Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/57

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LEKiH — LBIJs'STEB. 55 Ch ). 8 June 1M0:( :I ) hi* father in the Leigh estates. 27 (Jot, lSiS.C 1 ) and was rr, 11 May 1889, HAKoN LEIGH OF SToXEl.KlflH. co. Warwick, taking his seat on the JStJt. He «' , S June 1819, at .St. Maiyicbone, Slarsaratte, da. of the Rev. William Shipprn Wiu,ER;( e j of Astrup bouse. 66. Northampton, by Margaret, da. of John SVm.J.*»Si of Patithuwell, co, Carmarthen. Ho d. 27 Sep. 1850, aged 59, at Bonn on tin' Rhine ami waa &nr. 8 Oct at Stoueleigh. Will pr. Nov. 1S50. His willow tf. 5 Feb. litiO, at 30 Portuian square, and was bur. at Stoueleigh. VII. 1850. .'. Wii.i.ia.m IlKxitv (Leioo), Bahox Leiqh op Stosb* T.KIoll [1839], s. and L.. h. 17 .Ian. 1821, and lia/i. at Adlestrop, 0B. Gloucester; ed. at Canibiidge (Tria. Coll.); LL. 1). ; me, to the peerave, 27 April 1850, taking his Beat, 7 Feb. 1851: Lord Lieut of Warwickshire, 1856. He 2:! Aug. 1SJS, at St. Geo. Mar., hj,, CanililW Amelia, Mil ila. of liichard (QboSVBXOB), 2d MAHQVKSa ok Wksiminmkii, by Elizabeth Mary. d i. of George Granville (Levkson- GoWP.b), 1st P/CKE ity SutamitASD. Slie was 6, 11 June and !/a^). 23 July 182S, at Ecoleston, co. Chester. Family IMutcs.— These, in 1S83. consisted of 1 1891 acres "in Warwickshire ; 2,330 in Stalloidslih e ; 2.232 in Gloucestershire ; 1.10-S in Chesbire, and 294 in Leicester- shire. Tutal 20,965 acres, worth £32,013 a year. Principal licsidinccs. Stoneleigh Abbey, near Kenilworth, co. Warwick, and Adlestrop House, co. Gloucester. LEIGH UN. See " Brlretox of I.eigiiux, to, Corlow," Barony [I.] (Brereton), cr. 1624 ; ex. 1722. LEIG HTON-BROMSWOLB. iseo " Cliftox of Lekuitox-Bromswoi.d " [co. Huntingdon], Barony [Clijton), cr. 160S. i.e., " Stuaht of Leiohton'-Brojiswdld, co. Huntingdon," Barony [Stuart), cr. 1619, with ths Laiii.dom ok MaBCH. See "Lennox" Dukedom [_S.], o: 1581, sub the third Duke. LEIXSTER (<>) [See vol. i, p. ix, for sowo remarks on tho Kingdom of Ltinster and its subsequent division.] i.e., " Leixster " Earltlnni [I.] {Cholmmulrlrij), cr. 3 Marcli 1645/6 ; Bee Choi.mondki.ey ok Kixls " Viscoiuitcy [I.], cr. 1628 ; both honours ex. 1659. (*) He was " earl.v distinguished by his elegant scholarship;" was the author of The island of Lott [1S12] and other poems and was "among those young men of ability and distinction to whom Holland House offered its brilliant attraction*." These early promises, however (inasmuch as he never held any ollice and was never in Pari.) teem hardly to met it the peerage granted to him by the *' liberal" Ministry of Lord Melbourne. 0>) See p. 64, note " b." ( c j Ho was son of Edward Willes, a Justice of the King's Bench, 17oS-S7, who was 2d son of Sir John illes, Lord I'll. Justice of the Common Pleas, 1737-01. ( A ) See vol iv, p. 321, note "c " sub "Ireland," as to a creation by the Tope's nuncio to Ireland, 1572-S5, of Sir Thomas Stukeley as Manjucss fjf £efi:«.'cr,.ijc,.