Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/65

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LENNOX. 63 Darnley. He accordingly reverted to his former designation, as Lord Darnley; was Warden of the West burders, 14S1, and was one of the Lords who seized Kin;; .lanes III. CS.1 at Lander in 1 1S2, from whom, however, he received pardon, continuiBg in attendance on him. In Oct. 1483 (the 1st P4rl< of James IV. [$.]) he acuta sat as HAUL OF LENNOX [S] which appears henceforth; 3 ) to h ive been allowed to him and his issue. The custody of Dumbarton Castle wis given to him and his eldest son. 20 Get, 14SS, but they next year rebelled usainst the Kins, were d efeated at Tillymoss and were fill felted in June 1439, tho' the sentence was annulled, :'i Feb. Ji39 90. He m. (indre. 13 May 1433), Margaret, 1st da. of Alexander (MdntooMkuv), 1st Lobd Mostudmkrt [S.J. Marsaret, da. of Sir Thomas BotO, of Kilmarnock. He d. between 8 July and 11 Sep. 1495. XII. 1495, // nt 2, Matthew iStuart), Earl of Lf.xn-ox, mid Lord Darni.ev [H.J, s. mid h. He, on 5 May 1-1 53 (being then called ,: Master of Llernelev ") had safe conduct to go into England ami w is with his father in his rebellion, 1 188-90. lie m. before II Sep 1495, Elizabeth, da. of James (Hamilton - ), 1st Loan II.vmii.ton [S.], by tiik Lauv Mart Stewart (widow of Thomas [Botnl, Earl of Arrau |S.|), da of King James II. [S.J He rf. 9 Sep. J 61 3, being slain at the battle of Fioddeni h ) where he was in commaud of the right wing. [William Stuart, Master of Levnox.s. hnO b. np. He m. Margaret, da of V jllirua (Graham), 1st Haul of Montrose [S.], and d. s.p. and v.p. in or before 1513. lit— widow in. Sir John Somhuvii.i.k. of C.unbusnethau.] XIII. 151.". 22 or $ .L.iin- iStuaut), Kaiu. of Lunxox mid Lord Darni.kv [SJi 2d but only ear*, s. and h. He was one of the Lords of the regency, 1524. during t lie minority of Kins -lames V. [S.], whose rescue from tin' hands of the I), msl as family he endeavoured to effect but was defeated, 4 Sep. 152ft, at Linlithgow, taken prisoner and inordered in cold blood. He m. Anne, da. of John (Stkwaiu), Kami, ok Athole [SJ '.uterine br. at King James II. fS.] , by his second wife, lileaiior, da. of William (Si.VCI.air), 1st KaHL of Caithness [S.] He </. 4 Sep. 1 520, as afsd. (') Andrew (.Stewart), Lord Avamlalc [S.], w ho held » life grant of the comitatut of Lennox (as above stated) had died shortly before. ( b ,i The following notice of the effect (if tile battle of Flodden, 9 Sep. 1513, on the Scotch noliles was compiled by one of them wdio was well versed in their history, viz., the Karl of Caithness, who </. 20 Jan. 1391, aged 98.—" Tl»a battle of Flodden ma le sad havnc amongst, the holders of peerages at that date, although none of the peer- ages themselves became extinct. There were at tint time 21 Karis and 29 [30 ?J 11 irons or Lord* of 1'arli iment. Of the former [/ e., the ill Hurts], ten perished on the Held of battle, vis. (1) Crawford (2) Krroll (3) Caithness (4) Argyll (5) Athole (6) ltothes (!?)• Lennox (3) Lo'hwell (!)) Montrose and (10) Cassilis. Kitten either escaped or were not present, wi. jl) Sutherland (2) Angus (3) Menteith (4) Huntly (5; Marischal (ti) Morton (7! Mu. liiu (S) Glenoairu (9j Moray (10) Arran and (11) Kglinr in. Tito eldest sons of Korls were killed, ri:.. the Masters (1) of Angus and (2; of .Marischal. Of the [ ali..ver.aoied] Parous there were [also ten] slain [nr. J the Lords ( 1 ) Setoii (2) Max- well (3. Borthwick (4) Erskine (5) Hay of Vaster (6) Sinclair (7) Semplll (8) Hemes (9) Hoss of Hawkhead and 1,10) Klpllinstone. Those who escaped or who were not present were [nineteen, rh., the Lords (1) Somerville (2> Forbes (3) Saltoun (4) Gray (5) Lindsay of livres It!) Lvle (7) Cathcart (S) Glands (9) Fleming (10) Livingstone (11) Oliphnnt (12) Lovat (13) Home (11) Carlyle (15) Hutu von (Id) Dnimiuond {17} Criehton (IS) Ogilvie and (19) Kvandale. [Pour eldest sons of Borons, viz.], the Masters of ii) Cathcart (2) Uliphant (3) Lovat and (4) ltuthven were also slain. From this list it appears that nut of tijUj Peers no less th in twenty were slain, which twenty, alphabetically arranged, are as under, ri: (1) Arsyll (t) Athole (3) lioth- well ('■!) Borthwiek (5) Caithness (t!) Cassilis (7) Crawford IS) Elphinstone (9) Krroll (10) Erskine (11) Hay of Yester (12) Hemes (18) Lennox (14) Maxwell (15) Mont- rose (10) Boss of Hawkhead (17J Kothei (IS) Sempil! (19) Setnn and (20) Sinclair, besides tix Meet sons of Peers, ri:., the masters of (1) Angus (2) Cathcart (3) Lovat (4) Marischal (5) Uliphant ami (0) ltuthven. If, however (as seems to have been the case) Thomas Stewart the holder of the Baron; of Innermeath in 1513 was a Lord of Pari., he must be added to the above list, making tho total number, 51 out of which 21 were slain.