Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/432

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4.10 CORRTCIiNDA BT ATWKNDA. p. 94, line 18: for "(Clinton)," read "(Clinton, alias Fiennes)." ., line 30 ; after Sep. lOlii," insert "ami trus tor; at T.ittcrshall." p. 95, note "a," insert at end. " The way in which the Clinton family clung to the name of Kieimes, or Fvnes, is illustrated by the following burial entries at Tatter- shall (see " N. and Q."," Rth 8., iv, 188), 1815 Sep. 20, "The Ut. Hon. Henry Funes, Knt . Lord Clinton and Say, Karl of Lincoln " ; 1018 .Fan. IS, '"the Right Hon. Thomas Pi/nes, Karl of Lincoln; " 1(51 S dan. 7, Katharine F»nc», da. of Thomas. Karl of Lincoln." p. 00. Add this note to the 7 th Earl. " It appears from Olipliant's ' Jacobite Lairds of (* that Lord Lincoln, 'withonly t'aOO per annum, ' having been mentioned as one of 'the poor quality in Kngland tn 'Lord i'orrington.' [t/aern the Karl of Torrington (J who hated his heir at law, that Lord (tho' he had never seen hinj) left, him an estate of (.'0,000 a year." p. 09, line 18; for "Sir Uohert Stuart, of Lorn," rem) » Robert StkwaiitI, 1st I D LoHS fS.j" p. 101. lines 8 and If far" .Ikkkkkiks of Rllillingley," read " Jetl'rey of ('hidin"ley." ,, lines 38 and 39; dele "widow of the Hon. George Berkeley"; for "da.," read " '2d and yst. da.," add to " coheir," this us a r.ote " Kliznheth, the eldest da. and eobftirnt, George, Karl Berkeley." ,, line 10 ; for " 1'ellit, read " Pkttit." p. 10S, line 1(5 ; to " forfeited add this as a note " See vol. iii, p. 1!'2, note ' a,' tut ' Dulhis,' for a list of the peerages forfeited in the rising of 1715." p. 134, line 9; after" widow, insert "who was bap. 21 July 1777, at Chiclieley, Bucks " ; for " 09, anil was bur.," read " 09, at KorbitOB Mall, and was bur. 24." p. HI, line 0; to " 18? 2 " add this note. He is the Lord Etkdede in Disraeli's tovel of Coning&y [1841]. See p. 307, note " a," sub " Mexborotigh." p. 149, line 22 ; to " firstly " add this as a note " See .V. and (I. 3d S . viii. 48, as to a supposed first wife who d. at Fainham, 1792-93, leaving an infant, ' Mary Kerr Hart,' a Poetess." p. lf>7, line 17 ; for " Taafe, and (/. Oct. 1710, aged 37," read " Taafft (who il. ]S Oct. 1730, aged (50) and d. Oct. 1710. or 1711, aged 37 ; M.I. at Dulcek." Adit as note thereto. " See A', and Qt, 5th S, ii. 0;".." p. 107, line 13 ; tor " 1840," read " 1840-98." „ line 22 ; after "service," insert "da. ( f John .Iknkins." p. 178, line 1 ; after " blood " add this note. " See ' Oenealoifut ' N.S., w>l, ix. p. 203, tub. 'the Karldom of Kildare ' for some able remarks of Mr. .1. Horace Hound, as to this ' restoration,' or rather new creation." „ line 17 ; after" s.p.s." add "at his house in St Olave'u, Hart Street, London." p. 187, note "a " ; itfiert at cad. " hither he, or George Smythe, afterwanls the 7th Viscount Strangf"rd [I.] is supposed to be Caningtbu (himself] in Disraeli's novel of Conimjsby [1844]. See p. 307, note ' a,' sub. ' Mexborollgh.' " p. 192, note " e" ; insert at end. " Dr. Doran, however, in 1 Their Majesties' tenant*.' (vol. i, p. 34;") rejects the theory that the poet, Savage, was son of this Countess." See A', and Q., 8th 8, iv, 111. p. 193, add this note to the second Karl. " He is grouped with other dull sons of distinguished Sires (all these " Sires " being curiously enough, Lord Chancellois) by Pope (in the " Otinciad ") as below.

  • * * " Great Ofowper], H[arcourt], Pfarker], K[ing],

Why till your toils ! Vour ton* have learn'd to sing How quick ambition hastes to ridicule — The Sire is made a Peer, the Son a Kool." [See " A', and Q.," Sth S., iv. 2J.J p. 190, line 23 ", for •' Cromar," read " Cromer." p. 219, note " b," line 3. After "Mane" insert. "The Karldom of Moray [S] also was therein attributed to him as well as to his father, Gillocher." p. 220, line 21 ; for "«." read " M. not earlier than 1292." p. 221, line 28 ; to "Earl of Douglas and Mar," add this note, "An article, by Mr. J. Horace Round, on the Earldoms of Douglas and Mar, is announced for the forthcoming number (Oct. 1893) of the Genealogist." p. 224, note " c." In pedigree, under " Sir Kdward (Ceil b, of Lyntoti," /or "d. 1347," read " d. 1350." p. 230, note "d"j line 1; /or "John (Erskine," read "John (Krekiue), Lord Krskiue."