Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/56

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54 LEIGH. IV. 173S. U Til. ..MAS f.l.KHI I. JUUOK I.KHill OK StoNVILIUII. '2.1 Imt i.i! I v surv. a and h, A../.. 29 April 1713. at Stem-high ; tuff. f/<e pttragc, 9 March 1737/8, taking his seal. 25) March 173V. Ue M, firstly, ulK)Ut 1730, Maria Rebecca, sister of William, 5th Bauon Cuavks hk Hammlo Marshall, da. of Juhn I'liAYKN, of Whitley, CO. Warwick, by Maria Reb. cca, ila. til Henry Greek, of Wykiu in Coventry. She was bur. 9 I'ee. 1710. at Stoneleigh. He m. secondly, in Dec. 17-17, Catharine, da. of his maternal uncle. Rowland Rkkkklky, formerly Giikkn, of Cotheri.Ige, co. Worcester, hy Mary. .1... and coheir of George Boh UN, of Coundou, c. Warwick, lie rf. 30 Nov. and was l>m: 9 Dee. 1710, ftged 36, at Stoneleigh. Will dat. S3 June 17 IS. to 2 Nov. 1749, pr. 7 April 1750. V. 1749, o. EmvAitD (LeioiO, Bahos Leigh ok STOSKLEiGn to [1043], and a Baronet [Hill], 3d but only BffltT. s and h. by 1st wife, 178G. 1 March 1742. and pon. at Stoneleigh; sac to (lie pecraye, 30 Nov. 1749, taking his seat 15 March 1 7 <> 4. He was found a lunatic. 7 Aug. 1774. He d. uon. 4 June 17Sti, aged 41, when all hid honours became extinct.!*) Will dat. 11 May 1767, pr. 22 July 17Sd.(») VI. 1S39. 1. Chandos Leigh, of StonoIeigK Abbey, co. Warwick . and of Adlestrop. Co. Gloucester, s. and h. of James Henry LKIOH, of Adlestrop afsd., by Julia Judith, da. of Tln.mas (TwisLi-rrciN), Loud Say and Sei.k. He was b. 27 June and bap. 22 July 1701, at St. Maryl. bone : mat. at Oxford 'Ch. (") The title was claimed hy George LeiVh, as the 7ih Baron, in 1813. He was br. and h. of John Leigh, whori. num. 24 July 1860, aged SO. and whownss. and h. of James Leigh, of Blackrod, co. Lancaster, who tl. 22 May 17SS, aged .A all three being alleged to have been (since 1780^ tic jure Barons Leigh of Stoneleigh. The said James was 1st s. of Robert Leigh ((/. 178a, aged 70). who was 1st s. of Janu s Leigh (a*. 1709, aged 29), who was 1st surv. s. of Roger Leigh (d. 1702), all three being of Haigh, co. Lancaster. The said Roger last mentioned was alleged to have been a sou (by a first wife, whose maiden name was Cottou), of the Hon. Christopher Leigh uji|r. at Stoneleigh 16 Sep. 1072), the 4th sou of the 1st B aron. It appears, however, that the true descent of the claimant's great gnat grandfather, Roger Leigh, of Haigh (who </. 1702) was fiat (instead of being the son of the Hon. Christopher Leigh) he was the son of Robert Leigh, of Haigh tl.y Jane bar. at Wignn in 1 07 1 which Robert was s. of (another) Roger Leigh, also of llaigh, who d. before 1625. See "The Lagh Parage" Sec, two vols., Svo , pub. by Canston fl8S2?] In this curious work there is allusion to a monumental inscription said to have existed in Stoneleigh church to this Christopher and to have been removed in 1H1, it being stated that Christopher's (alleged) first marriage and the issue thereof was thereon recorded. It appears also (see Annual ltegitttr for 1S4S, Vliromrlr, p. 02), that a mob on behalf of George Leigh attempted to seize Stoneleigh Abbey, on the plea that it belonged to him, and that in May 1 SI S Lord Leigh (it's owner) was actually charged w ith the murder of some of these rioters. ("J By his will he devised his estates in favour of his sisters and their issue with a rem. (which took erect on the death of the Hon. Mary Leigh, 2 July 1S06), " unto the first and nearest of my kindred being male and of my name and blood " that was then living. Coder this devise James Henry Leigh, of Adlestrop (father of Chandos Leigh, who in 1S39 was raised to the peerage of Leigh of Stoneleigh) became entitled in 1806. He (who d. 1823, aged 58 , was s. and h. of James L. id. 1774. aged 50), who was s. and h. of William L. Id. 1 757, aged 00), who was s. and h. of Theophilus L. (d. 172:.), who was 4th s. of William L. (</. 1090, aged 86), all four being of Adlesthorp afsd. The last named William L. was s. and h. of William L , of Long- borough, co. Warwick (</. 1032, aged 46',, who was 1st s. of Rowland L. of the tame (living 1590) which Rowland was eldest br. of Sir Thomas Leigh, of Stoneleigh, cr. a Btuouet in 1611, who was father of Thomas, the 1st Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh.