Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/428

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426 MUSKERRY. II. 1640. ~. HoNuuiiU (Maccahty), Viscount Mvskkrry, &c [I.], s. by /list wife and heir (according to the spec. rotn. in its creation) of that dignity. He was 4. 1594 ; sue. to the pierage [I.], in May 1010. lie wascr. 27 Nov. IS58, EARL OF CLANCARTV, co. Cork [I.] See that dignity, which together with this one, was attainted in 1601. Barony [I.] l. Sir Robert-Tilsox Deaxe, Bait. of Springfiel.l, T 17*1 ** Limerick, 2d but 1st smv. .-. ami b. of the lit. lion. Sir Robert Dkane, 5th Bart. [1.], of Droniotv, co. Cork, bj ( 'harlotte, 2,1 .la. of Thomas Tilson, of Dublin, was hap, 2P Nov. 1 7 1 ~< ; sue his father in the Baronetcy [I.] (a dignity cr. 10 March 1/0!'). in Feb. 1770 ; was M.P. fur Cans- fort, 1771-7b - , ami for co. Cork, 1776-S0, and was en. 5 Jan. 17S1. BARON MUS- KERRY. CO. Cork [I.], taking his seal, 0 Oct. 17s.".. He was C.ov. of co. Limerick and l'.C. [I.] He m. May 177"!, Anue, only child of John FitzmaUMcE by (— da. of ( — V which John was s. and h. up. of John Fiizmavhkt., of Springfield t'astic, co. Limerick, liephew to Thomas, 1st Eaui. OF Kkhuv [I ] lie il. 25 June 1818, aged 72. His widow </. 30 July 1S30. II. l!>18. 2. John Thomas Fitzmauhice (Dkanh), Baron SIbs- KKltuv [I.], 2d hut 1st surv. s. and li. : />. 27 Sep. 1777 ; entered the army, in which he subsequently (1S21) became Major General ; C.B. ; sue. to Die peerage [I.], 25 June 1818. He Ml. 17 Jan. 1815, Sarah, 2d da. of M. Haynes of Bishop's Castle, Salop. He el. s.p. at Cacu, 24 Due. 1824, age 1 17, and Was bur. in the Protestant burial ground there. M.I. Will pr. Feb. 1825. His widow m. iu 1826, Frederick Dundas Radfohd,( :1 ) who (/. 30 Feb. 1S37, and <l. 2 Aug. 1852. III. 182-4. -J. Matthew Fit/.mauhice (Peane), Bav.on Muskerut [I.], only surv. br. and h., 6. 20 March 1705, at Springfield Castle; sue- to the peerage [I.], 25 Dec. 1824. He m. firstly, 13 Aug. 1825, at Stillorgan, co. Dublin, Louisa Dorcas, 2d da. of Henry Deane Gradv, of Lodge, co. Limerick, by Dorcas, da. of Thomas Spread, of Ballyoannon, co. Cork. She d. 25 Sep. 1S4G, in Merrion square, Dublin. He M. secondly, 13 April 1S64, Lucy, widow of Col. Aldrich, of the Royal Engineers. She d. 10 Jan. 1 SO/, at 3 Upper Wimpolc street, Marylebone. Will dat. 30 Dec. 136:", to 10 Nov. 1S66, pr. 10 Feb. 1867. He m. thirdly Elizabeth ( — ). He d. iu London, 19 May 186S, aged 73, at 11 Ciauley Place, Brompton, Midx. Will pr. at Dublin. His widow d. 1 Dec. 1S84, at Craulcy Place afsd. Admou. 17 Jan. lS85.( h ) IV. 1868. 4- Hamilton Matthew Tilson Fitzmaurice (Deane- Moegan), Baron Muskerrv [I.], and also a Baronet [I. 1700], grandson and h., being only r. and h. of the Hon. Robert Tilson Fitzmaurice Deane- Mokqan, formerly Deane, by Elizabeth Oeraldinc, let da. and coheir of Hamilton Knox Grooan-Moroan, of Johnstown Castle, co. Wexford, which Robert (who took the additional name of Morgan by Royal lie, 14 Dec. 1854), was s. and h. ftp. of the 3d Baron by his first wife and d. v.p., 28 Feb. 1857, aged 30. He was b. 18 May 1854 ; served in the Royal Navy, and sue. to the peerage [I.J, 10 May 1868- He >«., 23 Nov. 1872, Flora Georgina, 3d da. of the Hon. Chichester Thomas Fosteu- Skeffincton (2d s. of Harriet, tuo jure Viscountess Masseueenk [I.] ), by Amelia, da, of Arthur Blenneeiiasset, of Ballyseedy, co. Kerry. She was b. 4 Juue 1852. (») See " Annual Register" of 1837. It is, however, otherwise said that the lady's husband was named James Dawson, who, possibly, was a third husband. (>') It was granted to Belinda Anne Moore, of Wideombe, Bath, widow, sister and next of kin.