and custom, 16ff and a Couneillor of State, 1649 and again fto Cromwell’ in or before 1654. He was one of the nine (lawfal) Peers(*) who, 10 Dee. 1647, were among the (62) members of Cromwell's °° /fouse of Lords.” He m. (Lic. London, 08 April 1631, to marry at Waltham abbey, be aged 20 and she 23) Rlizaheth, 2d da. of Lionel (Ckanvrenp), Ist Earn or Mippheskx by his first wile, Flizabeth, da. of Richard SaHernkap. He do on his way to London, 24 Aug. 1653. Will pr. 1058.) His widow a7. JS Oct. 166), at St. Andrews Undershaft, London (Lie. Fac.), ag his first wife. Sir Johu Bexxer, K-B., afterwards, (24 Nov. 1682) ev. Baron Ossulton, (who d. 1688, in his 70th year) and d. before May 1763,

TT. 1658. 3. JOHN (SHEFFIELD), Fart or MULGRAVE, &c, )

only a and h.; 6. 8 Sep. 1547, sur. to the peeraye, 2 Aug. 1058. We was er. 10 May 1694, MARQUESS OF NORMANBY, co, Lincoln and on 29 March 1702.5, DURE OF THE COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM AND OF NORMANBY, He d. 24 feb. 1720/1, in his 73d year.

1735, Eartor Muccrave[1620] and Darosx Snerrie. Dor Burren- WICKE [15.17], 3al but only surv.s.and bh. 5 6.3 Jan. 1712.6. He d. unm. 30 Oct, 1735, when all his honours became cetinet.

See fuller particnlars under “ Reckincuas,” Dukedom, en


= = % ™ oo tr 172k 4. FEpwunn (SUerriEcp), DUKE oF Duckixe- = to HAM AND NorManbY (1703), Marquess oF Normanby [164], 4




MULGRAVE, and MULGRAVE OF NEW ROsS. Barony [I.] I. COoNSTANTINE Pirirrs, of Mulerave Castle, co. York, tL 7m sand bh. of William Prorves.(o) by Catharine, da. and he of James

(ANNESLEY), 30 ann OF ANGLESEY, and Catharine his wife (illegit.

da. of King James If), which Catharine last named was, afterwards, wife of John (SHEFFIELD), Ist Dexe or Boerixeuau ann Nowmanny, and 4th Earn oF MULGRAVE abevenamed (being by him mother of the last Duke, whe devised to her the estates of the Sheffield family) was dap. at St. Andrew's Holborn, 22 Aug. 1722 ; sue. his father, 1 Feb, 1729/30; was adinitted to the Middle Temple, Loudon, 1 July 1739, and having on the death, 15 March 1712/3, of his grondmother, the Dow. Duchess of Bueckinghsm abevenamed, sue. to the estate of Mulgrave, &e., eo. York, was ev. 3 Sep. 1767, BARON MULGRAVE OF NEW ROSS, co. Wexford [1] He m, 26 Feb. 1742,3, at St, James Westin., Lepell, Ist da. of John (Hervey), Lorn Hervey (9. and h. ap. of John, Ist Fart or Braston), by Mary, da. of Brig. General Nicholas Lerett. He d. 13 Sep. 1775, aged 3, at Spain Germany, and was ber, at Croydop, Surrey. Admon, 13 Nov. 1775, and Ang. 1804. Elis widow, who was b. Jan. 1722/3, d. 11 and was bur. 13 March 1780, at Croydon, aged 47,

(*) See vol. i, p. 299, note “a.” sub “ Bedford” for a list of these Among “ the commanders in the artnies of the Commonwealth" is “ Capt. Shellield eldest s. to the Earl of Mulgrave " which probably refers to the Hon. James Sheffield, Ist sare. s. of the date Earl (see Visit. of Middlesex, 1663), being his first son by his second w;fe. The six rons of the Ist Earl, by his first wife, alld. in his lifetime, and only one of them (Joln) left a child. The eldest, Charles, d. a natural death, but John, Edmund and Philip were drowned in the Humber, Williams being drowned in France, while George “broke his neck ima new riding house, which his father had made of an old conse- erated chapel as Ehiave heard.” [ Dugdale).

(%) He (who was lap. 11 Oct. 1698, at St. Andrew's, Holborn), was the only surv. a. of eleven children of Sir Constantine Phipps, Lord ChaneeHor [ I], 1710 to 1714 (who d, 9 Get. 1723), by Catharine (mar. lie. at Vic. Gen, office, 10 Oct. 1684), da. of George Stuwyer.