Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/429

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M CSKKRRY — MYSORE. 427 Family Eitate$, — These, in 1S83, consisted of 10,321 acres in co. Wexford ; 3,161 in en LiniertVJc ; TIJ in sx». Ti|'|ierary : I If) in co. Cailow ; 3i> J in co. Waterford ; 252 in co. Kilkenny, ami 28 eo. Cork. Total 15,277 acres, worth £10,736 a year. Piinciiml, Rttidtnee, Springfield Castle, near Drnmcolloher, cu. Limerick. " Only £2,005 of these rents are his Lordship's, the rest being held by his mother the lion. Mrs. DuHUC-HorguQ, who also holds ',41 acres in coinmou with Lady Ur.uiard." [Iiatemau's " (>Yca£ Landowner*," 1SS3.] MYSORE. Sec " II AKKlS OF SjSlUNGAPATAJI AND Mi'SOUE ill lliu East Indies AND ok Kkl.MonT, eo. Kent," Uarony (ttarris), cc. Id 1 5