Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/421

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MULORAVK MULL. 419 II. 1775. Barony [O.B.] ™ 2 nml 1. Coxstantine -Urn's (Pnirr.s), Pakon Mul- New Ross [T.]. s. and h. : b. 30 May 1744 ; entered the CRAVE. OF oivy, 1757, and was Capt. K.N., 1765, making in April 1773, a 1790, voyage©! discovery towards the north pole ; sue. to the peerage [1.1 t,, 13 Sep. 177'> ; was M.I', (or Lincoln, 17(38-74; for Huntingdon, 1 yno 1776-8 I ; and for Newark, 1784-00, taking an active part in support of the Ministry ;(*) a Lord of the Admiralty, 1777-8:2 : P.C., 17S4 ; ft Commissioner of the Board of Trade, 1781-86, and of the Board tntrol, 1781-91 ; Joint Paymaster Genera), 178I-S9. He was or. a Peer of Great .in, 7 July 1790, as BARON MULCRAVE of Mulgra»e,co. fork; F.R.S. (1771), He m. 20 June 1787, at St. James' Westrn., Anne Elisabeth, yst. da. of Nathaniel Ciioi.mlkv, of Howsham and Whitby, on. York, by his second wife, Henrietta Catherine, da. of Stephen Clin ft. of Stillington in that county. She, who was at Howsham, 7 Nov. 1760, d. 22 May 1788, and was bur. at Lyth, co. York. He J., 10 Oct. 1792, aged -IS, when the Barony of Multjraxt [G.B], became extinct. He was bur. at Lyth afsd. Will pr. Nov. 1792. I ill (' Brit Se. Barony [I.] 3 and 1. Henry (PHlPRs), BaruX Mulgrave of New lioss [I.] next surv. far. and h., being 3d s. of the 1st Baron; b. II Feb. 1756i entered the 1st Foot Guards, 1775, becoming, in 1793, Col. of the 31st Foot and eventually (1809) General in the army: M.P. for Totnes, 1781-90, and for Scar- borough, 1790-91, having site, to the pea-aye [I.], 10 Oct. 1792. Re was <■•: a Peer of Great Britain, 13 Aug. 1791. as BARON MUL.GRA.VEof Mulgrave, co. Vork: P.C., 1804 ; Chancellor of the Duchv of Lancaster, 1801-00 ; Foreign Secretary of State, 1805-06 ;' First Lord of the Admiralty, 1S07-10 ; Lord Lieut of the East Hilling of Yorkshire, 1S07 ; Master Gen. of the Orduauce, 1810-18. He was <•;■., 7 Sep. 1812, VISCOUNT NORMAN BY ol Normanbv, co. York.() and KARL OF MULGRAVE, in the said county, being made G.C.B., 20 May, 1820; P.S.A. (1793). fcc. He m., 20 Oct. 1795, at Houghton le Spiing, Martha Sophia, da. of Christopher Thompson M.w.inm, of tVest llerrington, co Durham, by Martha, da, nf John Sit eels, of Queen square, Middlesex. He </. 7 April 1831, aged 76. Will pr. Aug. 1831, His widow ,1. 17 March 1819, in Eaton s.ptare. Will pr. April 1S-I9. HI. 1702. Barony [G.B. II. 1791 Eaildom [D K] I. LSI 2. Earldorr. II. Baronv. III. Barony [L] 1831. .iii.I J h Cuxstantink IIexry (Pinrrs), Karl OF Ml'LGHAVE, VlSCOUNT XORMASBY, and BaHON Ml'L- OUAVS, also Baron* Mui.crave OF New Ross [I.], 1st s. and h. : /*. 15 May 1797 : styled Visohnt Normanby, 1812-31 ; -iiu: to the peerage [U.K., G.B., and I.], 7 April 1881. He was ftv, 25 June 1838,( l ) MAKQUESS OF NORMAN BY, co. York. See that dignity. MULL. i.e., " Invf.rary, Mull, Morvbut, and Tirie," Barony [S.] (Cmnpbell), n: 1701 with the Dukedom of Akc-yli. [S.J, which see. ( a ) He is frequently alluded to in Wraxall's "Memoirs' where it is said that " being formed on rather a heavy colossal scale, the opposition [party in the House of Commons] denominated him I'rsa Major. They likewise gave him the name of ilphe»ibmut." lie possessed " two distant voices, the one strong and hoarse, the other shrill and querulous." This peculiarity is alluded to iu * the Jiolliad," in the following alliterative lines.

  • * * * " within his lab'ring throat

The shrill shriek struggles with the harsh hoarse note." () There is a village of Normauby, near Whitby, iu co. York, as well as the one, near Market Raisin, in co. Lincoln. (') This was one of the "Coronation" peerages of Queen Victoria for a list ot which see vol. ii, p. 145, uote "b," sub " Carew." 2 D 3