Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/422

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420 MDLLINGAB — MULTON. MTJLLINGAR. i.e., " Yat;oiiax op MrrxiNriAR, co. Wnstmentli," Barony [I.] (Vuugkan), er. 1621 ; see " Caiuieky " Earltlem fl.], ci: 1828, both becoming extinct 1712. MULTON, oi- MULTON DE BGREMONT. Barony by 7. Thomas MS Mfl.ToX, of Million, ci. Lincoln ami of Writ. Egremont and Coekermonth, co. Cumberland, ami h. of Thomas t 1 °^>0 he Mt't.ToN of the same, who was s. and h. of Lambe-t de Mi lton, by Amabel, da. ami coheir of Richard de Liw, of Egremont ami Coclsermouth afsd., »««•, his father iii 131)1 : served in tin- wars with Scotland ; was sum. 26 Jan. (1208 7) 2f> Ed. !.(») to attend the Ring at Salisbury and was sum. to Pari. esaBaron (LORD MULTON or LORD MULTON DE EGRE- MONT; by writs. C Feb. (1298/9) 27 Ed. 1. to IS May (1320) 14 Ed. II., such writs having, after 1 Ed. 11. (1307-GS), the addition of the words "dt Bt/rtmuml." He was one of the Unrolls whose name, as " Thomas de .Mutton, Dominus itc t'ljranon" appears to the letter in 1301 to the Pope.( b ) He m. Aliaiiore, who survived him, and J. 1321-22. Esch, 15 Ed. II. IT. 1322, 2. Joux (de Multox, Lord Multox or Lord Moltox to nr. Euhemunt, s. and h., who did homage (1329] 3 Ed. III., being then 1334 Hot of full age. He was sum. to Pari, from 27 dan. (1 331 2) 8 E(L III. to 21 July (1331) 8 Ed. III. He *.[>.(<••) 23 Nov. 1334) 8 Ed. III., when the Barony felt into ubcynnce.[' i ) MULTON DE GLLLESLAND. Barony by l. Thomas de Multox, of Gilleslaml, co. Cumberland, Writ. s Mu ], of Thomas DE Mi lton, of the same, by Isabel, his wife, I l'>07 which Thomas sue. his grandmother (Maud, widow of Thomas he Mi'LTuN, da. and h. of Hubert DE VAUX, of Gillesland) in that estate shortly after 1293, ski: his father 1211.' when he was aged 13 ; served iii the Scotch wars, and was sum. to Pail, as a Baron 'LORD MULTON I )E GILLES- LAND) from 211 Aug. (1307) 1 Ed. II. to gfl N„v. 1313) 7 Ed. II. He il. .-..,011 afterwards. (Vans. 11 Ed. II. IL- 13131 ... Margaret, tin jure, sna jure, Karoxess Multox DB (~ilM.Esi.ASD da. and h. i aged 13 at her Eather's death. She, being then in ward to the King, was carried oil' from Warwic k Castle ami 1)1. in 1317, by Rai.I'H DajCHB, who however obtained the royal pardon for his offence. III consequence, doubtless, of this alliance he was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD DACRE) from 13 May 1321 to 15 Nov. 1338. See " D.u'HK " Barony, W. 1321. («). (") See vol. i, p. Ill, note"b," tub " Ap. Adam " as to this not constituting a regular writ of summons to Pari. (b) See " Kicolus," pp. 701-809 for a full description of this letter. ( c ) The marriage of Amabel de Holbech attributed to bim by Dngdalo, refers to some other John de Multou, one who was father of a Sir John Mutton tiring (13S7-SS) 11 Rich. II. Sec " Cull. Top. ct lien." vol. vii, p. 389. (*) The coheirs were his three sisters, of whom (1) Joan, then aged 30 was wife of Robert (Kit/waiter), Lord Kit/.walter, whose descendant and representative Robert (Radclill'e), 1st Earl of Sussex was incorrectly styled. (See vol. iii, p. 372, note "a") in 1512 " lord Egrcmond. (2) Elizabeth, then aged 28 and wife of Walter de Bermingbam, whose representation devolved on her s. and h ., by her Hist husband Sir Robert de llmington {i.e., John, Lord Harington, 1317-03) ami his issue (3) Mar- garet, then aged 21 and wife of Thomas de Lucy, afterwards (1342-65) Lord Lucy, whose issue became extinct, in 1318, on the death of her da. Maud, second wife to Henry (Persy), 1st Earl of Northumberland, to whom she left her considerable estates, still enjoyed by his descendants, who frequently, tho' incorrectly styled themselves " Ihtruiis Lucy." See p. 17-1, note " b," tub " Lucy." («) See vol. ii, p. 2, note '• e. 1 ' tub " Ditore," as to the presumed merger (a theory held by Sir Harris Nicolas) of this Uarony of Multou de Uilleslaud in that of Dacre.